123  2019-06-15 by Strictlybutters


My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. THE JUICE 🥤 IS LOOSE 🚙 -,

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Is Twitter gonna give him a blue check? I know it's supposed to only mean it's actually him but some people have gotten de-verified for their opinions and his opinion that he is not a double murderer isn't very woke.

I'm sure a black guy who "totally didn't" murder some white people will have no issues getting verified.

A foid, especially a cheating one, ranks higher in the hierarchy.

A white foid

What about one that was fucking a Jewish waiter?

white people

Stein... white... confusion.

Murder = premeditated killing of another person + power

Football and movie star OJ Simpson is a black man in America, so he has no power. Therefore OJ is innocent of murder.

Now apologize!

But he's not black. He's OJ.


Oh I cannot wait for his rants

Remember when u committed those murders?


ffs, it was just a couple of mayos.

It's not murder if the "victim" isn't human.

This but completely unironically

Ronald Goldman

Ummm, sweaty...

The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Mayo and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

One Mayo, one Jew.

lol those comments are pretty funny. For once Twitter gets humor right. I hope he talks about if he killed someone how he would do it.

yeah and all the bluechecks are triggered as fuck, the funny ones almost entirely are checkless

thats because being funny on twitter gets you de-verified

got a lil getting even to do

Holy fuck I'm erect

This could be so interesting

Oh shit, here we go again.

Time to buy another small glove 😎😎😎

is the general consensus black people think he's innocent and generally ONLY black people?

not guilty criminal court

guilty in civil court

based and centerPilled

Yes, literally every person I’ve met or listened to online/TV that think OJ is innocent is black. Their is even a movie coming out where it’s argued OJ is innocent and they interviewed a bunch of famous black people during production that all supported the project.

I legit think he was covering for his son. But I wouldn't be shocked if it was him either way.

That conspiracy theory was debunked even more than the vaccines don't cause autism one

I know he did it but think he should be applauded

He killed a coal burning foid and a Jew, he truely is based

Came to post this. OJ is literally pol but actually based

A true based back man yet whitoids still hate him

Proof we need mayocide

well no I love him

Oddly enough, I read the entire Wikipedia article on his trial 2 days ago.

This is pretty interesting.

He only got off because of the whole Rodney King stuff.

That was kind of the feeling at the time.

They’re are also a few MGTOW types who like the idea that he killed his gold digging wife

Except he physically abused her once they got married all the time . So she divorced him. Like, it wasn't golddigging that made her leave him.

Maybe not, but I don’t think the intellectuals at MGTOW care

The OJ Simpson trials came right after the Rodney King stuff so there was a lot of "dindo nuffin" stuff coming out at that time. Plus, his team of lawyers were definitely in a higher class of lawyerdom than the underpaid and overworked Marcia Clark. The other black prosecutor (forget his name) did an AMA a couple years ago. I enjoyed reading his answers. He was clever. In his answers, he definitely still thinks OJ is guilty.

South African detected

Chris Darden. He's the cunt that fucked it all up

Yes! forgot his name. His AMA on reddit was pretty good. His lawyering was pretty good. He answered questions without really answering them lol.

While it wasn't Marcia Clark's fault entirely the prosecution and LAPD fucked up multiple times to the point it likely would've been overturned on appeal if there was a guilty verdict. Non-disclosure of evidence to the defense usually sinks even a rock solid case.

Some good irony in the fact that the LAPD was so eager to get a rich black dude that they fucked up the case.

Kinda? Really they didn't want a generation of competent defense lawyers poking around more. Remember at the time the LAPD was arguably the single worst big city pds in the nation.

That's an interesting take. How would better handling by the LAPD have caused the defense to poke around more?

You got it backwards. If they could put away OJ quick they could go to the state and feds and basically say "See? We can do this, even if the suspect is rich and powerful... No need to comb our case files... And let's make sure we can do our job and letting in every defense lawyer into every eency weency bit of evidence would hurt that."

The fact that the LAPD didn't even entertain other suspects really laid the defenses ground work, like Jason Simpson (which the defense never mentioned IIRC) who was just out from pysch holding for threatening to do exactly what transpired or that there was a similar murder some 6 months before. If the LAPD ran down at least two other possible leads the prosecution probably would've won just on that.

There were contemporaneous and independent of that trial reports of whistleblowers inside the LAPD crime lab was not handling evidence properly, or adhering to chain of custody regs. As well the State's star witness, and LAPD golden boy, Mark Furhman repeatedly asked over the course of years to be put on desk duty *because he knew his racial animus was clouding his judgement."

But it all came out and the FBI and DoJ and State Investigators started to go over case files and IIRC threw the LAPD in receivership.

OJ likely did do it, or at least covered up for Jason, but the rush sunk that case.

Don't forget Ito letting it turn into an absolute circus. He went on fucking talk shows.

There are other angles to this. Like the LAPD completely fucking up the crime scene. By the time the first photo was taken of the bodies, there were already police bootprints in the blood.

Also, there were some irregularities with the coroner that did the autopsies. Its hard to say exactly what was going on, but the coroner was handling an obscene case load, and going by the number of autopsies he performed he could not have possibly spent the required amount of time on every body he did.

go watch the videos of the chimp outs and the nayy nays flying when he was announced not guilting. Black people dancing on fucking cars.

I was always under the assumption that outside of his friends, everyone knew he was guilty they just took it as a miscarriage of justice that benefited a black man for once.

Killing coalburner is not a crime 👏🏿

>makes a twitter account 25 years almost to the day after the murder of his wife

I definitely think there's some promise here, but so far it's just retards on twitter making lady killer jokes.

You Find Me Quite Charming And I Find It Quite Alarming

But for real... It had to be his son, right?

Thursday, June 13 marked the 25th anniversary of the murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ron Goldman.

mods should extend an invite to OJ to mod here.

what would OJs special flair be?


Why? It obviously wasn't his, it didn't even fit.

you forgot an important part OP

O.J. Simpson joins Twitter on 25th anniversary of wife's murder

Thursday, June 13 marked the 25th anniversary of the murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ron Goldman.

I wonder if any brands would be willing to give OJ a sponsored tweet.

ladies and gentlemen, this is chewbacca.

how come football man turning into jello man in his old age?


seems like a nice guy

Great guy until you get on his bad side.

But for real.

1 tweet and he already has plenty of twitter users seething. I have a feeling he's gonna kill it on twitter.

If you watch the video, his head looks like a lemon.