r/Socialism goes into damage control to defend China against the Hong Kong protests

322  2019-06-15 by GodOfDarknessWine


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I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


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My screen is blurring and tilting, can anyone help me? This didn't happen the last time I used Reddit Drama and it's not happening for any other Reddit clubs.


Sorry, I don't remember the part where I made a joke? Feel free to try being a nice person for once, have a great day.

Yeah they messed with the CSS a while ago for desktop. If you wait enough the comment chain will be unusable because it does a axis transform like a spiral. Just disable Reddit's CSS and you're good.

Feel free to try being a nice person for once

That was me being nice :'(

Thank you for your help! Maybe all of the drama clubbers aren't trolls after all, hehe.

What's a CSS?

For programmers CSS is the demon spawn of HTML being cobbled together for over 30 with no effective design markups built in.

It means "Cascading Style Sheets" and it tells your browser how to render, read: display, the underlying items to your screen.

How do I turn it off???


>still allowing subreddits to show you custom styles

It's in your preferences, and RSS can disable it on a per-sub basis.

I think it's in the settings page but I'm a mobiLOL poster so I was never arsed to figure it out honestly.

Your nice isn't nice enough, sweaty



Is this supposed to be a meme account to parody “summer reddit”? You’re an unironic boomer if you still complain about summer Reddit

Thanks for the criticism, BUTTHOLE420.

Those in glass houses!

You’re an unironic boomer

you say that like it's a bad thing

> nu drama falls for new user gimmick account


You must taysthirdgussy/the guy roleplaying as a black guy

You suck at rp and bait bro

Based retard,

Hey! I need those kidneys!


Evidence is starting to pile up that ....

That was as far as I made it

You didnt miss much. Whole lotta C O P E.

Incredibly indubitably reactionary

I did like the part where Capitalists made Hong Kong better for everyone purely for selfish reasons and to fuck with the Utopia that is China. That should be the US's new motto: Bettering lives across the globe with our hatred!

"we make countries better to dab on communism!"

Destroying global poverty to own the libs

Flexing on socialist bitches since 1776

I look forward to the day when every drama commenting is streamlined into only blank posting any comment we would have wanted to make with various novelty accounts



When communism was still a force to be recokoned with in the world, capitalism spent on us like it loved us and was scared of losing us; now it's stopped going to the gym and shows flashes of violent anger at the dinner table when we want to spend a bit more time with friends

This but unironically.

I think it's more of the balding late middle aged accounts manager too cucked by it's "job creator" trophy wife so keeps on giving freebies in the fear of being left.

when your ideology is literally a projection of your failed relationships and family issues

It all makes sense now...

Capitalism gave me Daddy issues.

Chicken or egg? I think a lot of the anti-capitalism stuff stems from daddy issues leading to general authority issues.

Every day I'm on far far left Reddit, I thank God these subs are filled with outwardly disturbed persons, almost none of whom can fight or shoot.

Tfw i know a radical liberal+communist person irl and hes obese and never shot a gun in his life

implying radical liberals and radical communists are within the same camp

Yeah and people on 4chan are god-like.


Have Sex

Literally everyone is an incel and alt righter, you'll see!






Well, at least channers can shoot people. Be better, do better.

Yeah but who beat ze Germans?

Nobody involved, most assuredly.

Sadly yes. The right has mastered comedy and memes.

It's time for a great cleansing for internet users. Daddy Xin, nuke us please

My grandpa gassed some minorities and is a strong shitposter

Certainly not Antifa, if that's what you're implying.

Definitely not antifa. USSR however played a massive role in winning the war. It just has zero to do with any leftist on the internet today.

Yeah I know, it just seemed like jay was one of those retards who call the Allied forces antifa just because they actually fought some nazis. Shits down right disgraceful

Soviet men and US steel won the war, Soviets needed lend lease or they would've starved, US needed the Soviets because they didn't have the man power

Sure I agree. It was an effort that required everyone involved to end it.

Ivan by the millions.

Certainly not a 19 year old West Coast Commie.

The 4chan meetup pictures actually have diversity and, what looks like, stable and healthy people. The reddit mod meetup pics every one is a ham planet.

Don't forget cum filled brownies

stable and healthy people


The one pol meet up pick where there was no whitey blew my mind.

And that alien

Those are all rightists.

I wouldn't say stable, I don't understand how you can be an Asian or a Mexican and be a white nationalist and I don't know how you can be a WN and accept non-Europeans in your group. Maybe healthy in that they look like a sort of average people but then honestly so are most commies.

WAAAAAY more diverse than far left communities though, that one pic of the /pol/ meet-up even has a couple of bio-women.

has never been on fit

Also pol is literally more diverse than any western leftist group in existence lol

But, what’s far worse, they can vote, just like the rightioids, MDEfugees and CAutists

But they don't vote/vote for parties no ones heard of. So it's not that big of deal.

tfw you have to defend your failed communist state that is now openly capitalist because they once pretended to be commies and have your favorite color on their flags

These are the people who call you bootlicker, btw

The government crushing the working class under its boot is actually a good thing, bootlicker

Uhm, it's the people's boot, sweatie.

Its the peoples stick.

the only reason Hong Kong is so well off to begin with is because, similarly to South Korea, anti-communist western forces poured and poured tons of money into their economy

The UK didn't help them out of the kindness of their hearts. They did it simply to serve their own interests.

When you get the wrong answer with the correct formula

hmm i wonder if we should emulate those countries that have tons of money to pour into developing nations

on second thought no lets emulating the starving countries

The yearly transfer of capital from the global south to the global north is over six trillion dollars a year. Please, stop "giving" developing nations so much.

The Hong Kong leftists of the 60s who rioted for Mao were so much cooler than these running dogs who live there today. Oh well, Hong Kong will always be part of China, stop being such a little bitch.

I'm sure the Chinese will be much more gentle towards these violent rioting savages than America totalitarians are towards the peaceful Memphis protests against their incredible brutality and authoritarianism. Most people define violence in terms of lives, Americans are unique in defining violence solely in terms of dollars with no care in the world for lives. Fascists defined the word "violence" such that it cannot apply to them - down with the bourgeois!

Down with the violent totalitarian American fascist dictatorship! Long live the People's Republic of China and its free and proud people, including those Chinese who live in Hong Kong (and are loyal to their country)! China is far more democratic than America, with its unelected fascist "President".

Over a hundred thousand Americans die every year from imposed poverty. America has starved more poor people over the past century than all other nations combined, due to the totalitarian nature of capitalism. But this is not violence somehow, oh no. America is a giant death camp for the poor and homeless.

Surely this is a copypasta

Africa receives over 1 trillion in aid from the West, but since the 1960s their GDP per capita has declined, which coincidentally coincides with the withdrawal of colonial powers.

How much does the west get from Africa?


Very little, pretty sure only France has colonies giving them money today

Oh youre naive to think that exploitation only happens when you literally steal from someone. Do you think when the west gives money to Africa it does so out of compassion?

Please show me any forced exploitation or stealing happening in Africa.

Do you think when the west gives money to Africa it does so out of compassion?

I think it's more out of guilt, don't really see why else they would be dumb enough to do so

How do you think financial aid works?

The debt is less than the aid they receive and your wikipedia link talks about shit from the 1960s


Were you leaking brain cells as this was being typed?

When you inadvertently admit colonialism was a good thing.

For people that dont believe in personal ownership, nobody self owns like socialists

Self ownership is a right we all have in our neo utopia.

b-but they were white!!!!

They honestly believe that China is the better of the two though, and that Hong Kong needs more assimilation to be just as good as their mainland counterpart.

Of course, the Simpsons did it first.

When you secretly admit a nation of mayos did more for the people than the people's state

Which part is incorrect?

First world socialists yet again taking a stand against the stupid working class and defending the totalitarian government.

Okay, this is epic

Just tankie things

It really is a magnificent and terrible time to be alive.

You hate to see it

I keep saying we need another great plague but noooo, everybody is just gonna keep getting vaccinated and the world will continue to spiral out of control

Vaxxers are accelerationists

I love it when you put a positive spin on things Steve 😍

Here I am, pozzing up the world 👁️👄👁️

You're just like Jesus. 😇


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Stevus, I bless thee

They call me Stevus F. Brule

spend time offline retard

Every day baby

damn....thanks man. for a minute i thought u didnt. now, i know that you do. my perception of you has changed i will take that in account when i read your reddit comments inthe future. :)

I'm so glad, your opinion means the world to me

no problem man. i strongly bleive r/drama survives on narcicsm so im doing my part



Speaking of totalitarian government, when is annoysthefellas going to remove these DEHUMANIZING and OPPRESSIVE flairs

We can't even ping the mods. This is oppression

China is basedasfuck though

Right. China isn't even really socialist. There aren't many aspects that are aby more socialist than others.

I live in Brazil, and most people here think Bernie Sanders is a fucken joke. People that have actually lived under Socialist government or very close to it generally find it amazing how first worlders seemingly salivate over AOC, Bernie and those like them.

You stupid dirty poor brown person, I hope you get a socialist government that sends you to work in a labor camp. Love, a first world socialist


And these "people" have the gall to call others bootlickers.

Ah there you r

Its gonna be a solid 6 years of work ahead buddy, hope you're ready

Based and daddy pilled

The election will not end American imperialism regardless of which of the bourgeois parties the bourgeois decides to appoint. Only revolution will end American totalitarianism and imperialism. America First! That is the calling card of socialists everywhere now: America must be the first to become socialist, then lead the world to world communism. We must destroy the very infected heart of the capitalist rot that poisons the world, to stop the flow of pestilence it now sends to all corners of the globe.


These are the only true Chinese in Hong Kong I can stand behind! Not imperialist running dogs!

New snappy quote?

America will fall to socialism soon. And at last the one center of injustice, fascism, white supremacy, of hunger, starvation, homelessness, and poverty, will fail to stand as a wall against world freedom, communism, and peace. The workers of the world will rise up and free themselves, American and non-American alike, citizenship and nations will be abolished and all workers of all peoples will live in freedom and happiness.

The evil dictator Trump and his violent white supremacist fascist thugs cannot stop this, it is truly pathetic that you place your hopes in such a person, for the continuance of injustice, evil, imperialism, and white supremacy.

Who the fuck keeps downvoting this comedy gold?

Honk Kong


It's a clown eat clown world out there friend

Stfu with that baby talk you immature brainlet


Imagine having views that are so cucked that you have to act like a literal toddler in order to express your views.

Imagine serious-posting on /drama because you were triggered by edgy children

implying that I'm seriousposting


Whatever you say sweaty 😘

Ily too bæ 😘😘😘

"You see, the current generation of Hong Kong needs to be crushed under the authoritarian capitalist boot of China because 50 years ago their grandparents were given a lot of money when China was still communist."

Sounds 'bout right

the only reason Hong Kong is so well off to begin with is because, similarly to South Korea, anti-communist western forces poured and poured tons of money into their economy

Fucking imperialists pouring money into countries just to defeat us 😭.

The UK didn't help them out of the kindness of their hearts. They did it simply to serve their own interests.

So nations have interests and aren't like good and helpful and stuff 😱

What he's inadvertently saying is that commie countries would blow ass if someone was dumping money into them

So nations have interests and aren't like good and helpful and stuff 😱

'Cept China of course, you silly goose.

Poor China just wants to help Tibet that's it.

Good guy China 😔

r/geopolitics agrees.

Holy shit that place is awful lmao

Hey ! It's academic 😤.

If that's academic consider me retarded

We're all retarded and those people are high IQ.

Might we call them, top minds?

Yes and we should also call them big brains.

The biggest

As big as the galaxy.

Every academic Reddit sub

Cope at its finest

Chinaman boots: exist

Chapocels: 👅👅👅

Lmao they sourced a Han supremacist

Yeah that sub is horrible and the mods (ironically) rule it with an iron fist. Someone posted a quite sexist meme about "male fragility and i called it out only for a mod to ban me and when i argued the ban since they couldn't cite a rule i broke they just said "men don't experience sexism" and muted me as long as they could im sure.

Based mods

Well deserved mute tbh

care to explain why then instead of just a snarky reply?

nah I don't feel like it

What an argument.

imagine expecting an argument

Who said i expected it?

You're unironically complaining about getting banned from a sub for a bait comment, the fact you complain is why you deserved to get muted. What did you expect, it's /r/socialism, you're retarded for not seeing that coming.

You're unironically complaining about getting banned from a sub for a bait comment, the fact you complain is why you deserved to get muted.

Not only did i never say anything about some sort of comment, are you honestly acting like any form of complaining in a bad thing because you seem to love complaining about me so i dont see your point here aside to be petty.

What did you expect, it's /r/socialism, you're retarded for not seeing that coming.

It's funny how often i see people on reddit comment something they can't defend and immediately launch personal attacks at the person who criticized them...Like why is your life so sad?

this amount of seriousposting is making me want to puke, you seem confused, all I've done is insult you, I'm not gonna defend retarded jannies on a tankie sub

Where the fuck do you think you are ? Lmao

Is his snarky reply leaving you literally shaking?

Where the fuck do you think you are ? Lmao

guess im not allowed to criticize someones reply cause this is r/drama.....

Is his snarky reply leaving you literally shaking?

Yeah cause i have to be quivering in frustration in order to call out petty bullshit...you're implications seem petty and illogical mate so i suggest you spend your time doing something actually productive.

Mate KIA is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Fagposting is not allowed on r/drama. Whineposting is not allowed r/drama. Srsposting is not allowed on r/drama. You somehow managed to combine all 3 into one inane comment. I bet you can glide across that smooth brain.

r/Socialism goes into damage control

defend China

Have they fucking lost it, because Dengist China is Capitalistic AF. Maybe wumaos are overactive there today.

The Brits literally appointed governors to Hong Kong, the city has become far more democratic since returning to China.

Imagine thinking that the PRC is somehow more benevolent than the UK

There are literally 48 NGO organizations that are funded by the west involved with leading this and you think this is an organic legitimate protest of the people?

Also their are no NGOs that help migrant vessels cross safely in the Mediterranean that’s a conspiracy.

Also mao only killed 5 million not 1000 gajillion. And yes denying the holocaust should get you put in jail.

Also their are no NGOs that help migrant vessels cross safely in the Mediterranean that’s a conspiracy.

There are none, they're putting them on trials. It is now illegal in Europe to save a person you come across drowning in the Mediterranean if they don't have white skin. But China is the barbaric one of course.

All nations of the world should immediately cease aiding the west in its ethnic cleansing operation towards residents it dehumanizes with the term "illegals", mostly due to, again, their skin color. No nation should cooperate with the deportation of a western resident, it is a crime against humanity.

What kind of brainlet thinks that China is remotely socialist in 2019? It's a capitalist autocracy. Chinese billionaires wouldn't exist if China were socialist.

But muh writings of Deng and Chinese characteristics !

glad to see this sub remembers that dumb leftists exist outside of chapo's chud house

I find it interesting that most of the people protesting all of this either don't realize (or, in some cases, alternatively, don't care) that the only reason Hong Kong is so well off to begin with is because, similarly to South Korea, anti-communist western forces poured and poured tons of money into their economy as a knee-jerk reaction to communism.

Hong Kong is well off because money. Grand breaking stuff

They didn’t give a reason. Anytime you go against that liberal hive mind you’ll get banned

there is literally no difference between the left and the right

It wasn’t really real Socialism

Found the dramanaut

Hong Kong was stolen from the Qing Dynasty not the People's Republic of China.

Western alt-righters and far leftists are equally brain-dead.

That sub honestly isn’t even socialist

Given how they usually react to police actions, its amusing to see their concern for Chinese police.

Socialists are retarded, what else is new?

They're already getting close to the levels of delusional that the alt-right falls into. I wonder when our lefty Ben Garrison will arrive