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31  2019-06-15 by QuantumFreakonomics


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"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


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Yes, finally, the ultimate proof that TMOR needed! This time, it's really over for you fren frogs!


MDEcide when??

The subreddit that was shocked to learn that users could have their accounts suspended if they broke sitewide rules.

Hopefully this will lead to the final solution to the MDEcel/CAcel problem.

Inshallah brother 🙏🏾

Much like the Jews they hate, MDEfugees are like cockroaches. You will never truly get rid of the infestation until you burn the hive.

Uncreative. I hope expect more quality propaganda from these nazi brainlets

... That's you playing yourself then.

you expected more from subhuman retards that communicate their murderous ideology through baby babble?


I expected more quality propaganda from these nazi brainlets

jesus christ this comment is upvoted.

the sub is lost, shut it all down.

Why, don't you agree that these nazi retards are usually more creative with their ebin 1488 metaphors?

more creative with their ebin 1488 metaphors?

yeah babyspeak is super creative and high quality.

this is why staying in school is important, kids.

You sound overly upset


Linking a post that has only one point seems like a waste of time when they've already heavily upvoted a couple of these "wooden door" posts, even if this one is the most blatant.

We must not relent.

Yeah, we really need to keep proving they're retarded. We don't have all the evidence yet.

wooden door

Do I even wanna know?

There are some pictures that supposedly show some Nazi gas chambers having wooden doors, so Holocaust deniers like to use it as evidence that the Holocaust didn't actually happen.

Jfc the internet needs fumigation stat

The funny thing is that the wooden doors were installed there post war by the curators of the Auschwitz memorial just to separate the rooms of the morgue building, since most of it had been dismantled by the end of WWII after it had been turned in an anti-bomb shelter.

These nazi retards actually believe that the doors were originally there and that they indicate da deep truth of da Holohoax.

What a bunch of morons.

the wooden doors were installed there post war by the curators of the Auschwitz memorial just to separate the rooms of the morgue building

That's what (((((they))))) want you to think.

Thinking? That's what (((they))) want you to do

The frens have already realized that and went full retard.

Implying they weren't retarded from the get go.

I have to admire how they aim for maximum TMOR butthurt and succeed every time.

Lmao look at those TMOR retards calling us nazis for posting cartoons.



the japanese believe we all have 2 faces

the first is the one we use when committing mass murders and rapes

the second is the one we use when denying it

"Actually, r/frenworld is about ethics in frenship. If you see racism in innocent frog cartoons, it's because you're the racist."