Libertarian Alex Jones doesn't like kiddie porn (he swears!) and he's paying a million dollars to prove that the CP wasn't his.

42  2019-06-15 by Quietus42


I’ve lived with my ex for over a year i’m already resigned to being the hermit crab equivalent of a man. I have nothing to lose cept this bitch i already hate which makes me incredibly dangerous 🦇


  1. Libertarian Alex Jones doesn't like... -,

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tbh I could actually believe this. I know infowars gets a lot of fraud already, and imagine the juicy drama that could be wrought if you were planting CP on the servers of the pizzagate guys

Probably planted but hilarious either way.

Alex is gonna have a fucking aneurism if this shit keeps up lol

When is he not having an aneurysm?

Defying all medical odds, the man has made an entire career out having a one long continuous brain aneurysm on camera and radio, about 25 years now.

I can't believe it but Alex Jones could actually be right about a false flag for the first time in his life.

Well, maybe.

or is it the first time

Imagine thinking the World Trade Center towers actually existed

Imagine thinking they aren't still there.

It seems legit, tbh, people actually tried to frame them:

After initially offering $100,000 before bumping up that sum, Jones said, “I don’t have a lot of money, but I’ll sell my house.”

Pattis said the FBI has been conducting an investigation into the matter for several weeks after a company tasked with screening Infowars’ emails found 12 threatening messages that contained images of child porn.

“These were emails that if you, me or one of your workers had opened we would have been subjected to five years in federal prison,” Pattis said, adding that no one at Infowars had opened any of the infected files.

So my money is on either:

A) Right-wingers trying to false flag sandy hook families.

B) Jones himself trying to false flag them because he's being sued by them.

C) Someone actually trying to fame Jones.

So wait, someone emailed CP to info wars, nobody there opened it, and the FBI found it because they're monitoring their private servers anyway?

Reminds me of that story from a couple months ago where people were posting cp in righty youtube livestream chats to get them taken down. Distributing cp just to own the cons

On that last comment, you wouldn't go to prison for being unwillingly subjected to CP, no? Like I can't just print out some kiddy porn and tape it to the back of my car and have everyone including the cops sent to prison, lmao.

I'm not sure, the government tends to be real serious about CP. Considering kids have been arrested for sending pics of themselves, who knows.

It wouldn't happen. It's hard enough for the FBI to even catch people who produce/share/download/watch CP and it's such a big problem that they don't even really go after small-time viewers unless it's part of a sting operation or they accidentally stumble across CP while investigating someone for something else. If you stumble across CP and it ends up in your cached images or w/e you can technically be prosecuted but in practice you'll be fine

D) Doesn't matter who did it as long as we get more primo Alex spergouts

Dont forget that Alex Jones actually taped a bunch of high status people worshipping an owl statue in bohemian grove. I dont doubt he has real enemies. Even a broken clock is right twice a day

100% guarantee a male feminist journo-future-coder planted it

Dr. Pizza's revenge!

We need to discuss the alt-right/pedophilia pipeline.

Libertarian Alex Jones doesn't like kiddie porn (he swears!)

Like he totally didn't like tranny porn and it accidentally popped up on his phone.

he's paying a million dollars to prove that the CP wasn't his.

MAGAcels have been paying him a shitload of money, it seems.

“I am so sick of their filth and living off the dead kids of Sandy Hook”

So now Sandy Hook happened? Make up your mind, Daddy Alex!

They were method crisis actors. Really committed to those roles.

CP viruses do exist and they've been done (allegedly even by the US Gov.) so this could go either way

And it'll be hilarious no matter what actually happens lol

“You’re trying to set me up with child porn, I’m going to get your ass.

One million dollars, one million dollars you little gang member.

Onemillion dollars to put your head on a pike. One million dollars, bitch,” Jones shouted, adding, “You’re not going to ever defeat Texas, you sacks of shit.”

After initially offering $100,000 before bumping up that sum, Jones said, “I don’t have a lot of money, but I’ll sell my house.”

It's actually impressive to see how he's able to fit the grift in everything he does

After initially offering $100,000 before bumping up that sum, Jones said, “I don’t have a lot of money, but I’ll sell my house.”

These are the words of a sane man.

man they really fucking hate him for some reason its weird

surely he says enough shit that even if he got it right about certain people they could just cite the rest of his rants for plausible deniability

its like that mel gibson conspiracy theory movie where he accidentally gets one right and then gets fucked up

Are you seriously pondering why people really fucking hate Alex Jones or is this some sort of hilarious act you're doing?

yeah theres literally no reason to hate him other than leftist baby rage on behalf of media companies

You're literally retarded

name a reason to hate alex jones that isnt crying about sandy hook

1.) White 2.) Male 3.) Closeted pedophile

There, that's three in order of grossness.

lmao youre just so bitter and angry inside i dont get it why lie

Where's the lie?

you pretend hes evil so you have an excuse for said baby rage

you know full well he isnt a pedo you goony dork lmao

I give you three reasons and you pretend like the least disgusting one isn't true. Alex Jones fucks kids and you can be a pedo apologist but that'll catch up to you one day, look what happened to Milo Yiannopoopoolos.

lol i like how leftists act like deplatforming people means they won the argument instead of the opposite

Lol, I like how you think crying about leftists excuses the fact that you're a pedo apologist.

no i just dont believe jews when they accuse other people of it because duh

Hey fuckface are you calling me a jew?

no sorry im calling the media that hates him jews

He said the Sandy Hook kids weren't real. He's a douchebag and an asshole.

so what theres worse mainstream conspiracy theories

the only reason people care about sandy hook is because they can use it for political sway and to guilt people

Probably just exclusive Trump vacation pics from Epstein Island.