Boomers can’t meme

45  2019-06-15 by Ghdust2


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


  1. Boomers can’t meme -,

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Voautists try their best to cope with the impending mayocide (if their sorry existence counts as being a mayo).

They're mutts that identify as mayo like most burgers

If a good meme is a perfect balance of brevity and non-effort, then boomer memes are the exact opposite.

This I think is just a retard meme, not a retard Boomer meme. Not enough minions

My granpa fought on the wrong side in ww2 and I'm ashamed of it

Picture the following scenario: You're a kid whose parents werw poor from the Great Depression saw their dad get drafted and shipped off to go fight in the deadliest war the world has ever seen. Every day you're worried he won't come back, but he does, maybe with some medals or even an injury.

40 years later your dad passes on peacefully, and you're ready to pass on the mementos to your son. You clean them up, present them to him, and explain their historical and familial importance.

This son, who is unemployed and living with you in his late 20's, and spens an innordinate amount of time cooped up in his room on aome weird websites, simply says "Hitler did nothing wrong"

Boomers are the real enemy not Gerald who wears a dress and wants his own bathroom.

OK I'm actually 😬ing so well done.

tfw pop-pop wasn't a Nazi

This is like frenworld but they're not even pretending to pretend to be retarded.

It looks like reddit with more antisemitism (and there's already plenty of that on reddit)

they really can't meme though, they should've used the gayle format instead

I have never met a Jew who didn't own a cast iron pan though.

Cooking is pretty semetic tbh. that's why i stick to fast food

(((Cooking))), right guys?

Those wacky Jews, always cooking things.

Cast iron does NOT have even heat distribution

Even heat distribution is NOT characteristic of cast iron

Yeah, get you a copper or aluminum (or copper-aluminum) pan for that.

All of these people.

Put them into a sanatorium.


I was part of the group that helped get the Qult banned from Reddit. We never considered what would happen after. I guess we all just assumed that they'd up and disappear.

We were wrong, of course.

They went to voat where now, instead of having to occasionally interact with normies, they mostly interact with literal Nazis. They've gotten somehow even crazier and a lot more racist. Whoops.

I don't try to get subs banned anymore.

I think banning them from Reddit was probably the right call, I wouldn’t second guess that Quietus.

Their activity has hugely stagnated on Voat compared to Reddit - their growth could have continued wildly and unabated had CBTS and GrAw been allowed to stay. And the complaints about violent calls to action weren’t without merit.

Sometimes de-platforming can and has backfired. That step needs to be taken judiciously, and lefties need to get a grip on when it is and isn’t a necessary tool. But it was clearly the right call in their case.