The Guardian goes wh**e saviour.

53  2019-06-15 by xlhat


/r/drama was part of my shift rightward. There are a lot of rightoids in there doing the lords work, showing people to the light. Ironic rightoid posting can still red-pill people. And good drama is still good drama, whether it's chapotards sperging out over ableism in the revolution or the Donald Defense Force sperging out about NPCs. Drama is one of the few places where actual fascists and actual leftists clash on a daily basis, and it's pretty entertaining.

I'm currently banned for circumventing the custom subreddit style at /r/drama though.


  1. The Guardian goes wh**e saviour. -,

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Sudan is heading for atrocity once again. The UK government must not sit by

The way things are going, bongs probably won't retain fucking Glasgow by winter. Sudan is least of their concerns.

Honestly I wouldn’t trust parliament to tell me which tie looks better on me

Ask that Manlet speaker, he has probably a better taste than yours.


Do not speak ill of Jon Bercow, he is the only thing worth preserving in Bongistan 😠😠😠

UK should have done the France and never left its colonies. You can't leave these guys alone for 2 minutes without risking another Genocide.

You act as if they had a choice in this matter. British decolonisation was heavily pressured by US and Soviets.

Imagine getting cucked out of your empire by your retarted son and sl*vs.

Imagine getting cucked out of your empire by your retarted son and sl*vs.

Bongs and frogs got cucked hard by the Eisenhower administration and Soviets during the Suez crisis.

From that day to 2019 bongs have been getting perpetually cucked by their 'Special Relationship' with the US.

You mean that time Israel launched a war of aggression, invaded Egypt, and conquered the Sinai, but poor poor small small Israel was still the victim somehow anyway as always.

Dude you can send your dudes to die all you want, the fact of the matter is that the third world rose up after world War II and it was completely out of your control whether or not you would lose your empire. To save face you walked out and pretended you were being generous and nice but the fact is that millions of mayos would've died if you had done anything else and you would've lost all the wars by the 70s at least anyway. Cry more imperialist bitch. I hope the UK is a paki colony one day.

Dude you can send your dudes to die all you want, the fact of the matter is that the third world rose up after world War II and it was completely out of your control whether or not you would lose your empire. To save face you walked out and pretended you were being generous and nice but the fact is that millions of mayos would've died if you had done anything else and you would've lost all the wars by the 70s at least anyway. Cry more imperialist bitch. I hope the UK is a paki colony one day.

Calm down my man.

Take a few deep breaths. In and out, In and out.

BTW the ones cucking Bongs will be Pajeets and Rice.

His demented dream has already become a reality. The UK is degenerating into a Paki colony.

The UK is degenerating into a Paki colony

Pakis haven't yet figured out that breeding with their sisters isn't a good idea. They aren't colonising anything.

in today's edition of "you disgusting white fucks need to stay in your lane but also help us pls"

This article was written by one of you mayoids, dumbass

internalised racism sweedy, educate yourself

The white race is truly the worst thing to happen to this planet smh my head...

The white race and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

The white race is like milk, leave it unchecked it goes sour and breakdown.

On the off chance you still have me unblocked, here's some real criticism, in good faith:

I don't know why you've brought the CIA into this, but it's misleading to put it in with a criticism of Andy Warhol when the CIA was supporting abstract expressionism, not pop art, nor Danto or art theory in general.

Your first two criticisms of Danto seem not to be aware of that Danto takes an institutional definition of art, wherein art is that which is circulated as art. You may disagree, but you have not addressed the point. Your third criticism seems apropos of nothing and is not used in the essay as far as I can tell. Your fourth criticism ignores that he specifically addresses definitional problems with reference to Wittgenstein and decides upon an essentialist route, which you kind of address, but somehow end up deciding that he gave a definition that comes from conceptual art (this one doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I guess you're taking Andy Warhol as conceptual art, but he's pop-art). Your fifth criticism is just not supported in Danto; while, yes, the title is "The End of Art," he states in the article you seem to be quoting: "I did not, for example, as if writing a manifesto, declare that pop art was what the history of art had been stumbling toward, its telos and fulfillment. No: pop art and minimalism made plain the immediate promise of a radical pluralism, of which they of course could be part if someone cared to pursue them-but with no greater right than realism, surrealism, performance, installation, cave art, or folk art or whatever." The title is a play on the teleological narrative of art, and meant to be polemic to some extent. Weirdly, his quotation above is pretty much the conclusion you come to despite saying Danto provided no insights.

As far as your outstanding problems (the second section of criticism). One: knowing that art is art is not the same thing as self-awareness even if superficially they seem the same. Self-awareness implies a change in actions based on one's awareness of themselves. A kid knows that they're a kid, but is not 'self-aware'; a teenager who stammers because he wants to present a certain image of himself is self-aware. Danto aside, I don't think its remotely controversial to state that art became more self-aware over the course of the 20th century.

Two: Your personal consciousness of art history is not in contradiction to a historical understanding of art's development. You say it yourself: "I knew that others did, and styles developed in reaction to prior styles, and sometimes rejected or opposed them, only to be superseded themselves by following isms." That's the process which Danto is engaged with: not your personal likes and dislikes, but the strains of the development of art as a 'whole,' insofar as it is talked about as such, regardless of countervailing tendencies within it.

Three: Danto never said it ceases. Again, this is a naive understanding of the "end of art" that you yourself say he doesn't actually mean, and which the quotation above explicitly denies.

What ?

I can only assume that the exact second the US gets involved this article will be deleted and a new one about our imperialism being unacceptable will be put up.

Yeah the real problem with the liberal media is that they don't mindlessly cheerlead for war enough

This is the sort of article that would only appear in a truly anti imperialist publication

The NYT did not cheerlead Iraq enough imo, that was the real issue.

Normally, I'd tell people not to downvote the lolcows, but you're just boring.

Politicians and journalists frequently ask: where is the next Myanmar? Where will the next Syria be?

They do? Frequently?

Sounds made up.