SRDines defend children in drag, declare people who think this is bad to be homophobes

81  2019-06-16 by want-dick-in-butt-xd


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No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


  1. SRDines defend children in drag, de... -,,

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From the drag queen:

No one ever accused straight allies of being intelligent. (No seriously ive never met anybody lgbt that approves of this shit, its always straights)

lol this was what I was saying in the other thread.


omg yeah

They are not banning straws. Just plastic ones

SRD, the kings of unnecessary nuance.

They do it to be purposely smug.

Their smugness disgust me 🤢

the paper straws are fucking unusable, im going to buy some plastic straws and keep some in my car and when i get handed a fucking paper straw in a restaurant, im gonna take out a plastic straw. fuck sea turtles.

In 2040, you can sell that plastic straw and buy a house on Mars.

yikes sweaty, don't you know that parading around my children for "tips" is meant to be sexually liberating and in no way feeding my fantasies?

TBH children drag queens are no worse than child beauty pageants. Good luck getting mayo soccer moms cancelling those.

The kid mentioned danced in a club at three in the morning for money. That's a whole magnitude worse than your average beauty pageant.

My radically centrist take is to just ban both.

sure, but one is clearly way worse, aged out moms trying to relive their glory/beauty days is not near as bad as this sexual degeneracy.

I was thinking more about the audience for child beauty pageants. I'm guessing it's the same audience for little girl YouTube channels.

im sure there a few pedos but i think its mostly sad moms

I dunno but they've always creeped me the fuck out

Honey Boo Boo is the epitome of degeneracy

honey boo boo is degenerate as fuck but still not as bad as this shit

as a literal mdefugee i'm perfectly happy banning both.

Libtard and mdefugee with the epic handshake meme.

yes both are degenerate, literally just ban both

So SRDines were the true libertarians all along...

If you think there's anything sexual about this photo or even this photo, then you are an alt-right fascist homophobe.

It's 2019. Be better!

and then one day, for no reason at all...

Weird fucked up pedophilish child drag is preferable to Hitler. It’s not good but it beats Hitler

Only if you're a noid TBH

Black Nazism when?

Am I on some list rn?

lol imagine being on only one list

How is that not child porn?

Imagine this kid in college,he’ll probably go to class in crusader armor with a laptop sticker that says deus vault.

things like pageants and the abuse of minors in Hollywood are a huge problem that everyone ignores.

in what fucking world is this lunatic living in?

The one where everyone and everything they don't like is lumped in some big bucket so they can score le ebin wins over "Society" in internet comments

And when I pointed out that several people on the SRD modteam are fervent pedos defenders and ban any suggestion that sexualizing children ("It's normal for adults to sexualize the children on stranger things!") or banging kids ("13 isn't a child! It's very European to bang them.") everyone doubted me. They've got at least 2 actively pro-pedo mods and the rest at least tolerate that.

  • Button1:

    There is nothing sexual about child drag queens. It is just like child beauty pageants.

  • Button2:

    Opposing child drag queens is a homophobic attack on my sexuality.