new /r/drama rules

60  2019-06-16 by TomatoShock


Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.


  1. new /r/drama rules -,

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"Roomies can hear" gotta be a +10, not a -10. Who made this rubbish chart?

These broads keep their shirts on and fuck under the covers with the lights off

Guarantee over half the dorm commented on that glorious incel bait of a fake Chad pedophile on Tinder

puffs pipe

Rule 212: if you want to get straights make sure to not eat meat. Makes your bussy stink and he will know

Based G Vegas


Being straight: -500

Anal is 1st base

Pegging isnt gay bro

Raw or it doesn’t count Safe sex +5


Radical centrism wins yet again

How does hooking up with a freshman subtract hoe points? That's literally the most slutty act?

freshmen are skinny lol

"Greek" society is unironically degenerate and should be liquidated.

> go Greek

> no homo

date party invite

he buys Plan B

says i love you

LARPing sorority hoes built this system on lies.

6' or GTFO

LMFAO who's gonna crosspost this to /r/braincels

Sororities are retarded. That's all.

I know this is some shit tier bait but the mere thought of such degenerate acts makes my blood boil


What else can I do, of course I'm coping