Dementia daddy goes off yet again imagining he could remain president indefinitely.

42  2019-06-16 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


  1. Dementia daddy goes off yet again i... -,

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Is Daddy a britbong plant?

I want this to happen unironically

I wish you were aborted unironically

wow rude

thres some rude boys on rdrama tonight i guess daddy day makes them upset 😔

it would be incredibly dramatic. both, that said

Despite any fair or unfair criticisms, Trump remains the single best thing to ever happe to dramacoin. CMV.

Right? Yet when I say it i'm attacked ;-;

The absolute state of /r/Drama. SMH.




The hell does he mean by leaving after 6 years? Is he planning to get re-elected and then just leave in the middle of his second term?

A term is 4 years honey

Gee no fucking shit, Sherlock. Tell me, what's 4 + 2? And what is half of 4? It's almost like one and a half four-year terms amounts to 6 years or something.

He would leave office 6 years from now (about) if he got elected for a second term. You did the math, but you clearly don’t understand what those number thingies represent. This is what your teachers were talking about when they said you need to understand what the math actually means!

Ok honeybunch, go grab some gushers from the cupboard if you are still feeling hangry, I will tuck you in after you brush your teeth :)

Gotta peg me first >:(

Trump was not elected to a first term, he was appointed by a council of elites after losing the election. If Trump actually won the 2020 election, it would be the first election he's ever won. So it would be his first electoral victory, and second appointment.

He was elected by the electoral college, he won the votes of the electoral college.

So you are saying that - because a president is only allowed to win the election twice - you hope that he will be president for 10 more years?

I think what he means is that if he has two terms left, he has about six years left to go. Which would imply that he considers everything up until now just practice, which is amazing.

Ah that makes sense. Six years from now mostly checks out.

Yeah, you can see what he probably meant to say. He just worded it poorly because he's a senile retard who can barely read.