Anita applies for a job at CD Projekt Red

383  2019-06-16 by volcel_wisdom


homosexuals reproduce by raping kids


  1. Anita applies for a job at CD Proje... -,

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based and snap-pilled

Damn she aged like a mayo

Wtf, she's gorgeous???

No. Gussy worshippers OUT

Ew, she chews like a horse.

Triggering my misokinesia

Hope she does transgender lesbian porn.


Holy shit, it's literally a protection racket...

Hey, nice game you've got there. Be a damn shame if people started saying it was sexist...

She's gonna make'em an offer they can't refuse.

Nobody wants that crusty gussy.

I do

she's got all the qualities of a crazy hate fuck

bad glasses
shitty existence

god yes

She's not a jew, she's an Arm*nian

Holy fuck. Imagine being an ethnicity that suffered one of the worst genocides in recent history and just to add to the human tragedy of it the ancestors of Anita Sarkeesian and Anna Kasparian survived 😭😭😭

Somehow they missed the Kardashian family too.

If you haven’t saved someone’s life then just face the fact that Kim Kardashian is a better human than you. Bow down to the tuned up booty.

She is even worse than a Jew, she is - may Allah forgive me for uttering this word - an Armenian.


Were the Turks right all along?


We tried to warn you

You just listed the same qualities 4 times essentially

she's got those fatty milkers too

Welcome to 5 years ago lol.

I remember it being more subtle at the time.

it kinda wasn't

You were just bluepilled 5 years ago

if there’s one thing gamergate wasn’t, it was subtle

These idiots have pretty much lost all influence since they burned too many career bridges and the KiA demographic gained the only power they will have outside of WoW.

IIRC this company also got shat on for not having enough Basketballoids in a game built around Mayo Fantasy.

The company just laughed and ignored it because they already profited a million NEETbux.

holy fuckin shit!! bideo game in troubl;e! nooo!!!!!

>GCJ posting

Go the fuck back.

/uj god. hate video games. /uj ugy. videogames. anita gay /uj UGH. anita fucking dum. i hatRETURN! RETURN! RETURN! RETURN! RETURN!/UJu fr man? retard alert/uj this isSERIOUS. SERIOUS> fagoid!!!

I literally hate you with every fiber of my being. Worst drama poster by far.

sorry you feel that way frendo, i mean why would you assign any value to any content posted here? please go back to agendaposting


Pretending to be ironic is so much worse than just being ironic.

literally no one is talking about irony. wtf u smoking?

how's high school treating you? boy howdy, if you think 9th grade is tough, just wait until 10th.


This is somehow worse than the babytalk of those frens guys


you are retarded

Get cancelled, retard.

sorry person. i will defend this post with my life. no one will ever harm us gcjfolk (which i am now apart of? i guess) i will defend my reddit honr with all ive got. go back fiend! return hither!

I wish your shitposting was entertaining

There's no entertainment to be found here. /r/drama is a dark hole created by the vapid submissions on every other subreddit. But even now our le brethren are being threatened by the increasing size of the cancerous narc bubble that other incestuous posters continue to tolerate. But even within death throes in this corner of the internet, one phrase rings true: dude bussy lmao.


i'll suck your cum bubbles no charge

It's nothing personal. Honestly this is how bad it is when I try to be funny too. That's why I mostly lurk, until I serious post like a retard.

hey man nothing personal either. when i get get the itch i just post you know?


I wish your shitposting was entertaining.

There's no entertainment to be found here. /r/drama is a dark hole created by the vapid submissions on every other subreddit. But even now our le brethren are being threatened by the increasing size of the cancerous narc bubble that other incestuous posters continue to tolerate. But even within death throes in this corner of the internet, one phrase rings true: dude bussy lmao.

I wish your shitposting was entertaining.

There's no entertainment to be found here. /r/drama is a dark hole created by the vapid submissions on every other subreddit. But even now our le brethren are being threatened by the increasing size of the cancerous narc bubble that other incestuous posters continue to tolerate. But even within death throes in this corner of the internet, one phrase rings true: dude bussy lmao.

I wish your shitposting was entertaining.

There's no entertainment to be found here. /r/drama is a dark hole created by the vapid submissions on every other subreddit. But even now our le brethren are being threatened by the increasing size of the cancerous narc bubble that other incestuous posters continue to tolerate. But even within death throes in this corner of the internet, one phrase rings true: dude bussy lmao.

I wish your shitposting was entertaining.

There's no entertainment to be found here. /r/drama is a dark hole created by the vapid submissions on every other subreddit. But even now our le brethren are being threatened by the increasing size of the cancerous narc bubble that other incestuous posters continue to tolerate. But even within death throes in this corner of the internet, one phrase rings true: dude bussy lmao.



le cringe face

i'm sorry friend. some of us must post as a sacrifice for the greater good. i lend my autism to any posters who seek to claim it


No amount of complexposting will hide your smugposting.

As it stands, a wise man once said:


smug is a prereq to post

Yes but at the least be good about it.

I don't need your judgement, father.

I'm just saying if you dress in a tutu, be graceful you fuccin twat.

Proof that frenposting is equal opportunity

yeah i mean people did kind of say this 5 years ago

CDPR should offer her a janitor position.

that work is too dignified for her

honest work? she would never agree to that

and an insult to janitors everywhere.

community manager?

Rooftop office with the pigeons.

Send her a job offer here:

Hey Anita! I am always available as an IT-Consultant for hire cuz it sure looks like your website may get hacked soon due to weak security measures and the fact that you would be a high profile target as a somewhat known persona... :|

Good enough? :D

Dude. Are you fucking serious? She'd leave the place dirtier than she found it.

Offer her the position of cockroach food instead.

I dont think she'd work for free

She really overestimates her relevance to actual game development companies and not the big 3 or 4 studios that cater to her bullshit.

I blame EA for letting her have free reign

I feel like we're in a graveyard talking about this. I haven't heard about her in ages, this really feels desperate.

Ever since McIntosh left her, she spiraled into obscurity. Ironically enough, it was a man who was propping up her success

The patriarchy strikes again.

Behind every women's movement is a powerful man, usually Louis Farrakhan.

Is she even relevant anymore? I feel like she was everywhere a few years ago but you don't see her much anymore.

Also, did she get work done? She looks awful.

Hey, no body shaming 😡😡😡

Asking a gay not to bodyshame is homophobic af tbh.

Gays are doing a public service, tbh

I had a drag queen make fun of my pants the other day and it was definitely something I needed to hear. It was like a non-consensual queer-eye episode and I was totally down.

Gays shouldn't run the world because that would be a disaster, but we should definitely be in charge of the people who run the world.

I'm down for a supreme council of homos.

Bussy Mondays, I'm fucking ready

this 👆 but 🙏 unironically ✊

"wholesome" and "gay" are diametrically opposed. Please kill yourself in minecraft.

wow mfw its Daddy Day and ur out here claiming that intergenerational gay relationships arent the most wholesome relationships out there?

Imagine creating a whole account for a moment like this and your comment still making no sense.

ur rude af today 😤, no cummies from Daddy? 😔


here we can share 🤗🤗🤗


hope u get a good rest n wake up a little less grumpy 😘

this but with a lisp

Unironically amazing critics.



Can you do makeovers and shit for us?

She looks awful

it's called the wall sweaty

Well I took that into account obviously, that's why I qualified that it looked like cosmetics as opposed to aging.

she’s just naturally fat-faced but the slight greying and excessive sun are not doing her favors

Those glasses too, it's like she's trying to bait you into saying she looks like she's 65.

To be honest, that shit isn't funny in the slightest.


That pup tho 😍😍😍



Is she even relevant anymore?

Nope. Last time I bothered to check she gets 5000 views or less per video (whereas her old videos would 50k or more)

I think the guy who was actually running all her shit behind the scenes, gets more views and shit from his posts. He is fucking horrible.

I feel like she was everywhere a few years ago but you don't see her much anymore.

She told her tard wrangler to fuck off.

This seems like the juiciest story that I have zero interest in.

It's okay I understand, big brother is on.


Her boyfriend wrote all her material and then they broke up.

Oh dear.

More like he was the one who knew how to work the editing software, and all she makes now post-breakup is low-effort podcasts and panel shows that are bad even by Youtube standards.

She is very relevant with her Star Trek Discovery Podcast and getting 25k for setting up a discord.

I've started watching Star Trek actually. I'm not very interested in a podcast about it tho, so no thank you.

My advice watch the orginal, TNG and DS9 and ignore everything else.

lol /r/stupidpol had a struggle session over how I should watch Star Trek. For real, the 60'sness of the original season is extremely appealing to me and I think I'll be sad when I'm done with it.

TOS is 60's goodness with action, TNG is the one with the moral dilemmas and hot takes for the late 80s early 90s (A ground breaking episode for the time was Ryker turning a space lesbian straight) and DS9 starts slow then becomes a huge space war.

Just let me watch my 60's sci fi smdh.

If the 60's silliness of it all is what appeals to you, you might want to check out Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea and Lost in Space, too.


Just sayin', there's a ton of campy sci-fi shows from that era. You don't have to keep going down the Star Trek rabbit hole if that's not what you want.

If you can't tell the difference between Star Trek and that shit, then you might actually be retarded. Not every episode is a classic, I'll admit, but a hell of a lot of them deal with a lot bigger ideas than whether the robot protects little space boy or whatever the fuck.

Dude, read the room. If that was what he wanted, I'd have suggested TNG. He said he liked the 60s silliness. I suggested more 60s silliness, plus some bonus 90s silliness.

I think the original, if you can get past the dated effects and stuff, tends to have the most stories with a timeless appeal.

TOS is great.

TOS is, objectively, the worst Trek.

Its dumb campy fun and set the foundation for the god tier Trek of TNG and DS9

watch the orginal, TNG and DS9 and ignore everything else.

Go fuck yourself DS9 is great. No one fucks with Benjamin Sisko

Based and Emissarypilled.

If you like communism you’ll really like the borg

She was never really relevant of her own accord

She never did her own work, though.

Personally I could care less, who wants fashion advice from a prude?

Couldn't *

This is the second time this month she has begged for money on Twitter. She must be going broke.

lol how sad.

Is she even relevant anymore?

she only remains relevant by people sperging out every time she says or does something. nobody would even know who she is in the first place if people would have just ignored her years ago.

I think she has been outwoked, despite being a pioneer in the arena. Other wise she wouldn't be looking for a job via twitter.

I never understood why Anita didn't begin by seeing her ideals being brought into a product. I get that not everyone has the creative chops to actually make a good game, song or movie. But surely it would be possible for her to have used her momentum back then to begin cooperation with other woke developers and deliver a product as a type of milestone for what a political correct game would look like.

You know the whole put your money where your mouth is.

You know the whole put your money where your mouth is.

ya why don’t more no-talent opportunist hacks do this?!

Because that would take actual effort, unlike basically extorting game companies by threatening to have her rabid followers descend on their social media pages

Her feminist frequency YT channel gets like 1000 views a week or something now. Which is fucked since it has like a full production company behind it and gets massive donations from progressive enterprises.

Whereas someone like kmac, just a fat irish dude with a guitar, gets a million views a day.

The second the guy behind the scenes doing actual work left is the second she just became another shrill voice.

Since they are only based in Poland, they should call her bluff and offer her an on-site job.

Tell her that she has a good position lined up and she needs to come to Poland for the interview and shit. Then give her some bullshit job like secretary or have her program all the credit sequences at the end of the game

Consulting services usually provide some sort of value to the client, so seeing one offering to make your product worse and add no value at all is unusual.

"We were a hive of toxic masculinity but now we're certified woke by the angels at FF"

I think you're underwhelming the benefits of buying into a protection racket.

hire her for motion cap then make a character similar to the loud vocal feminist people fucked with in Red Dead Redemption 2

thanks idk how that happened

lol you nerds downvoted me for providing the real link.

i don't downvote lolcows 😡

bish im not a lolcow. i laugh at the lolcow.

said every single lolcow, ever

Why would I want them to?


This studio has been super successful after rejecting her "help" with their prior games and the studios that she has worked with have gone to shit (Bioware being a prime example).

She can only be relevant by threatening studios that people who were never going to buy these games any way could potentially be offended by a game with a fucking Mature rating of all things.

She's responsible for Mass Affect: Andromeda and The Mass Affect 3 ending? Holy shit. I thought Gamergate was bullshit, but they're actually right. Anita is a threat to all that's good and holy in videogames.

Anita wasn't relevant during the development of ME3, that one is all on Bioware (not even on EA, they kept justifying it as "artistic vison" for years).

The ME3 ending was all on the hands of one guy who was like the head of the ME3 project. The cunt pulled a fast one and locked EVERYONE out of the writers room for the ending. Then proceeded to get super butthurt noone liked the ending, even still the extra DLC ending sucks ass.

Does this bitch actually get paid to do this anywhere?

If you can paid for walking around the office administering privilege checks I'd be down to get in on the grift, tbhfam

Short answer no. Effortpost answer the ultimate irony in her whole scheme is that it was all being handled behind the scenes by a straight white male feminist named John McIntosh. He left Feminist Frequency after the name inevitably got too toxic and left her to dangle in the wind which syncs up about the same time as her youtube numbers tanked to sub-1k per video. Meanwhile John’s new woke criticism channel has flourished.

All its media success and vitriol was thanks to John. He’s a designer and media professional who knew exactly what to say and how to do it with Anita as the airheaded gussy mouthpiece.

That explains a lot, I remember when she was showing up everywhere getting wined and dined and then all of a sudden she fell off the face of the earth which made everyone happy. Her money must be running out and she is getting desperate.

Soros has been scaling back his donations lately buying gold he’s gearing up to crash another Asian jungle country

Don't really give Macintosh that much credit.

UNlike Anita who could fall back on "but I'm a girl" when she got criticized, when Mcintosh got critiqued he couldn't say "but I'm... a white male?" and basically learned how to basically not go full macintosh.

His channel hasn't flourished, it just hasn't been met with as much counter-critiques.

tl;dr he knows how to game a system that wants to chop his dick off and he doesn't want to do that, soooo.

He was out-earning her per video on Patreon by like 10x before he hid his totals, if either of them count as "flourishing" post-irrelevancy it's definitely him.

By comparison, sure but to just say it's flourishing without the contrast makes it look like he's more successful than he actually is

That's kind of informative but you should be embarrassed at knowing it.

I want to make a absolute abhorrent shitty porn game and apply for her consulting.

Following Cyberbunk 2077 in adapting tabletop RPGs, do FATAL and ask Anita to consult you on anal circumference stuff.

She's gotten a bit more unhinged since she told her tard handler to fuck off, I'd say she's getting desperate for shekels by this point.

Also don't slut shame please anita, not cool.

Oooooh now this is a drama I haven’t seen yet. She actually told McIntosh to fuck off? Literally all her OG material came from him.

Yeah he handled her, organized gigs and strategies and kept her inline and she got too big for her boots and told him to fuck off.

It's a while back now so I'm afraid I can't remember the juicy bits I'm afraid.

> cause it sure sounds like you might need it before the whole of the internet drags you for what sounds like some potentially sexist representations


Four retards on twitter whining isn't the whole Internet.

Isn't this straight up blackmail (and therefore illegal)?

Seems like extortion. She seems to be implying she will cause backlash if not hired as a consultant.

Right, extortion. That's what I would have called it if I wasn't retarded.


How do I apply for the job of Anitas bf?? 🥰


  • Be wealthy male feminist
  • Cut dick off
  • Sit in the corner and cry as chads fuck her in front of you

So after I cut my dick off do I just call her up or something? I have the blade ready, just want some confirmation.

She needs proof so cut it off, freeze it and send it to her, she will accept your request.

  • Know how to edit woke criticism into a glossy aesthetic so her smoothbrained fanbase can enjoy their propaganda

It's literally the only difference pre- and post-Macintosh and the view counts don't lie.

She can’t get hit by a fleet of bang buses fast enough. Wreck her.

this rage is why she'll always be 😍QUEEN😍 Anita

Calling this bitter tart a queen shows your level of disconnection with reality. If you want to herald an actual scholar and feminist, Christina Hoff Summers could use a few more fans.

sweaty hoffers is a nice lady n all, but i dont see 3 miles of 😡ANGERY😡 when i scroll udner her tweets 👑

She’s trying to take her milk toast, Human Resources friendly bovine excremental, and be The diversity hire. The actual people who were brought on to help with the Haitian organizations in the game have done much better than she ever could.

If you're going to go with the grossly overused favorite term of extremely online smuglords, at least know how to spell it: "milquetoast."

Calling chs a "better feminist" is like calling Candace Owens a good black rights activist. She has frequently misrepresented stats about women in stem fields to fit an anti-feminist, evolutionary psychology narrative and downplays rape to an unfortunate degree. She hasn't been trying to accomplish anything related to gender equality in majority of her works, rather than push women back into the 60s. Apparently to her, it's "choice" for women to choose low paying jobs and it's "everyone's issue" if boys are dropping out of higher education.

Choice to choose jobs with more free time and flexible hours. Correct.

Ding ding!!

Idk who this is

I showed you my misogyny answer me!

So no different than any other day.

Maybe she can tell them that their system requirements to run it on PC are nuts.

She won't, she cares more about politics than actual quality in videogames.

What are the requirements?

Pretty high end for a non-AAA dev.

CPU: Intel i7-8700K @ 3.70 GHz CPU Speed: Info ram: 16 GB os: Windows 10 64-bit Video Card: GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Pixel Shader: 5.1 Vertex Shader: 5.1 Dedicated Video RAM: 4 GB


Once they figured out how to make models that weren't horrifying abominations CD Projekt has always been extremely resource hungry. Both of the witcher games were demanding enough people treated them as an excuse to build new rigs.


Right? That's some expensive shit.

Oh she has PC requirements all right.

smug nobody cares gif

1.5K replies


They just cant understand that if the game is good it will sell.

The only job she deserves is being cockroach food.

I was reading earlier today about how the creator of cyberpunk told the goddamned mayos to fuck off already. I guess Anita didn't get the memo.

'the whole of the internet' - no, just libtarts and chapocels.

No, thanks.


look how many retards she can trigger with a handful of tweets. Even drama, a sub that pretends that nothing can touch it it, is seething.

Retards triggered by a retard. Serious posting was a mistake

I'm just sitting back and taking it all in. There are no winners in this fight and that is exactly how I like my internet drama.

Based and centrpilled

Mocking a retard trying to be for money on Twitter isn't being triggered.

You know it is more than just mocking. Read the responses on twitter and here, many are deadly serious Yet again Sarkeesian is the big bad baddy and all gamers have to unite to defeat her. Also they have to consume the inevitable thousands of hours of youtube videos detailing how exactly Sarkeesian puts gaming under siege and also don't forget to like comment and subscribe.

Honestly, if everyone just ignored her she would be more of a nobody than she already is, but every time she opens her mouth, hordes of True Gamers have to come and voice their outrage (or fake their outrage when they are grifters).

If you don't view this as anything more than a boxing match at the paralympics, you are part of the butt end of the joke tbqh

This entire thread is mocking how much she has fallen. What the fuck are you talking about?

he's right though, i wouldn't even know who she is if people didn't link bullshit like this

No he isn't "right" because big part of his statement was this is a thread of "triggered" people.

I don't care about who you know or don't know. This sub isn't triggered because it mocks people. Obviously every retard that does stupid shit isn't some world famous successful person. Your logic is ridiculous. No one expects people to know every person linked here.

you sound triggered. maybe a nice glass of warm milk?

Two days later and the top comment is still calling it a literal protection racket. Lmao, cirque pls.

I just realised we’re literally back to being in 2015 aren’t we? Feminists messing with gaymer shit, furries trying to weasel into the LGBT community, terms being created to hate on moids because some of them went crazy.

All in time for Daddy 2020

furries trying to weasel into the LGBT community

This has been going on literally as long as furries were a thing, there was a whole outrage about it in the mid 90's when the "Burnt Furs" tried to force the community to out the sex pests and perverts.

If you'd have told me 20 years ago that it would be liberals and not cons that were pearl clutching and complaining about nudity and sex I would have guffawed.

>Hire her
>Make contract complicated
>Do not listen to anything she has to say, just pretend
>Add her character in the game as an "overly sexualized" easter-egg

Someone is desperately in need of money. She even retwitted a guy that was made fun of by all of his comment section. What an idiot:)

Wonder how that worked out for all the companies she's "helped" thus far. She's ridiculous and the whole gamergate bullshit that happened ended up hurting the gaming industry. Play with politics & social issues but not be well versed in it and you make yourself look pandering and stupid. Luckily companies learned about the kiss of death that Anita provides to your games.