Social Media was a mistake

156  2019-06-16 by Ill_Regal


My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. Social Media was a mistake -,

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i hatef foifds!! hate lhate hate!! fuck whites!!! dumb bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!


yes and?

u dumb or something? cant undrstand my commetn?

does your mom know you're retarded?

your mom knows so after I confessed my retardation to her while i rawdogged her

Raw-dogging your whore mother is pretty good because the government forced her to get sterilized after your retarded ass popped out.

it's unfortuante tbh. the trump regime has really put a strain on our family unit. now i will have to adopt children (leaning towards wh*te fent babies) so that they can learn and understand the pain that society puts our breed thrugh

this but completely and totally unironically lol gas the foid drama war now

this s the content drama/r needs

that's the spirit

White people ruining yet another country that they colonized shouldn’t be shocking to no mfing one

Stay out of our countries. We don’t want y’all in our business. 👏🏿

Likewise 😎

Then why did your grand dad bring us here

Gramps is a little short-sighted, don't mind him.

The North was short sided for not letting the south leave.

Then why did your grand dad bring us here

He misunderstood the return policy

Ma'am idk what you're talking about.

What the fuck are they talking about?

You can turn your profile blue to signal support for the protestors in Soudan.

Why care about regional politics? Is there a genocide? Is Russia or China getting their grubby little Asian sausage fingers involved? No, then let them sort it out.

Is there a genocide?

Not for now.

Is Russia or China getting their grubby little Asian sausage fingers involved?


then let them sort it out.


It's Sudan, fuck yes there is a genocide.

Is there a genocide?

who fucking cares about non-burgers

Who even cares if there is a genocide, genocide is the biblical way to permanently solve a problem.

Is this a Facebook thing?

Imagine having a Facebook in 2019

Literally any social media that lets you have an avatar. Even some redditors

Haha welcome to /r/drama. The best meme sub around.

Normiebook foids get CANCELLED by CHAD R/DRAMA USER

What the fuck is this post?

This board has turned to shit.

You feel sorry for a group of people living in a hellscape even though you don't know a lot about them? God you're so stupid.

Have sex, OP

I totally care for people I have never met and know absolutely nothing about. I’m totally not riding a trend and trying to act like I care for attention and to feel good about myself

Go dilate

Women care about something because it's popular, and that's a bad thing Seething

Laughing at something isn’t seething

If you say so matey