Two literal autists have to have the last word in some stupid political argument that normal people don't care about, on a sub for idiots on a website for dickheads

29  2019-06-16 by SubjectEgg


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You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. Two literal autists have to have th... -,,

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listen to these two episodes of my show.

Why the fuck would I spend even more time listening to political shows just to own some internet loser?

Why on earth does that sub exist?

From looking through some of the prompts they're all either completely random guesses or just common sense highly predictable.

The only way id think it'd be interesting is looking back on the unobvious ones that came true.

Great little argument over there.

]AntifaAreFascists 6 points 2 days ago Similar to how Bernie won the primary, but the DNC basically just chose Hillary.

Berntard or larping Trumptard lies about Bernie winning the primary.

drhyde6969 2 points 1 day ago Bernie lost the primary, not even counting super delegates

Another person responds correcting him.

AntifaAreFascists 1 point 1 day ago He was going to win it, but the media reported it as if he had already lost by a wide margin before the voting was even done.

This, alongside things like the DNC giving Clinton all of the debate questions ahead of time, stacked the deck so muuch that, if they had not, he surely would have won in a land slide.

Larping Trumptard/berntard comes up with a weird excuse he can't possibly support with anything even close to empirical evidence.

Typical berntard/trumptard argument tbh.