OJ Simpson has joined Twitter.

88  2019-06-17 by Ghdust2


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


  1. OJ Simpson has joined Twitter. - archive.org, archive.today

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This guy is honestly a huge chad.

Let's go over this.

1) Was heard in the background of a 911 call threatening her and trying to beat her ass.

2) Attacked her car with a baseball bat and admitted to it.

3) Murdered a bitch using a pair of custom gloves only some 200 people in the country had, and then left one of the gloves at the murder scene.

4) Used his custom shoes, which only he owned, to murder a bitch and left the prints behind.

5) Got into a high-speed car chase with the police, using the exact car people saw leaving the murder scene.

6) Got them to let him put a rubber glove over his hand before trying his own custom gloves on to prove they didn't fit.

7) Wrote a book in which he spends 2+ chapters talking about how awful the woman he murdered was, then literally confesses to murder and details the entire night in question.

8) Goes on TV to give an interview about said book, in which he confesses to murder again: https://youtu.be/UDAvLsi2TWs?t=2742

There's way more it to this, but this guy has to be sucking off leprechauns on the side. He's just blatantly guilty of murder, is confessing to it, and is now trolling twitter. He's likely the most chad male to ever exist.

Imagine thinking laws apply to black people that murder whites

The legal system is SERIOUSLY biased against blacks. Especially black guys, it was even worse back then.

After letting the Rodney king cops off LA had to give one to the brothers

As r/drama's resident šŸ‘“ who was alive at the time, this was completely fucking obvious to everyone. There was a two-wrongs-make-a-right mentality. Instead of punishing people who do bad things, just collectively get back at all the white people by letting one of the rich people "on your side" murder one.

Also murder and ethnically cleanse Koreans, because who gives a shit, there aren't enough to ever get their revenge.

Funniest thing was oj would be considered an Uncle Tom today!

Might wanna ignore me when you see me I know too much. Hereā€™s a good local story of some brothers gang kidnapping lil snowflake poured bleach down her throat while she was alive to destroy the evidence. Burned her bf alive too. Raped him as well. Not a hate crime though just some good southern fun.


Do I have to bring up DOJ statistics showing a clear, and constant bias against black people in the justice system?

Do I have to bring up how often white people got away with murdering blacks for most of US history?

Like, this is my main issue with people like you. It's not that you're just looking to be a victim, to score faux oppression points or whatever, it's that you count only examples that fit the narrative you want and edit everything out.

There is mountains of evidence, empirical data that shows the justice system is biased against African Americans, it's not even controversial, it's well studied.

Do I have to bring up how often white people got away with murdering blacks for most of US history?

Everyone murders blacks. Whites have aborted more black babies than were born. In history American whites stopped black slavery worldwide and allowed blacks to be apart of their new world and had children with them. In the Middle East every black slave was castrated and every black slave born was murdered. In the Caribbean average life expectancy of a slave was 3 years before they were worked to death.

American whites saved black people from extinction.

This is about as detached from reality and mentally ill as I'd expect from someone like you. Like, there has to be just a serious, and I mean serious cognitive issue here.

I'd be amazed if you had an IQ over 80.

I'd be amazed if you had an IQ over 80.

Iā€™m part mixed with white so I am above 80 iq. But yes youā€™re right the entire continent of Africa were 95% of blacks live has an average iq of 70. Which you are right is below 80 and is what we classify as mentally deficient here in the developed world. Once again thank god I the white slave owners had children with the slaves or weā€™d all be as dumb as the black Africans.

This is why we treat the blacks with kid gloves cause in the end they only have a childā€™s mind and impulse control. Thatā€™s why they commit 10x more crimes than anyone else. So the bias against them is warranted Do you want us to start expecting them to become astronauts and physicists? No of course not itā€™s the same bias anyone would have when being in a black neighborhood you watch your purse you walk fast. If you want to not have bias why donā€™t you move to the hood?

You can see hereā€™s a great example no one even bothers charging this women with perjury.


Iā€™m part mixed with white so I am above 80 iq.

I stopped reading. You're racially inferior to me and I no longer have to entertain your bullshit.

I mean you are right in a sense black people are violent and stupid but thatā€™s only on average. Doesnā€™t mean every black person is a dumb knuckle dragger. Try and be more enlightened

I'm sorry, I'm decided you're racially inferior to myself and will not be reading anything else you say.

Yeah I would too if I were you. Go pick a fight with a dumber person

I don't think one exists.

You're racially inferior to me

Literal Le 56% face


I'm so glad you're back.

This is 2+3= the blood of the innocent will make these cupcakes delicious. Your facts are right, but your conclusion is spurious.

Do I have to bring up DOJ statistics showing a clea

You can try, but you're not going to get your dick sucked by /r/bestofreddit no matter how many essays you write on this sub.

Who the fuck cares about bestofreddit lmao.

serious posters, apparently

Always wondered. Why does UCR back up the .gov statistics to the T?

Unless now victims are liars and we should punish them.

Always wondered. Why does UCR back up the .gov statistics to the T?

What are you even talking about dude? What argument are you trying to make?

Yours was that the authorities are heavily biased against the based 13. How come the victim crime report collaborates their findings and statistics?

Do you know what the term biased means? It doesn't mean that black people don't have higher crime rates, it means that black people are treated differently by the justice system.

As in, a black man, with the exact same criminal history, charged with the same crime, is more likely to be convicted and will get longer in jail.


There are significant racial disparities in sentencing decisions in the United States.1

Sentences imposed on Black males in the federal system are nearly 20 percent longer than those imposed on white males convicted of similar crimes.2 Black and Latino offenders sentenced in state and federal courts face significantly greater odds of incarceration than similarly situated white offenders and receive longer sentences than their white counterparts in some jurisdictions.3

Black male federal defendants receive longer sentences than whites arrested for the same offenses and with comparable criminal histories.4 Research has also shown that race plays a significant role in the determination of which homicide cases result in death sentences.5

You realize that the disparity in population distribution alone already debunks the theme of sentencing being harsher because of racial profiling and not location, right? And when you control for location, you literally get a ā€œoopsā€ when you realize, ā€œweā€™ll shit, these niggas be commiting a lot of crimesā€

The report does its best to obfuscate what itā€™s actually saying but it literally is a 15 page long ā€œI dundu nuffinā€

At some point ā€œbiasā€ just becomes the logical endgame.

To be clear here, are you denying the empirical data from the DOJ, and the 50+ other papers that have studied this?

Absolutely not. We both agree 13 do 50. You just excuse it as bias because you think so little of blacks you donā€™t imagine them being able to be responsible for their own actions.

Ok, so to be clear here, you believe a black person getting longer, and having a higher chance of conviction for the exact same crime is not bias?

All you have to do is read sources 1 and 3 to completely shit on your argument.

Have you ever been on a jury? Letā€™s say 2 people commit assault. 1 is a black man after being confronted by a hostile white man strikes him. The second is a white man, cussing, at and repeatedly striking a black man for what seems to be mildly inconveniencing him.

Do you think sentence lengths will be the same? The crime is the same is it not?

What, lol? Are you high on meth?

Do you have any citation showing the reason black men get longer for the same crimes is how they act in court?

Let me explain how this actually works.

  • White guy robs store, is arrested and charged with armed robbery. Is given 8 years in prison.

  • Black guy robs store, is arrested and charged with armed robbery. Is given 10 years in prison.

Both have similar criminal backgrounds, but the black man gets longer in jail for the same crime, with a similar background.

That's what a "sentencing bias" is. You can see the same bias along gender lines, too:


If you're a criminal defendant, it may helpā€”a lotā€”to be a woman. At least, that's what Prof. Sonja Starr's research on federal criminal cases suggests. Prof. Starr's recent paper, "Estimating Gender Disparities in Federal Criminal Cases," looks closely at a large dataset of federal cases, and reveals some significant findings. After controlling for the arrest offense, criminal history, and other prior characteristics, "men receive 63% longer sentences on average than women do," and "[w]omen areā€¦twice as likely to avoid incarceration if convicted." This gender gap is about six times as large as the racial disparity that Prof. Starr found in another recent paper.

perceived and evaluated threat donā€™t exist

Ah yes, because a 5ā€™3 120 pound woman running around punching people is identical to a 6ā€™2 210 pound man. Itā€™s almost like people arenā€™t all the same.

Is this just the super woke pizza take on how white mass shooters tend to get taken alive for obeying police orders but Dey can never dun take mike brown alive. I

Ok, how are you not following this?

The percieved threat doesn't matter. If 2 people carry out the same crime, and have the same criminal history, they should be treated the same.

You don't get points for being a female, or white, or anything else. That's not justice.

Is this just the super woke pizza take on how white mass shooters tend to get taken alive for obeying police orders but Dey can never dun take mike brown alive. I

No, it's a pretty cut and dry argument. I have overwhelming empirical data showing a systemic bias in favor of women and white people in the criminal justice system.

You have nothing.

I am wondering what you think staning noids will get you?

Especially considering as I pointed out in your original ACLU sourced piece the gaps are easily explained as early as sources 1 and 3. No need to link new content when my man pizza takes down himself lol.

The gaps are not explained. At no point did you explain any of the gaps. You started making up random shit and fluff you can't possibly quantify because in your head, that's more palatable than admitting racial bias exists in the justice system.

Serious question, why exactly do you think most people being cleared by modern DNA evidence are black?


225 (62%) African American

When I tell you that the evidence of racial bias is absolutely overwhelming, I am not saying that to you as a meme. It's so overwhelming that you trying to claim it doesn't exist is basically on equal footing with you claiming that 2+2=5.

This isn't me "staning" for anyone. I don't care about blacks, or anyone other than myself. This is about respecting basic facts.

why do you think most people cleared by modern dna are black

This literally shows how retarded you are. Letā€™s see. Most likely because most criminals are black, and it absolutely does not absolve a black person of a crime, it just means they caught one fitting the profile.

This is Tariq nasheed levels of cope.

What? They've been locking up innocent black guys for years dude, often on the most sketchy of evidence. Who knows how many black guys are sitting behind bars right now because of "eyewitness testimony."

Given the number of them being cleared, after being wrongly convicted, the number is likely pretty high. This is why I don't associate with white nationalists, it's not the ignorance, the low levels of education, the delusion, the mental illness, or even the smell.

It's that they just do not have any respect for basic facts. They spend most of their time trying to spin out of objective reality, all to maintain a worldview, one based on little more than blind, incoherent tribalism.


This is literally you. And be honest you may go out of your way to disavow WNā€™s but I would bet my left nut that your HOA gatherings look like a klan rally.

I'm completely confused as to how you linking this has anything to do with what I said.

You're making it pretty obvious you can't argue against anything I'm saying here and are attempting some weird, half-assed appeal to absurdity to downplay how badly you lost this.

pizza declares victory

Go back to explaining how DNA exonerations changes the race of the perpetrator of the crime

Who fucking knows, my point is historically, and today, many black men did not get a fair trial.

They were not treated fairly by the justice system. You keep trying to turn this into an argument it never was.

At no point did I claim black people do not have higher crime rates, you made that up.

What the argument actually was, which has been repeatedly pointed out to you, is that the justice system is biased against them, as in they are not treated in the same way a white person is, on average.

I don't know if you're illiterate, I don't know if you're trolling, but your constant attempts to strawman, your constant attempts to argue against something that was never said aren't doing you any favors.

Ok, so if you agree statistically they are more of a threat, wouldnā€™t minimizing their exposure to society be beneficial?

Do you just not know what the word "justice" means?

In the cases we're talking about, they're being compared to white people with the same criminal history, that was arrested for the same crime.

The white person in question is just as much a threat to society as the black person. Both are guilty of the same crime, both have a criminal history.

This is pretty simple. We have already determined which race is the larger threat. We now need to look into statistical qualities of said races pros and cons to said society.

When we look at blacks, they are overwhelmingly a net drain on society. As such, it makes the most sense to put them where they can do as little damage as possible, behind bars. We know that though maybe not in every case, itā€™s well worth the risk to allow the white many to be rehabilitated and brought back into normal society. His higher IQ and work ethic will most likely be a neck contribution, where the reverse is true for the back man.

From a evolutionary standpoint, itā€™s not only the obvious ethical choice but it is undoubtedly the right choice from a evolutionary standpoint to keep civilization safe from POC for as long as possible. As shipping them all back isnā€™t a option, the current judicial system is the most rational, logical and ethical system we have for containing this hindrance to the species.

This is pretty simple. We have already determined which race is the larger threat. We now need to look into statistical qualities of said races pros and cons to said society.

And I stopped reading. I have no interest in whatever pseudo-intellectual, white nationalist drivel you come up with to justify your poorly thought out, incoherent worldview.

Every argument you can possibly make can be used along gender lines as well. If you want to go down this path, you must also accept that sexism and prejudice against you personally is justified.

But I suspect that isn't the case, in your head, you'll come up with some arbitrary reasoning that explains why crime rates and other factors can be used to justify prejudice and discrimination against the people you don't like, but not against yourself.

Bias against men is absolutely, 100% justified. If I walk down the street at night I profile a man walking behind me 10000x more as a threat then a woman.

The difference being, white men are worth the risk for their contributions to society. Blacks are not.

You are acting irrational and angry because it feels yucky to admit threat assement is a extremely beneficial evolutionary process.

That's not what discrimination means. It means you should be treated as a 2nd class citizens based on the actions of other men.

It means you should be kept out of certain jobs. It means people are justified in hating you based on the fact you are male.

We both know you don't actually endorse discrimination against yourself, nobody likes to be discriminated against.

You believe the discrimination won't apply to yourself, but others.

I'll leave you with a Benjamin Franklin quote:

so convenient a thing is it to be a reasonable creature, since it enables us to find or make a reason for everything one has a mind to.

Ben Franklin

Ah yes, the famous egalitarian who was against German immigration because of his fear of a lack of assimilation.

Pizza. Your mind is broken. Your white savior complex is not only blinding you but frankly itā€™s extremely problematic.

Being color blind just show people how woke you are is not productive. Letā€™s see if we can apply this to another topic so you can grasp it.

If I see a dog running at a 3 year old, is it ok to notice itā€™s a pibble? Would you react the same If it was a lab? How about a corgi?

Why is it the moment humans are involved evolution stops at the neck and we have to break out the kiddie gloves?

Why do people like you feel the need to shelter others from the consequences of their actions? We both know that you will no more go into a diverse neighborhood at 3 am than you will stick a fork into a socket and hope the power is out.

Is that discrimination? Is that profiling? We both know 100 out of a 100 times you would stop and ask for directions in a trailer park before you would in was St. Louis. Why is that pizzz? Does your faux morality magically stop when you arenā€™t just putting on a show for good boy points?

Ben Franklin

Ah yes, the famous egalitarian who didnā€™t want Germans immigrating because they were too different from anglos

Pizza, your mind is broken. You have such a deeply ingrained savior complex you canā€™t even imagine a world where discrimination may actually be good. You have yet to provide 1 logical reason why it isnā€™t other than feels.

So letā€™s see if we can make a example you can comprehend better. If Iā€™m in a park with my 3 year old and I see a dog charging it from across the field is it safe to notice itā€™s a pibble? Will my reaction be different than it would be if it was a lab, or a corgi? Is that discrimation?

So letā€™s ask why this logic stops with humans. We are happy to point out all the beautiful things our evolutionary success has afforded us. Did that evolution stop at the neck? No? Why not?

You will notice how, 100 out of 100 times you will stop and ask some fentalyn Americans for directions at their trailer park before doing the same at night in east St. Louis.

For some reason, you will discrimate just as much as any WN or internally racist cat lady. The only difference is you are too much of a coward to admit that the discrimination may actually be helpful rather than harmful. You have such a fragile savior complex that you have been reduced to staning random noids on reddit when you sure as shit associate with them as little as possible irl.

Ah yes, the famous egalitarian who didnā€™t want Germans immigrating because they were too different from anglos

His personal opinions have no relevance to the quote, what it means, or how valid it is. That's not how logic works, his quote is about confirmation bias, it'd be just as true had Hitler himself said it.

Pizza, your mind is broken. You have such a deeply ingrained savior complex you canā€™t even imagine a world where discrimination may actually be good. You have yet to provide 1 logical reason why it isnā€™t other than feels.

And again, for the 3rd time here, this isn't a savior complex, nor do I give a shit about blacks. My issue with you, above all, is your outright rejection of empirical reality, data that says you are wrong because you think your opinions and incoherent, white nationalist worldview are valid replacements for substantive analysis.

So far we've gone from you claiming blacks aren't discriminated against, to then trying to argue against a point that was never made, and now we've come all the way to "discrimination is actually good" and we made it here because you realized you had no ability to argue against anything I said.

o letā€™s see if we can make a example you can comprehend better.

I stopped reading here. I have no interest in whatever poorly worded, incoherent analogy you come up with to justify your trash tier worldview. I don't care what you think about blacks, I don't care what you think about society. The only thing I care about is being right, and I was absolutely right here. That was obvious after your argument shifted 3 times, and you came up with new twists and turns to avoid admitting you were wrong.

the only thing I care about is being right

But you were wrong are not only wrong, but criminally so. Policy and worldview like yours has led to brilliant events like nicholas Cruz.


I strongly urge you to read the sources and educate yourself. I hope you find the courage to confront yourself on the realities of the situation. Like a alcoholic confronted about his drinking, you have done nothing but dismiss your own obvious biases, unfortunately causing a Streisand effect,

You are so addicted to the dopamine rush of trying to protect beings you obviously deem incapable of defending themselves that you have taken indefensible positions which have been completely and thouroughly refuted.

I wish you the best pizza.

But you were wrong are not only wrong, but criminally so.

My claim:

systemic bias against black people in the justice system according to what the empirical data says.

The truth:

That's what the empirical data says.

I have no interest in anything else you have to say. My argument is supported by the data, yours is not.

You can link all the pseudo-intellectual, white nationalist sources you want, that is not going to change. The objective fact, the irrefutable point is the data says I am right and you are wrong. Full stop, period.

This is as far as I read.


Wrong and pizzapilled.

Hate that I had to fall back on famous white nationalist sources like science direct

That paper does not say what you are claiming it says. It's about arrest rates, not bias in convictions or time given.

Furthermore, again, the overwhelming majority of papers on this subject said you are wrong.

I don't know who it is you think you're fooling with this shit, but you are an absolute moron, of the highest possible caliber.

I don't know what's better, the fact you tried to pass off a paper not actually conflicting with my argument or supporting yours as evidence in favor of your point, or the fact you came up with this "feeding the rope" thing to spin out of the fact you got destroyed.

Fucking yikes.

ā€œOne of the most consistent findings in the criminological literature is that African American males are arrested, convicted, and incarcerated at rates that far exceed those of any other racial or ethnic group. This racial disparity is frequently interpreted as evidence that the criminal justice system is racist and biased against African American males. Much of the existing literature purportedly supporting this interpretation, however, fails to estimate properly specified statistical models that control for a range of individual-level factorsā€

Pizza. We had our fun. But stop. I canā€™t keep this going much longer itā€™s painful to watch you squirm.

I've read the paper before dude. You have no idea what you are talking about, you're reading the abstract. The paper was not looking at bias in how the courts handle cases between different ethnic groups being charged with the same crime.

It's a paper on the arrest rates, and why black boys are arrested at higher rates.

It has nothing to do with bias in sentencing, when compared to white boys guilty of the exact same crimes.

I'm actually shocked you're trying to pass off the abstract of a paper you've never read as something supporting the argument you made.

You might unironically be one of the dumbest people on /r/drama.

Pizza, it literally explains how the gap is easily discounted when you involve verbal iq, individual legal representation, etc.

I like to fuck with you, I think you are a essential part of mining dramacoin and genuinely laugh reading a lot of shit you post, but this is said even by your standards.

Again, you are literally a retard. You've never read the paper, it does not support the argument you are making.

Like, the evidence for a sentencing bias is overwhelming. For example:


Using quantile regressions, we estimate the size of racial disparity across the conditional sentencing distribution. We find that the majority of the disparity between black and white sentences can be explained by differences in legally permitted characteristics, in particular, the arrest offense and the defendantā€™s criminal history. Black arrestees are also disproportionately concentrated in federal districts that have higher sentences in general. Yet even after we control for these and other prior characteristics, an unexplained black-white sentence disparity of approximately 9 percent remains in our main sample. The disparity is nearly 13 percent in a broader sample that includes drug cases. Estimates of the conditional effect of being black on sentences are robust, fairly stable across the deciles, and economically significant. There are approximately 95,000 black men in federal prisons. Eliminating the ā€œblack premiumā€ that we identify would reduce the steady-state level of black men in federal prison by 8,000ā€“11,000 men and save $230ā€“$320 million per year in direct costs.

When you account for every factor, there is still an unexplained gap. The fact you haven't been able to follow this is wild. The fact you tried to pass off an abstract of a paper you've never read as a point in favor of the bullshit you are spewing is insane.

I honestly hope you get mental health help, this is one of the saddest cope attempts I have ever seen.

That's not even America you fucking retard. Guess how I know you're furiously googling things in an effort to "debunk" what I said and not even reading it?


Hahahaha omg you furiously editing.

Your argument is ā€œthis article is fake and dumb and not American but also look at this lineā€

Did you read what the point system consists of


Pizza! Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!

You literally just linked me an article about the UK that literally says the opposite about the US.

You understand that, right?


Pizza you are the gift that keeps on giving and I love knowing you are seething and grasping at straws right now.

Pizza! Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!

I'm done with this, your brain is clearly fried. That UK article proves that.

Hahahahhahahahaha as usual, fucking running away with his tail between his legs when owned.

Pizza! Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!

I mean, you linked something that refuted your own point, then linked me a white nationalist youtube channel, and are now linking some guy calling the national academy of sciences a liberal org.

Where do you even go from there? You're clearly just not smart enough to have this discussion, you have some type of learning disability.

ā€œIn 1995, Patrick Langan analyzed data on 42,500 defendants in America's 75 largest counties and found "no evidence that in the places where blacks in the United States have most of their contacts with the justice system, that system treats them more harshly than whites."

Pizza! Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!

You canā€™t not come back bc u know how owned you are and itā€™s beautiful

Yeah, that clearly refutes the 50+ papers since then finding a clear bias in sentencing.

Say, what does the department of justice statistics say today? Like, this is a wild ride. I hope you get the help you need, I really mean that.


This department of justice? The amount of cope we put on to protect fragile minorities is amazing.

You are so owned itā€™s fucking beautiful. Watching your argument shift from ā€œshow the dataā€ to ā€œnot that data!ā€ Is amazing.

Pizza! Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!


sees username

Havenā€™t you people had enough today?

you sound legit fucktarded

You realize that the disparity in population distribution alone already debunks the theme of sentencing being harsher because of racial profiling and not location, right?

I think heā€™s saying it doesnā€™t make sense to compare sentencing outcomes without taking into account locational attributes (whatever those might include). That is, poorer judicial outcomes for the gamer slurs might be more related to characteristics of high-crime areas than skin colour.

šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I think that was his argument.

I know what his argument was, it just doesn't make any sense.

It's across the board, in federal cases even. And most of the papers looking at this are looking at the same areas, as in how a white person is treated in area Y compared to a black person in area Y.

And most of the papers looking at this are looking at the same areas, as in how a white person is treated in area Y compared to a black person in area Y.

šŸ˜¬ big oof for his argument then

They never make coherent arguments. They're so incapable of admitting some racial bias exists in this country they'll twist themselves into knots trying to deny it.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Imagine coming to /r/drama and trying to serious-post...


While I don't disagree, you're not going to take issue with the other seriouspost right before it? Which is even dumber than Pizza's? I'm willing to say both sides are retarded seriousposters, but not all retardation is created equal.

Seriously, goddamn, "blacks get away with killing whites way more than whites get away with killing blacks" is one of the hottest fucking takes I've ever heard.

it says faggot next to your name lol

Well, it's more specifically calling you a faggot. Which isn't wrong, so yes, good of you to point that out.

Damn niggers killing out white women.


Lol do you think if basketball Americans didn't have incredibly high rates of criminality then they would be treated equally by the justice system? Wasting breath on "disparate treatment" when the core issue driving it is disparate behavior is a bit silly don't you think? If blacks behaved like other races the justice system would treat them like it treats other races.

If you're vaguely aware of the extreme race/crime disparities and you're a purely rational person trying to maximize national utility then it's reasonable to treat groups differently. Probably not fair, but perfectly reasonable.

That said, all are eual before Allah and this problem will disappear when we implement Shariah Law.

I swear to god sometimes I think you guys just have literal like... cognitive problems.

I don't know how many times it has to be said, but we're talking about cases where people are charged with the exact same crime, and have a similar criminal history.

Crime rates aren't relevant in this context.

But it isn't, at all. As I explained aboit as clearly as I can. What didn't you understand?

You should take that up with the actual research. Again, this is not controversial, it's well studied.



unwarranted disparities in federal sentencing appear to be increasingā€ (Commission, 2012, p. 3). Summarizing its findings: ā€œThe Commissionā€™s updated multivariate regression analysis showed, among other outcomes, that black male offenders have continued to receive longer sentences than similarly situated white male offenders.... In addition, female offenders have received shorter sentences than similarly situated male offenders.ā€ (Commission, 2012, p. 9)


Motivans and Snyder (2009) analyzed USSC data for fiscal years 1994 through 2008. Their results show that blacks receive mean prison terms that are, in general, longer than whites, and are longer than whites after adjusting for offense seriousness and criminal history, both together and separately.


What we find is that black males receive harsher sentences than white males after accounting for the facts surrounding the case, and we also find that the sentencing disparity has grown over the 8 years since Booker. We find that females receive sentences that are less harsh than their male counterparts, but curiously we find that black and white females receive similar sentences. Something other than skin color and racial prejudice per se is driving these results.

I for the life of me can not understand why you people invest this much time into denying objective reality.

this but unironically

Not biased against rich people.

Pizzashill bringing the 'tism like always

If I where on jury duty, I'd let anyone of for any crime whatsoever.


Were *



Just claim you can be fair and impartial during voir dire and youā€™re golden

I'm not American and there are no juries in my country so this is more of a hypothetical statement.

Oh, ok, well thatā€™s howā€™d you do it in the states if you were a citizen I suppose.

very retarded take. Popular rich people gat away with a lot. Meanwhile black people are snubbed by the legal system. I have no idea about the case in question but the overwhelming evidence supports the opposite of your claim.

Law doesn't apply to rich people and that's what's in play here. Only peasants get punished for crimes.

Got them to let him put a rubber glove over his hand before trying his own custom gloves on to prove they didn't fit.

Hadn't the glove also been exposed to the elements?

I don't even know, the glove isn't even close to the most absurd part of this story.

He literally confessed to murder in that video. He goes through a "hypothetical" murder in which his friend "Charlie" does the killing. He then smiles and says he blacked out and when he came to there was blood everywhere, then again claims it was hypothetical.

At that time, I think Charlie had followed this guy in, to make sure there was no problem, and he brought in the knife. I took the knife from Charlie, and to be honest, after that, I donā€™t remember, except Iā€™m standing there and thereā€™s all kinda stuff around. Blood and stuff.

then again claims it was hypothetical.

is he supposed to go on a murder spree if someone asks him for a hypothetical scenario ? not saying he didn't do it cause who the fuck cares but LOL at thinking that's proof/confession.

Yeah, this totally wasn't a confession, at the end of his book:

ā€œIf I had actually done itā€¦ I would have brought my good gloves that day. I would have thought it was shame they shrunk when I left them out on the patio, but I would have brought them just the same. They were my lucky gloves, and I would have needed them cause I was going to stab my slut of a wifeā€¦ hypothetically.ā€

There is hard DNA evidence that he did it.

The "problem" is that DNA evidence is so secure that you should not use it. For what do we even have a jury full of idiots if we could just use DNA evidence? At least this is what his lawyer said and it worked.

I think the biggest factor with the gloves was that he had arthritis and quit taking his pills before trying them on. Causing his hands to swell.

I want to believe his son did it, just like I want to believe Cosby's son did all the rapin'.

5) Got into a high-speed car chase with the police

I was there and that dude was doing like 35 tops lmao

Are you Al Cowlings?

Lol nah but I did live a couple blocks from the 405 at the time. Everybody was watching it on the news so when he was getting close to where we lived, everybody in the neighborhood went down to the highway to see him drive by.

Dude had like the entire LAPD behind him and a completely clear 405 in front of him and he was just casually driving along. Super surreal.

That shit was hilarious. Dude kills two people and you would think it was a funeral procession afterwards.

It was bizarre. The cops were scared OJ would get hurt, though and this wasn't very long after the riots. Tensions were still pretty high at the time. The last thing the police needed was for OJ to kill himself or get killed cause that would have been a bigger shitshow than the trial was.

Lol I still think nothing was a bigger shit show than that trial, well besides the riots of course.

I fucking loved how the trial was a team sport where black people were retarded and cucking themselves by cheering for a millionaire who was the whitest black guy to ever live until Obama hit the scene.

pretty funny the detective completely cucked himself out of the easiest high profile case of his career

Lol you're not wrong, though I do think OJ getting killed would have been worse cause it probably would have kicked off more riots. I didn't live in what you would call a nice neighborhood either (I lived on Inglewood) so it would have sucked for me.

smdh, the C O P E is off the charts because the legal system finally did something right and didn't lynch a noble nubian kang over some subhuman mayoess

y'all demons need to go back to Patmos

The fact that people can defend him is amazing to me. Heā€™s obviously a murderer, but heā€™s my favorite murderer alive.

How based could one man be.

high-speed car chase

But it was famously low speed.

Classic example of black privilege.

My man Matt Watson inviting the Big O to his podcast!

They have been big OJ fans since the very beginning! Really hope that he notices our sweet boys.

he needs to get blue ticked!

OJ is my favourite black person.

That's killer

The Juice is loose!

OJ needs to do an AmA yesterday

He must be looking for the real murderer now.