Resident math disprover accidentally posts his 'maths and science ain't real, read my erotic poetry' spiel on topminds, unintentionally triggering a slapfight over basic mathematics and proving the true topcels are the people who comment there.

85  2019-06-17 by kingdong112382


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I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


  1. Resident math disprover accidentall... -,,

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I too am retarded.

wow me too we should rub our dicks together

Can I join u guys? I'm feeling lonely 😢

# metoo

>0.99999..... and 1 aren't the same thing

Easiest way you can tell someone doesn't get math

High school math curriculum includes this exact proof.

Lmao its really not that hard. 1/3=0.333...

Just multiply it by 3 nigga

Imagine thinking the average burger paid attention in math class.

I can't read discussions about that shit anymore. I'm pleasently surprised no one is arguing about it in here.

I've been following this guy's antics since his post last month on /r/Nietzsche got a bit of traction. 200 comments is a pretty good result.

He's been posted here at least twice now over the last few months. First I think was r/science, can't remember the second. Pretty soon he's gonna be banned everywhere else and have to go to r/rarepuppers and explain his mathematical genius to them in pupperspeak.

He might have some supporters there, three thirds of a dog don't make a pupper because all the hecking blood got out.

He reminds of that glenn guy. Poor schizophrenic

Yeah this guy's persistent to say the least, his 'have you heard about Australia's leading erotic poet' schtick has been going on for at least a decade from the posts I could track down on older forums and even the people dealing with him then seemed used to his shit.

My favourite is when he describes himself in the third person by paraphrasing a 150y+ dead french poet as if it's a review of his work.


This guy is absolutely nuts.

That title tho lmao good job OP

We should mod this guy.

Give him a few days, he'll probably just post his spiel here.

Isn't it ironic how there are conspiracy nuts in r/topmindsofreddit

No really most of them went there because the main sub became a government ass kissing sub

Imagine trying to go /r/imverysmart on topminds and getting slammed by topminders, where is that on the totem pole of retardation?

My best guess is that he has no actual idea of the places he posts on, he occasionally follows basic rules after mods prompting him like on /r/poetry_critics where he had a post removed for not performing at least two reviews himself and then immediately did his two reviews and reposted. He does not, however, understand the concept of subs being used for posting specific themed content so his rants show up on every university sub he can find, then they show up on /r/science and the generics, then he posts them in places like /r/teenagers and /r/iamverysmart.

I expected this to end with “and that’s why age of consent laws are bullshit”

You know, after reading some of his poetry that wouldn't be too far out of character for him.