Pizza and a local Chinaman entertain each other by talking about Black crime statistics.

42  2019-06-17 by le_epic_xd_part_2


This might come as a shock to you, but I do not care about your opinions, your ignorance or failure to comprehend the research, or what you believe. The only thing I care about, and I can not stress this enough, is what the empirical research says. And it says you are wrong.

Your personal opinion? worth as much as a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk to me. That is the absolute extent to which I care about what you think. This is where I stopped reading. I do not entertain the economic illiteracy of far leftists or far right-wing tards.

Both are equally misinformed on average, both are failures.


  1. Pizza and a local Chinaman entertai... -,,

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He’s so racist against black people. The moment I told him I was half black he kept calling me dumb nigger

is he wrong though? 🤔🤔🤔

you’re certainly dumb

which half?

a broken clock...

Dude he was calling you dumb because you admitted to being part mayo

and sexist.

And then when you find yourself in a different argument with him and you already know how racist and sexist he is (takes one to know one ayyyylmao), he pretends he's not because he's that addicted to "winning" internet arguments.

It's become to eerily similar to how Goebbels and Hitler described the Jew.

He's not wrong about you bud

He’s on a real “lawyer” kick today, here he is making a claim and coping hard when called out on it

I'm honestly convinced you're trolling with that libel shit. Only in the most tortured reading possible can you claim your argument makes any sense in the context of what I was saying.

I honestly think you just didn't read anything, tried to sound smart, lost, and are now doubling down on it.

The NYT knowingly publishing false and damaging things about DJT is libel, is not protected by the 1A, but practically, is a too expensive and drawn-out endeavor to pursue realistically.

If you really want to rub on your Trump hate boner this morning, go after his bullshit flag burning idea in regards to trashing the 1A, but acting like the NYT is immune from committing libel is some Reddit-tier legal counsel.

The NYT knowingly publishing false and damaging things about DJT is libel, is not protected by the 1A, but practically, is a too expensive and drawn-out endeavor to pursue realistically.

When did the NYT publish false things about DJT, knowingly?

If you really want to rub on your Trump hate boner this morning, go after his bullshit flag burning idea in regards to trashing the 1A, but acting like the NYT is immune from committing libel is some Reddit-tier legal counsel.

Nobody ever said NYT was immune to libel, are you actually just illiterate?

Considering it hasn’t gone to trial yet, it’s not like you can say either way

Now, it’s Monday dude. Time to go out and get money and better yourself


It won't go to trial, that's why Trump was "looking at the 1st amendment."

They were under the impression they could change the 1st amendment and "open up libel laws" meaning remove actual malice standard.

I was going to explain how trial isn’t going to happen because Trump hasn’t even filed charges over it (to my knowledge) but frankly, this is exhausting and a perfect example of why my profession charges in incremental billable hours.

There will be no trial because Trump knows he has not a leg to stand on, which is why he's constantly reeing about libel laws.

Honestly, my good man bussy, this would have been over had you just admitted I was right and not tried to argue with me when it's just very blatant I'm right.

I honestly have no words, Pizza. Take care.

Use your brain bussy, you're a smart guy.

So if they were willing to after the daily mail, it's pretty obvious they'll go after someone if they think they can prove actual malice. They want nothing to do with the NYT, because they know the NYT will bend them right over.

How are you going to link a news article to a case that demonstrates the exact opposite of what you’ve been screeching about for 12 hours? Really dude?

I'm honestly confused here, what exactly do you think my argument was?

fuckin hell dude do you ever post less than a novel?


Can you address the racially inferior comment you made though? Were you just using their own arguments against them or?

The guy admitted to being part mayo and thus is racially inferior due to that mayo heritage. At least I assume that's what pizza was going for.

Oh he wasn’t scroll up

Disappointing. I thought pizza was redpilled on the mayo question.

When debating who’s more racist. You take the side of the white guy who loves blacks over the black guy that loves whites?

And you are surprised when the white guy says this.

my people were conquering Europe while your were living in mud huts

Sounds like you actually paid attention in gender African studies class at clown college.

I wouldn't be gloating too much if I were you. You managed to come out of that argument looking more retarded than pizzashill lol

Yeah it’s super fun to be all pro black male from moms basement in your gated community

He lost the argument. He has bias for black people he doesn’t go to the hood at night. He won’t loan his xbox to a black friend. He knows that. He realizes it’s only human experience that causes blacks to not trust other blacks. He just had to save face anywhere he could by ending the conversation by calling me coon face.

shoo, CAnimal

Back to CTH

Imagine looking in the mirror to attempt to convince yourself your the cool kids while simultaneously being on the side of white 40 year old Karen’s that tattle to managers when the low paid workers don’t do what mommy wants.

Yeah no, that's not the impression of that discussion that I got out of it. You guys apparently don't like people that use bug words or type a lot because it confuses you and/or your lazy, and it reveals how pathetic you rightiods are.

I mean you're shaking his cage beautifully there, but if your argument was that the NYTs high powered lawyers on retainer allowed the paper to print libelous materials on anyone, let alone in the most covered person in the US, who threatens litigation as his main tool, is Daddy-O-Vison 8000 with Platinum GIGAcope preinstalled.

I don’t think it’s up to their lawyers to decide what to print or not, but what I’m saying is that libel isn’t protected under the 1A, and that Mr Pizza esq is doing everything in his power to demonstrate that he didn’t understand this until he went on his Wikipedia-spree.

To my knowledge daddy hasn’t filed charges against the NYT over libel, so it’s not like P’s understanding of malice would even apply yet.

Haha fair play then

Pizzashill's right about some things, but the way he sperg posts about them is so insufferable, I find myself disagreeing out of pure spite. Also his inability to take even the tamest criticism borders on psychotic.

He’s pretty pathetic tbh. I’ve met other “men” like him. In a sane society they’d be hunted down.

Im a brainlet but it seriously took me like ten minutes to figure out that libel argument. I think pizza is probably correct, but he is using libel informally, which is what i think seattle bussy is focusing on for some reason. Lawyer autism maybe.

It doesn't matter what the arguement is about, or who is right. Pizza will literally never let someone have the last word, and he will never admit he is wrong. He erodes people's spirit with his unhinged rants. When youre finally tired of reading his incredibly long posts and stop responding, he will claim it as another internet argument won. His system is completely unbeatable, because he has more time and autism than whoever he's talking to. He is the avatar of keyboard warriors everywhere. Their Patron saint.

I admit I'm wrong when I'm wrong. I'm just not wrong that often.


And notwrong-pilled

*never. I love u pizza 😘😘😘

Give me ur baby 😍😛😛

Pojo has dibs, sorry.

Yang-senpai 😭😭😭

when arguing with le enlightened ethno nationalists it’s not hard to be right. Even an autist like pizza can btfo rightards

Completely agree. I was speaking in more general terms, like the topic of foids.

those were simpler times when foids were pizzas most heated debate topic 😢


you again

Succinct and accurate-pilled

because he has more time and autism than whoever he's talking to

Considering he's on /r/drama that's really saying something too

I'd describe it as Hurculean, in fact. He's truly the Padashah to our Vizyers in that department.

He ironically reminds me of the right wing 40 year olds I knew when I was 18 and working retail. They listened to talk radio and just knew the exact way to fix every problem in America. From energy policy to complex legal arguments about commerce, they knew EVERYTHING. They not only knew enough on all these wide-ranging and difficult topics, but they were incredibly sure of themselves, to the point of dismissing even mild doubts about their ideas as delusional brainwashed retardation.

It never seemed to enter their heads that a top 1% knowledgeable and persuasive person like they considered themselves to be would probably be doing better on nearly all fronts in life than they were. Especially because one thing that almost all these people have in common is they have any number of personality/social disorders and an incredibly chaotic personal life. For them, I think having all these "answers" about infrastructure reform in Wyoming (or whatever new kick they were on) gives them some morsel of power/control/understanding about the world that they can't muster over their own lives.

It never seemed to enter their heads that a top 1% knowledgeable and persuasive person like they considered themselves to be would probably be doing better on nearly all fronts in life than they were.

that's definitely pizzashill lol. dude comes on here with long, thousand-word seriousposts about how we need to fix domestic oil gauging and random shit like that

but anyone intelligent enough to solve problems that complex should not even visit this subreddit, much less be here 24/7 like he is.

This is just outright false. I never even talk about things I don't understand, most certainly not stuff like that.

Just an FYI Greek people were enslaved by blacks (the moors) for a lot than 400 years.

Last I checked, you're racially inferior and thus I do not have to listen to anything you say.

We’re the same race

No, you are racially inferior to myself.

We’re both part black though.


What I’m saying is if you look at the lineage of your people they have dark kinky hair and large eyebrow ridge because of the many many generations they were enslaved and inner bred with blacks. I mean it’s obvious we are essentially the same race.

No. You're a mongrel.

The Mongoloid is actually stemming from the step of Asia. It comes from the term Mongolian. The Mongolians leader ghenghis kahn raped almost a million women many modern day Greeks actually were also succumb to the mass of invading forces. Similar to the moor years. To this day 60% of Asians come from ghenghis Kahn. You can see it in their flat faces and high ridge flat cone shape in the back of their head. Very similar to your facial structure.

I'm European bud, nice try.

Greeks are the niggers of Europe.

I'm not Greek.

You have a distinct Southern European soft facial features.

Then why do you look so brown lol

He’s really mad about having that classic incel jaw line.

So pizza’s a direct descendant of Genghis Khan? Apple fell far from the tree

Everyone wonders why women like rape or why men like to rape I think it’s partially genetically attributed to ghenghis Kahn and Vikings

I always knew you could embrace your inner Nazi

I don't have a dog in this fight but..

The Moors were Arabs and the Turks (who are Asian) are the ones who enslaved/conquered the greeks.

No, that was very clearly the Moops.

Lots of unironic rightoids on r/Drama lately 👀 Did some containment sub get the hammer lately?

Drama has been festering an infection since mde got the boot. The jannies are powerless rite nao

Jannies rise up! ✊✊

you can tell because you meet half black le 50%ers arguing that white people are oppressed by the law

/> lately

oh sweaty

lol cry about it


yes that is what me and my ideology pay to live in your head



> u n i r o n i c / r / p o l i t i c s p o s t e r

I stopped reading. You're racially inferior to me and I no longer have to entertain your bullshit.

Horrifyingly based

right wingers must have brains less functional then the 70 iq Kenyans they love bitching about.

another cope

you’re a loser who attaches to meme ideologies because you have no sense of belonging. Your entire account is cope about that.



Have sex

wait, who out of those two is supposed to be the racist one?

Both and none

I’m not racist I told you I’m half black

That's what the none's for

Do you know what the term biased means? It doesn't mean that black people don't have higher crime rates, it means that black people are treated differently by the justice system

I'd like to buy some apples.

Sure, but buying apple depends if you are willing to buy oranges, too.

But I don't want oranges.

Ok, no apples for you then.

Can you imagine how smart blacks would be if whites just let them read during the 400 years of slavery? We’d have minority report computers and black invented flying space cars. All we got was peanut butter sandwiches instead.

We're really blessed to have pizza amongst us in these dire moments sans pinging.

Stop fucking downvoting the lolcows. Pizzashill (yangpede) is a lolcow.

Pizzas a different breed the downvotes actually make him try harder. As long as he never gives up we are good.