Have I succeeded in pigeonholing this person? Please follow the comment chain and give me a second opinion

26  2019-06-17 by Mosqnk


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This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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You also have an Instagram account with 9 followers that is following 200 plus Japanese pornstars. Please stop lying.

Someone is jealous of OPs 9 followers. 🤭

huh.. what an interesting case

Christ, what a bunch of 🥢

lol you hit the nail on the metal hobby. I mean, who ever saw a woman at a blind guardian concert?

a woman at a blind guardian

Half of EUPMfags are women, the other half are effeminate men.

Canoeing is cultural appropriation. Before the whites came the canoe was a important cargo transportation for many native cultures. Now its just a way for hicks and bougies to sit around doing nothing productive

I mean, you BTFO’d him, but this is kind of like going into a mental ward and arguing with the inmates. Why take the time out of your day to do it?

When you are locked up in the ward anyway, why not talk to other inmates?

Nice self post you fucking autist

"Hey drama, give me ebin upvotes for totally owning this random redditor"

Hey man it’s not like that I swear. I’m just not sure if I was right about this guy and wanted to hear from my friends :~)

OP get help

OP, my professional opinion is that you're a bona-fide autist. Go outside.

Thanks doc. Now where’s my daily dose?