someone tries to spread the wisdom of radical centrism to /r/PoliticalHumor - users unequivocally reject it, attempt to burn him at the stake for it

98  2019-06-17 by Tytos_Lannister


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There is absolutely nowhere on Reddit (except maybe The Great Awakening) where stupider, sadder, scareder, or crazier comments consistently get upboats and support than this place you linked. You might think, Hey look! A place where women aren't all sucking tranny peen! Weird! But then you find out that they are scared of tranny peen, and believe that in a couple years, women who don't assimilate and get a peen themselves will be locked up in suspended cages, let down from their gibbets only to be repeatedly viciously raped and denied STEM jobs.

That place is like /r/drama if everyone here felt scared for their lives, and could only find possibly recourse in demanding mayocide and bussy. Swap our memes for 'white-female ethnosexstate now' and 'kill all men before they kill all women' and you have a pretty fair idea of their topics.

And that's where it gets interesting: they're unironically probussycide, unironically antifemayocide. Truly, /r/drama has its antithesis.

And believe me: it is dangerous.


  1. someone tries to spread the wisdom ... -,,

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The left sees Nazis everywhere because the right is chock full of people repeating Nazi slogans and ideas, and putting those people in charge of their parties and movements.

The right sees communists everywhere because... er... it's politically convenient to accuse their opponents of being communists.


But muh red scare reeeee !

This is the best example of the Dunning-Kreuger effect.

“Am I so paranoid of Nazis? No, it’s the Right wingers who are wrong.” - PoliticalTumor.

Good job on Dunning-Kruegerining up. DAE like petrichor?

Do Mandela effect next to complete the circle.


Actually it is more like the left also sees Nazis everywhere because it is politically convenient. Both sides just call their opponents slurs in hopes that the general population will not notice that neither side has a decent argument.

Thanks for explaining the joke.

It was a Joke? Ok then I guess this belongs on r/whoosh

It was a Joke?

Where exactly do you think you are?


There are way more commies than Nazis on the very website they're commenting on. Fucking incredible cognitive dissonance.

You may agree with it, but sitting in the center and not voting or otherwise participating doesn't make you wise, just apathetic.

The irony of an apathetic moron who thinks there are only 2 options.

No wonder it's the Best Comment at the moment as it beautifully confirms the OP.

I wonder where these morons got there idea of what centrism is from. They literally think it’s not having any opinions and never voting on anything.

In the US... there are only 2 options(as it is a literal 2 party system).

In any country with FPTP, there may be more than 2 options, but your vote has very little impact, in that you need to vote for the winner in your state for it to count - this means you only really get to choose from the more popular options if you want to have any impact. So realistically the same parties would just keep winning the election.

Honestly the only option in those situations is to deal with the political system in ways other than voting, the issue is that the system is rather confusing to navigate for people who have not taken a degree in political science.

Ya ya I use to stare at my shower wall thinking about alternative parties in America but they are even more fucking retarded than Dem and Repubs. Who the fuck would want the green party or tea partiers have power?

Stupid. Just have our current lefties and conservatards fight it out. At least we won't turn into Europe kek

That's what the lead paint chewers in r/enlightenedcentrism think.

You're either with them on the far left, or you're a Nazi.

The Right: Kill all the undesirables

The Left: Kill all the bourgies and rich

Me, an enlightened centrist: Let's not kill anyone.

me, a radical centrist: omnicide now

Me, a true radical centrist : omnicide using the salami method. Cutting away one random group of people at a time, until they are all dead.

First the mayos

We will use their blood to coat our sandwiches

But its so bland!

Thats why you add mustard you retard, that means the chinks are next i guess

Me, let’s kill everyone

I mean most of the rich people in the Soviet Union weren't killed unless they joined a violent rebellion. They just had to work to earn a living afterward.

Some people worked and had the fruits of their labor redistributed to the point of starvation. IE, the Holodomor.

The Great Purge is a hoax. Stay woke. 👀

And then they're were the cossacks

Wow, how dare you not want to kill anyone based on an ideology. Radical centrist much?

"Both sides are the same" always helps the right. Their voters show up at the polls religiously and hold their nose to vote straight down the party line. The left needs to actually get people excited and willing to compromise a bit when they don't get exactly what they want.

I think this was best said "Republicans fall in line, Democrats need to fall in love".

The irony is that by yelling "lol centrists, you're either with us (the Left) or you're against us!!! they're only helping the Right.

The irony is huge in Russian interference articles. "Russians are trying to sow division! FUCK YOU, YOU GODDAMN CENTRIST RUSSIAN SHILL!!!"

look at any r/politics thread about russian divide and conquer interference and all the comments are about how stupid redneck blumpf supporters are for falling for it. the npc meme exists for a reason

and all the comments are about how stupid redneck drumpf supporters are for falling for it.

They claim to champion "the poor", yet they attack rednecks and rural people in general. If they truly cared for the poor, they would helping rural people as much as possible.

They say "rural people voted Red, they deserve it!!!"... but if you dare say poor people in cities deserve it for voting Blue, all hell will break loose.

if you dare say poor people in cities deserve it for voting Blue, all hell will break loose.

It gets really funny when you see them complaining about liberal voters not falling in line. Like this guy (who even sensors Trump like he's gonna Voldemort him):

The last election was decided in large part not just by Conservatives voting for Tr_mp, but by all the idealistic liberals who cast protest votes or just didn't vote at all.

I wonder which group had really low voter turnout in 2016 compared to 2012 and 2008. Yet this group is often referred to as the "backbone" of the Democratic party and that the party must earn their votes. But the white Bernie supporter has to fall in line.

Honestly this shit is just convincing me the Russians did a good fucking job. Look at this shit, people are incredibly divided and willingly drive themselves further apart.

Democrats just need to put a candidate on jimmy kimmel doing an epic Harry Potter rap dressed as Superman and talk about how all his favorite Pokémon. They’d be at the polls in droves

Why do they keep talking about fight club? If I'm center-pilled do I need Tyler to blast my bussy before I understand not taking sides?

brad pitt can blast my bussy regardless of based fight club centrism

Either some poor sucker confused by the term "Political" thinking it's a neutral subreddit or someone trolling the idiots on there.

Regardless, the responses are exactly what I expected.

Maybe it’s just me who thinks this but literally my ideology is completely morally and intellectually superior and the critics are brain dead nazis

The left sees Nazis everywhere because the right is chock full of people repeating Nazi slogans and ideas, and putting those people in charge of their parties and movements.

The right sees communists everywhere because... er... it's politically convenient to accuse their opponents of being communists.

This is so fucking good. He says this with no irony at all. I would post it to r/selfawarewolves if that sub wasn't a leftoid only zone.

Communists never did anything wrong... Because no communist has been a true communist yet...

Stalin is better than Hitler

Change my mind

Stalin was a manlet.

Should I be surprised a chapo would prefer the guy who didn't kill Hitler?

Your title was very misleading op and for that reason I am forced to downvote your post.

Nobody made fun of them for using such an edgy r/iam14andthisisdeep level meme unironically? What a bunch of dumb fucks.