White woketards at CB2 cancel Cyberpunk's black creator for ""as a black man"ing"

143  2019-06-17 by want-dick-in-butt-xd


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It astounds me how many dinguses can look at the cyperpunk genre and completely miss all the anti-capitalism, sexism, class inequality, discrimination, and destruction of the environment that make up the primary themes, just to see pretty neon lights and robot arms.

Maybe it's because people just want to play videogames and have fun so they can forget about their troubles for a little while. I'm pretty sure the only reason that cbers and the SRDines care about this stuff is because they're unemployed or have easy jobs. No person with a job that demands attention and effort should care about this stuff after work.

Even as an International-Relations-cel, I get exhausted with this ridiculous level of analysis these freakshows always undertake

The funny part is they think those themes won't be present, but I guarantee you they will be.

That’s really it. People recognize cyberpunk settings are dystopian oligarchies where the rich use access to tech to de facto rule over the masses, they just don’t feel the need to write a dissertation on the topic.

It's quite literally such a common theme that it's a genre.

The fact that they think they have to espouse something so well known just shows the disconnect, I guess.

are dystopian oligarchies where the rich use access to tech to de facto rule over the masses

hitler basically claimed 1920s germany was like that. the problem as John Cusack suddenly realized, is when you define who those rich people are.

They will that is like 101 shitty cyperpunk. Expect super dysfunctional evil mega corps and cod philosoph.

Correct but you won’t have it made goofishly explicit — “YASS WALLS AREREEE BBADDDD WINK WINK!!”

I think being located in Poland, even in this globalized world, might insulate CDPR to some extent from the stupidity of American radlibs, so I don’t think the recent whinefest will influence the ultimate quality of the game—

Oh, wait, we’re on /r/Drama, aren’t we? Imagine caring about vidya xd

I don't play video games anymore but I'm actually thinking about picking this one up.

I only want to play the game if I can fuck the trannies on their poster advertisements the same way Geralt in Witcher has sex with 90% of the women in the game that have a plot story element.

I'd buy the collector's edition for that.

DLC where Gerald cucks Dandelion.

Fantasy is not my thing, but this looks pretty cool I might give it a shot.

There was a witchhunt some time ago because a game set in medieval Poland didn't feature black people so I doubt it.

And the Polish developers didn’t cave.

It's just a lot of wannabe literary critics who don't understand that not every condemnation needs to be spelled out in 10-foot high neon signage.

Profundity isn't always reached by proclaiming a stance to the viewer. Sometimes just the act of exploring a world and discovering it's nature through the inevitable consequences of life within it is enough.

ciberpunk say corporashun bad

i think corporashun bad

all ciberpunk conform to my worldview

i went to unversity for this

Maybe it's because people just want to play videogames and have fun so they can forget about their troubles for a little while.

yeah until they put a girl character in crash bandicoot or whatever you things play these days and every, "I just want to have fun and forget about my troubles" guy goes into absolute hysterics

Not really Coco was always in that series. Also she’s adorable I can’t think of a single KiAutist that would unironically hate her

she’s adorable

what is it about gamerstm where you seem to only have two modes when interacting with a woman

A: absolute unfiltered hated


B: sexual obsession to the point of fetishization

Sir, GCJ is the other way. You have to turn back.

I'm not online enough to know what that acronym stands for

Gay Cock Juice

Reddit account for 7 years.

Your bad at LARPIng

I'm not here every second of every you day

Don’t downvote the lolcow

Ok just every other second of every other day.

I said adorable you fucking weirdos. Like a puppy or a small bike

this might surprise you but the character wasn't created to please your weenie.

Speak for yourself.

sorry but the world revolves around my weenie

also nice flair

I said adorable not fuckable

What kind of manchild even plays mascot platformers? Shame on you.

Ouch too real

That guy is an asshole, too. You're both assholes.


No person with a job that demands attention and effort should care about this stuff after work.

I use to give my pops shit for coming home from work and immidiately turning on Judge Judy and other mindless tv programs. 'Omg why don't you watch documentaries??'

Then I realized he was a engineer / mba / project manager and just wanted mindless entertainment after work. Just like 90% of people who will play that video game.

Yeah. This is why I stopped criticizing old people TV. MTV can go fuck themselves however, that shit has no reason to be so awful.

It's just another case of redditors thinking something is subtle to make themselves feel smarter. Similar to them jerking themselves off to all the "subtle" jokes they recognized in Arrested Development.

Maybe it's because people just want to play videogames and have fun so they can forget about their troubles for a little while.

On the one hand, yes. On the other hand, this veers dangerously close to capeshit apologism.

I used to read cape-shit up until uni. I still do sometimes for nostalgia >!and even unironically now on rare occasions.!<

it's a hobby, don't stop letting losers on the internet try and out cool you because they're more apathetic, depressed and gay than you could ever dream.


Absolutely haram, brother

There's nothing wrong with watching capeshit if you admit its just mindless entertaiment, the issue comes when retards compare stan lee to shakespeare.

The whole problem with capeshit is when people view it as more than just light entertainment.

There's nothing wrong with just enjoying it. Unless you start buying shit like funkopops.

Imagine being so anti-fun that you write this.

Half the fun of cyberpunk is being plunked down in a nightmare dystopian society and manipulating your way through it to win. But how dare people enjoy that experience instead of sitting back and huffing their own farts about capitalism lmao

It’s almost as if all they have is politics. Politics politics politics. They are obsessed with politics to the point they say dumb shit like “everything is about politics” without noticing now insanely toxic that mentality is.

At risk of looking the biggest idiot here, take a look at my comment history from yesterday. Got in to a convo with a cth kid because he literally lost his shit when I said both Americans and Soviets fucked up Central America really bad.

They’re not even obsessed with the policy-side of politics. They’re obsessed with the TMZ-equivalent.


You have to go back

Sometimes you ironically sweaty-post so much, you become the sweaty.

Whoever fights yikesposters should see to it that in the process he does not become a yikesposter. If you gaze long enough into the wokeness, the wokeness will gaze back into you.

You said that the communists also destroyed Latin America. Can you elaborate? Are you saying it was Russian backed rebel groups during the cold War, or that far left policies which were parallel to communism lead to anarchy and a disintegration of social institutions? I know about Cuba and Venezuela, but most of what I think of regarding Latin America during the cold war was Iran/Contra, and US backed right wing police states. Love to hear more. Thanks.

Hi buddy, I think I can address your questions:

eat shit

take care,

  • don

Hi Don! You're a good guy, and I should have known that you would have seen this. Look, just because it's my baby doesn't mean that it wasn't born within your marriage. So that means it's yours to take care of. I already told you, I wouldn't have fucked her over and over again in the hotel she paid for with your money if she didn't beg for it on Tinder.


A lot of people, especially Marxists, think genres like cyberpunk (or even vaporwave) are supposed to be critiques of capitalism, hierarchies, etc.

It's easy to come to this conclusion because cyberpunk almost always includes an oppressive environment and an oppressive authority. Who wants to live in a gritty, dirty, disease-infested concrete/neon jungle and be left powerless by elites who rule with an iron fist, right?

Well, apparently everyone lol.

Almost all devout fans of cyberpunk use the genre as a form of escapism. How can this be the case if cyberpunk is supposed to make us think that capitalism, inequality, and oppression are bad? Mad Max criticizes society for not caring about the environment and having violent tendencies, yet no one in their right mind wants to live in the Mad Marx universe.

I don't know, maybe a lot of people are too sick of the freedom they have in the 21st century and want to live simpler lives.

Frankly to say cyberpunk is just a critique of capitalism is reductionist.

Not to mention that china is on the leading edge of bringing this brand of dystopian authoritative future a reality.

because people are retards and are easily baited with neon lights and sick music

Synthwave is kino

I can never tell if it's supposed to be ironic

But it makes for a pretty good running/exercise playlist

I would say that it’s because we don’t truly want freedom. We want to feel free, we want to seem free, we probably even want to be able to tell ourselves that we are free, but true freedom is probably pretty lonely and miserable.

it's because in cyberpunk it's very clear who the bad guys are and the people who fight them are super-cool. it's not any more complicated than that.

The same could be said about Mad Max which I mentioned in my post. Or other dystopian movies like, I don't know, Robocop (which isn't cyberpunk despite what some plebeians may think).

Robocop in particular is a very stereotypical good vs evil story, there's no "gray" characters. Yet I imagine most people wouldn't want to live in its settings because it's just a more technologically advanced 21st century city with a shit ton of crime.

the good guys in Robocop aren't very cool. (they're cops)

and I believe you're wrong about nobody wanting to actually live in Mad Max world. i've spent a lot of time around wasteland fanboys and i think a lot of them are sick of the structure and constraints of modern life and imagine a wide-open blank slate to be a potential improvement for them.

The main character is more than a cop- he ends up defecting. The good vs bad story is him (and his side chick) vs the corrupt company that's overtaking the police department.

I also think the number of people who want to live in a post-apocalyptic blood bath in the desert are dwarfed by those who want to live in a sci-fi society where they can NEET the fuck out all day. But that's just my observation.

It's a real laugh that Marxists envision themselves the temporarily oppressed cyberpunks rather than the champagne socialist oppressors.

it's very clear who the bad guys are and the people who fight them are super-cool.

you could say the same shit about the nazis though. like its obvious Weinstein is evil just by looking at him and the guys who fight them wear hugo boss and have cool weapons and tactics.

just fucking once i want someone to actual subvert those expectations. The Iron Dream was made 50 years ago yet is the only book in that entire time to realize how you can show how easily people are tricked by the narratives.

What the people want is the tech of the cyberpunk universe without the societal problems.

Cyberpunk is not always a critique of capitalism, it can be a critique of a lot of things - but cyberpunk is always about some theoretical dark future and thus it is almost always political.

For example; psychopass, where the problem does not come from megacorps but from the government literally enforceing thought crime.

I think it has to do with the fact that in Mad Max, even the best off are still living worse lives than most people today. In a cyberpunk setting, if you are talented or rich, your life could be incredible. Most people who imagine living in a cyberpunk setting are not imagining themselves as part of the proles.

even the poor have cool shit though. like to a kid from 30 years ago we are living in an awesome cyberpunk reality because the poor have access to most movies and tv shows and porn for free. hot naked women at the touch of a button. if you have the money you can get food from any restaurant delivered to you. you can play games with your friends without ever leaving your house and be chauffeured to and from your job even if you're middle class, also you can buy almost anything and within 2 days max it will be at your house. (in 1989 it was considered speedy delivery if you ordered something through the mail or through QVC and it got there in 2 MONTHS.)

Actually now that I think about it, for 99% of people in a cyberpunk dystopia, is life even really much different than it is now?

not really outside of the fashions and the person they're following. a detective will always have a more exciting life than a guy working at a restaurant.

on the other hand. a decade ago we were basically in an entirely different reality.

2009 most people still didn't have smart phones, which means no uber. no streaming outside of piracy of 240p quality, social media wasn't as big because you had to be a weirdo who was always next to their computer to post online. amazon wasn't as ubiquitous unless you were in a major city, plus 2 day shipping still had that $25 dollar minimum which really limited people's use. even porn sites were shit. pornhub and xvideos were pretty shit early on. also political bullshit wasn't in our face as much. like liberals still made gay and tranny and racist and misognist jokes and it was clear that you were the piece of shit if you dared whine about it as Katherine Hygal learned.

like if we're being honest "the good old days" for most people aren't the 1950s anymore. its the "2000s". if you wanted to remake pleasentville it wouldn't be mocking "leave it to beaver" tropes it would be mocking "HIMYM"

they want to live in a cool world where they have cyborg limbs and go on sexy adventures, they don't really want to live in an opressed society and be powerless.

the main character you play will likely be a cyborg god laying waste to everything, it's the same fantasy in any video game any one plays, in any setting.

I'm talking about the genre in general, not just the game.

The game is an fps so it's obviously going to be a power fantasy to some extent. But generally cyberpunk media have an inherently oppressive setting. Even if no real backstory is mentioned, you can tell by the aesthetics (giant bright structures with dirty people living down below) that there's always some level of oppression going on.

but i think generally the fantasy for people is about being a badass who fights and wins against the regime, they aren't imagining themselves as the pleb who works 15 hours a day for just enough credits to buy one food ration. they want to be a cool cyborg badass in a setting with a cool aesthetic, like that is probably the majority of the appeal.

Not for the cyberpunk fans as far as I've seen on forums. They care more about being an average nobody than being the bladerunner. Obviously it changes from person to person but this seems to be the case for the more dedicated followers of the genre

guess i'll take your word for it then i'm not really super into the genre that much as to hang out on forums.

ok? in your small forums people are weird. some people chat in forums about wanting to be children or babies or slugs. its called outliers. 1 in 10000 people are struck by lightening. but we shouldn't say all of society has just based on those few.

We're talking about the people who care about cyberpunk because we're talking about cyberpunk lol

Maybe a lot of people are too sick of the freedom they have in the 21st century and want to live simpler lives?

Simple answer. They don't imagine being the faceless lemmings who are oppressed. They imagine they're the badass cyborg-ninja fighting for freedom. It's just Red Dawn-tier fetishization of freedom fighting but with extra filtering layers of g*mer shit. It has nothing to do with living in the world itself. They fetishize living in a world where they can be a hero and resist something directly. And in the end, if they fail, it's because they were against a stronger foe, not because they're a failure like they are in real life.

you're looking too much into it. people enjoy cyberpunk for the same reason they love rollercoasters its fun but safe. if you fall off a cliff suddenly without noticing you get the same feeling as going down a rollercoaster. yes cyberpunk would be awful to live in but so would falling to the ground from a mile up. yet people love skydiving because its all the best parts of that experience without the awful parts.

I'm pretty sure the only reason that cbers and the SRDines care about this stuff is because they're unemployed or have easy jobs.

CB2ers are absolutely NEETs. SJWs spend 99% of their time fighting internet battles against people they've never met irl and they can't turn off that switch to relax.

Both sides do that

Who are the cbers?


Right because most people have real jobs and read books as well as play video games.

These people don’t have real jobs and don’t read books so they’re forced to ram their nonexistent intellectual superiority into their games — when most people play games to zone out.

No you don't understand, if you set a videogame in the future then it has to be about all of today's social problems.

spends hours debating economic systems and politics more than any economist

comes to best solution is a system in which you pay people potatoes to grow potatoes

At least total anarchy is an option. And by total anarchy I mean a corporate backed prison where people race to death and whoever races best because the leader and ultimate racist as shown in the great movie Death Race 4 beyond anarchy.

cyperpunk genre

all the anti-capitalism, sexism, class inequality, discrimination, and destruction of the environment that make up the primary themes

Since when is there an ISO standard for cyberpunk? It could be whatever the fuck you want it to be.

Speak for yourself. I game to experience a story. If you aren't challenging yourself and your ideas when you consume a story, you might as well just go watch some popcorn movie that does nothing but validate your world view. You don't even have to hold a controller and push A to win.

Cyberpunk: here's a statement about the for profit sexualization of body modified people in a society where body modification is the norm and trans people are completely normalized.

Woketards: You're sexualizing trans people reeeeeeeee

Cyberpunk: Right, that's the point we're trying...


getting mad at a megacorp using sexual advertising in a world that has different social norms, including body modifications like a huge working hog

Literal brainlets. That advertisement is peek science fiction

They want the dev to make a commentary on corporate greed etc, corporations bad, but they also don't want them to use any minorities to do it. It's really fucking stupid

But they also simultaneously want minority representation. No matter what, hoes mad.

To top it all off, what the fuck is even wrong with that advertisement? It's objectifying? Welcome to fucking advertisement TODAY let alone in a cyberpunk dystopia.

They also hilariously "assumed gender." There is zero reason to pick trans instead of some sort of other gender queering or, the actual most likely, a dude in makeup.

This was kind of my question as well. How do you create a "transgender" character? Make them masculine looking with feminine features? When you choose the transgender option, what changes? I would assume in the cyberpunk world that modifications and shit are so advanced, someone who was ftm or mtf would be indistinguishable from someone who wasn't trans.

In the case of cyberpunk what the fuck does it even mean to roll a trans character?

That's the secret. What they really want is just to be mad.

Kinda like a post apocalyptic race to the death movie, having minorities and transgender people in it kinda infers that lax sexual stratification in society leads to death racing murderball.

Don't they want trans people sexualized and normalized? Like I don't get it. I thought they'd be offended at the opposite thing but I never understand these types.

Trans 👏 women 👏 are 👏 women 👏

Sexualizing women is GROSS

Therefore, sexualizing trans women is GROSS

depressing boring world

Shut up saruh you get enough attention

i was saying they're are perspective is a depressing boring world, u fool, u moron, u absolute abomination 👻

It is simple - they do not want women to show their bodies. They are like the old fogeys in the church saying sex is wrong because it makes their pee pee feel funny.

See your problem here is that you think there is a correct way to read and interpret fiction, but you're wrong, sweaty. If it means something else to me than what the author intended, I'm right.

Followed by confusion at their unwillingness to wade into topics like that again.

And that's the really sad part.

Lol well said.

Oh thanks Reddit lit crit, I think I have ocular cancer now

I just don't get where they keep finding all this outrage to be outraged at.

I'm a literal trans communist who spends too much time on subs like this and the internet in general and I never actually see the shit the raging against

Nigga just look in the mirror

Trannie commies never realize that, in their "worker's paradise", they'd be breaking coals and shoveling shit without the hormones and get slapped down if they got lippy.

They want to call him an uncle Tom so bad

What would happen if someone linked these threads to his reddit account.

so does this mean it's over for blackmalecels? looks like trannies have surpassed them so far on the oppression scale they're basically trump supporters by comparison

Did it ever start for blackmalecels?

Straight black cis men are the straight white cis men of the progressive stack.

They got ally-zoned

Over under on when they have a heated gamer moment?

So white allies eh? More like white debils.


white debils

The use of debil instead of devil is hilarious.

get out of here, russian tolle your not gonna divide mE!!!!

Nothing sends a radlib into a psychopathic spiral quite like a black man disagreeing with their religion of woke directly.

Man SJWs have decided that any fiction that isn't and SJW agenda material is evil.

It reminds me of the Christians that try and make anything and everything about the devil.

I wonder if they will call this period "the fascistic panic" in history textbooks?

Can you even "as a black man" if you're actually a black man? Isn't that whole phrase for, like, mayos who pretend to be black so they can give their opinions more weight?

I guess wokescolds will reach for anything that lets them dismiss opinions critical of their bullshit lmao

The point being that your status as a minority doesn't excuse you from having or voicing regressive opinions if you do so.

Where the fuck did the whole progressive stack idea go in these instances? Like these morons want you to defer to minority opinions, but not THOSE minority opinions. Mayo Christ over here will tell these black people what's good for them.

I hate these people so much fam.

Can you even "as a black man" if you're actually a black man?

Only if you're against the "right side of history".

Woke reddit white people gave me shit for a little bit because I made a comment saying a lot of rap is promoting bad cultural decisions within the black community. Reddit unironically makes me racist against a certain set of white people.

LISTEN to minorities and BELIEVE you privileged shitheads


Rap is cool tho

Can you even "as a black man" if you're actually a black man?


I've usually seen it used when you're not pretending to be an identity but your opinion is unpopular within your group, so they accuse you of speaking for everyone or using your identity to give your argument more weight. Obviously said wokescolds do this all the time, I am a gay latino and this is what this thing is problematic it's just that their opinion is correct so said thing doesn't apply.

This is a shitty example even by CB standards though, because he isn't using his identity to support an argument, he's literally telling mayos he doesn't need them to speak for him and in general, I'd say outside of the internet his opinion would not be unpopular.

And honestly in the end everyone should have his opinion on the matter, having certain identity doesn't make your opinions more correct, just offers a (valuable) different perspective.

And honestly in the end everyone should have his opinion on the matter, having certain identity doesn't make your opinions more correct, just offers a (valuable) different perspective.


I deserve this for that extremely gay seriouspost tbh.

That is one fat cat with a degenerate fetish, I like her 😍

You shouldn't threaten me with good time though or I'll take you up on the offer.

Why do cats like butt slapping so much but dogs like butt scratches? 🤔

Can you even "as a black man" if you're actually a black man?

Of course not. You'd have to be a white lefty to even come up with that hot take. They just don't want to admit they're racist and think all black people are the same and any black person that deviates from what they expect can't possibly be what they are.

Internet “woke” kids eliminating someone’s identity because they disagree with them? Shocking! Shocking I tell you.

I thought of “as a black man” was that it was obviously a white guy pretending to be black online. Mike Pondsmith is actually black. This doesn’t make sense.

For someone who hates /r/drama you sure post here a lot

Stay mad babe, how's your server doing? Still dead?

About as dead as your mod perms on 2bf

Ooo, what a searing insult. I mean it would be more of one if I didn't own 2bf now, but whatever.

Are you trying to own me by saying I lost perms on a discord server? How I'll ever recover from this one I don't know.

Tbqh I'm not sure how to respond to this one because I'm kinda lost on what you meant by this. Are you trying to insult me by saying I lost perms on 2bf? First of all that's pathetic, second of all I own the 2bf everyone moved to so it's not even true. Or are you trying to say your server's not dead, in which case I'm not sure what the point of mentioning 2bf was. So which is it?

Can we mod this man? Hes just enough based to not be candace owens, and seems to cause all sorts of drama recently. Fucking admins wont even let me ping him to thank him

> be black man

> anger the circlebetas

> aSaBlAcKmAn


> I'm a literal trans communist


Stalin, Castro and Mao would throw you in a labor camp faster than you can "Seize the means of production"

warhammer meme

As yes, those damn rightoids thinking anarcho communism wouldn’t be the optimal government system in a universe of millions of human worlds barely being able to stem the tide of genocidial monsters and literal demons.

You can't "as a black man" when he's the one that created the fucking setting. If he says CD Projekt Red is doing his setting right then by god they're doing his setting right.