Manlets seethe in r/unpopularopinion

27  2019-06-17 by VanOldenbarnevelt


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I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. Manlets seethe in r/unpopularopinio... -,,

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I used to care about my height. Then I realised that even if I am 6 foot or 5 foot everbody I have ever known or cared for is going to suffer and die. And then I am gonna suffer and die too. I have a mate who's a tall dude. He was diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer and has gone through chemo and had a large portion of his hip removed. I also had another friend who tall and handsome. He was always smiling he had a smoking hot girlfriend he had been dating for years. He killed himself in 2017. The point I am trying to make is no matter what your height life is going to kick you in the balls. There are worse things than being short in this world. Plus the main thing that ladies find attractive is money and social status. Long story short. If you're short stop being a bitch and get the fuck over it.

peak manlet COPE 😂😂😂

He's wrong. Being 2m tall is amazingly awesome

i'm 23 and already have back and knee problems, it's impossible to find good clothes, i don't fit in cars, and i recently got the biggest pair of glasses in the shop and THEY'RE STILL TOO SMALL

big dick tho so i guess it works

I wouldn't view that as a great tradeoff. I'm not even that big and have had too many instances where women weren't comfortable with my size. I can't imagine having that happen everytime.

Hi not even that big and have had too many instances where women weren't comfortable with my size. i can't imagine having that happen everytime., I'm dad.

Bad bot

Fucking amazing. Good bot.

But I am only 1.91 meters tall, does that make me a manlets?

Probationary Chad in Training is the best I can do.

Get lifts

What is 2 meters in burger measurement?

6 feet 6 inches

Tfw when you'll never join the 2 meter tall master race.

Tfw you're one of those stupid OwMyBenis posters.

> Only being two manlets tall.

It's true though, body positivity isnt about people who cant put down their forks

The only person who cares that you’re short is you.

Do people actually believe this? I mean there are study after study showing short people earn less, get shit on constantly, have worse selection of breeding stock for mates, etc. Uh, no sweetie, if you're short society is sending you a massive fuck you.

The most consistent thing i have heard on dating apps or dates is “are you actually as tall as your profile”

I unironically feel awful for guys under 5’10

Im 5‘5 and i will commit suicide in the next few days

>this opinion is so unpopular guise :(


>100 bucks given to reddit for free

people seem to have an aversion to the idea that their personal traits and actions matter and have effects. short = shit