Harvard CANCELS Parkland survivor's admission after finding out he's A GAMER

429  2019-06-17 by artemis_m_oswald


A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


  1. Harvard CANCELS Parkland survivor's... - archive.org, archive.today

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Twitter link for his sperge out and subsequent virtue signalling by Twitter retards

In the end, this isn’t about me, it's about whether we live in a society


You did learn via Harvard.

They taught you accountability .

Imagine being a grown adult on Twitter telling this to a kid who recently witnessed his peers and classmates get massacred.

You did learn via Harvard. They taught you accountability .

Imagine being a grown adult on Twitter telling this to a kid who witnessed his peers and classmates get massacred.

Imagine caring about any of this.

Imagine thinking accountability = get shitcanned for having the wrong opinion

  1. Orange man bad.

  2. He say orange man good.


This is the pinnacle of DDF humor👌😹👌

/r/GenZ poster


Zoomers OUT OUT

Being this unfunny should result in head being separated from body

Exactly, if I'm not allowed to say the gamer word, then that's basically the same thing as what the Nazis did to the Jews! It is a God-given right for rightoids to be allowed to use the N word as much as they like on their Facebook!

Since when is getting rescinded for being racist the same as getting rescinded for having the “wrong opinion”?

That's exactly the same thing. Being racist is having an opinion.

Imagine being such an idiot that you post the gamer word on your public Twitter account that is linked to your name. Anyway he only got into Harvard based on shooting survivor pity points so it's really not a huge loss.

Imagine being a kid who witnessed his peers and classmates get massacred american.

Imagine rich white kids in America being accountable and suffering even mild consequences for their actions.

He's coping but Twitter is seething where's the chart I need to know who's winning

That’s not an apology, that’s crying out to his supporters and blaming the university for their decision. The only remorse he has is not for his past actions, but for him not getting accepted. He didn’t really “grow” at all, as he claims.

He said wanted to “shock” people by using hate-speech in his comments. Well, there’s consequences for that.

Well hate speech doesn't exist so...

Honestly, how do these people not realize you clear the fucking "browser history" when you become viral? Literally take an hour to purge the bad shit before embracing the fame FFS

Because they’re not exactly forward-thinking

It's a great feeling when an underage kid is punished for things he said when he was underage.

OP you're a piece of shit for gloating.

How am I gloating? Harvard made a stupid fucking decision, if you start rescinding the acceptance of every kid who said the n-word you're gonna have a near empty class. I'm just laughing at all the drama.

Also imagine caring about anyone other than yourself, literally not based.

To be fair, they probably only accepted him because people he knew died in a famous shooting.

...so what should they do with Hogg?

is this a rhetorical question or are you as retarded as Hogg is?

it was a set-up chud, you're supposed to say "post yours"


imagine caring about anyone other than your cats

Real men hate themselves and wanna die but stay alive to love their cats


Think you have men confused with white women there

Men fuck cats?

Fuck, I gotta find it but there was a 4chan green text with a guy who fucked his cat and had to goto the hospital cause he was stuck inside it.

I'm 60/40 on it being true, some 4channer's are pretty fucked enough to do it

some 4channer's are pretty fucked enough to do it



Have we already forgot about Shane Dawson?

Thankfully I had.

objectively wrong and incorrect pilled


dogs are cute

I’ll allow it

if you start rescinding the acceptance of every kid who said the n-word you're gonna have a near empty class


if you start rescinding the acceptance of every kid who said the n-word you're gonna have a near empty class.

What is it with racist people thinking everyone is just like them?

I feel good about it, lol. If you want to be an internet conservative "gun activist" you better make sure there's no twitter trail.

Once again, I gotta say it -


Damn you're on a roll these days.

Pizza when are you going to transition? You have a weak jaw so I think you could pass.

There's a feminized picture of him out there somewhere. Its pretty good

I need to find it so I can fap to it.

don't start shilling for the dumbest conservatives on earth BEFORE you're actually at the school.

Pizza based as always

oh gosh yangpede is pizza??? I had no idea! why didn't you PM me?...

Maybe one day, until they are just not allowed to use it at all, dumb children will learn not to post stupid shit on the internet!

Harvard should have never accepted the application to begin with.

I like how he made it clear that he uttered those words before the shooting.

Really makes you think.

This but unironically

Tbh I'm with Harvard on this one. It's about time people start learning to not post their hot takes on the internet under their own names.

First thing my dad told me when I started using internet in mid/late 90's was never ever post anything under your real name. Dude always maintained that shit will come back to bite you

Yeah I maintain a couple of social media accounts with really tame content to give to employers/friends and that's it for my online presence under my real name. Nobody needs to connect my hot takes to my irl identity.

1) Wow you totally misread the intention of this thread.

2) Are you really acting morally outraged in /r/drama of all places?

2) Are you really acting morally outraged in /r/drama of all places?

it's an epidemic lately tbh

Not just lately

true true

Excuse me, sweaty, but...

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

He burned his main account over it before

No one gives a shit fuck this dumbass kid

You really want Nazis in Harvard to deal with ((( them )))

🤷‍♂️i don't see the big deal tbh 🤷‍♂️ everyone has either used or thought the GAMER word 🤷‍♂️ you, the reader, just thought it 🤷‍♂️ everyone is racist 🤷‍♂️ don't @me 🤷‍♂️


Who the fuck cares? Do you really think this kid would have gone to Harvard if the university didn't give him a pity/publicity admission because his friends got shot and he milked it?

serious posting

dude bussy lmao

Edit: To those of you arguing against me, I am morally superior to all of you.

impossible to be superior while serious posting


You're right! They should also throw out SAT scores and grades when considering admissions as well because students are underage when they earn those.

Why does it matter how old or mature he was when he said nigger? Why should it matter that he said nigger at all?

Rememberin Ender's Game how Peter and Val weren't able to post on the internet until they got their dad to give them a grown-up account (nevermind that the government could still not somehow track them down and that Orson Scott Card sucks at writi ng at has a Portuguese fetish)?

We need that. The internet, like alcohol and other abusive vices, should be restricted to those 21 years of age and up. While this may not be the best for dramacoin, it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.

Ender's Game is Harry Potter for incels.

I read Ender's Game in 6th grade and it blew my mind AMA

This but unironically

Unambigiously and unironically this.

Didn't Ender end up banging his sister in the sequels?

No. He did travel with her for hundreds of years though. In one of the later books when he was an aged man, he complained about never fulfilling the drive to have children of his own.

Ender's Game is Starship Troopers for boring kids

I'm actually surprised that film got made considering how racist/insane Orson Scott Card is.

Yikes who hurt u sweaty

Hodor, you're based and you're still my friend, even if everyone's being mean.

I didn't even read what the kid did to get his admission revoked.

holy shit your comment got SO MANY FUCKING COMMENTS nice


you're kinda sad you know

u tho

i agree

lmao at your edits trying to cover for your blatant seriouspost

I guess Harvard didn't want to...

... hold the door.


It's a great feeling when an underage kid is punished for things he said when he was underage.

This but unironically.

He is still a teenager. A teenager that wants to go to Harvard.

Harvard: "Hello, teenager. We don't think that you are a smart enough teenager to go to Harvard."

Teenager: "But I was just a dumb teenager."

Harvard: "Exactly."

Well DDF won't forget this.

They be forgetting about it when the next outrage porn distracts them

No, outrage has a cumulative effect on their system. They never forget any of the outrages, they just roll them into their perpetual outrage ball and thrive off the strife. It's the emotional equivalent of a nuclear pile, only it animosity instead of radiation.

What are they gonna do? Make more boomer memes on t_d and pol?


Defecate it back down Twitter's throat when some liberal saint gets his private blog from 2002 exposed for tons of troon jokes

🍿Inshallah, we can only hope 🍿

Ohhhh nooo that be showing them

He should pivot to mayocide advocacy and get hired by the New York Times.

C O P E, mayocel

Reap what you sow. It’s funny how the only people defending this are conservatives. It’s like they say it too in their one private groups.

I'm a life long lefty and I think it's fucking stupid too. The only reason this is happening is because if they all knew him using slurs was gonna leak and the media on both sides would use it to shit on Harvard

The only reason this is happening

This would happen to anyone who was caught posting the gamer word on social media and has happened before. They wouldn't have even considered accepting his application if they had this information beforehand and are just acting on it now that they have it. In addition to the huge liability issues and and bad PR that would result from allowing him to keep his offer, there are tons of qualified applicants that they accept and reject for arbitrary reasons. The only downside to rescinding his application is facing the angry cries of NEETs and poors who don't understand the college application process and 16-year-olds who are afraid that their 4chan activity will be discovered when they apply to schools

He didn't post it on social media, he said it in some Google doc with his past "friends" who are now jealous that he's famous and decided to screw him over. If he was some rando, it would never have leaked out nor would Harvard give a fuck.

But hey, his spot will probs go to some Asian kid who got waitlisted so I'm glad

He didn't post it on social media, he said it in some Google doc

His comments were compiled in a google doc...

who are now jealous that he's famous and decided to screw him over.

If they were Parkland students then they could have just as easily decided to be attention whores like this guy and Hogg, but they didn't because they presumably aren't attention whores.

If he was some rando, it would never have leaked out nor would Harvard give a fuck.

This has happened before. Even in much shittier schools, students who are found to have posted slurs, taken pictures of themselves drinking or smoking weed, are found to have bullied or harassed other students, etc. are either not accepted or have their acceptance revoked after the evidence turns up. Students who are demonstrated to have poor judgment or malicious tendencies are a huge liability issue, and this is standard protocol that shouldn't be controversial but of course butthurt /pol/lutants will cry about it because they're insecure about their edgelordery affecting their career prospects. Stay mad

Hmmm: https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5ce6908be4b09b23e65ead62

Also, not everyone has the natural ability to be a successful attention whore, it requires some God given talent.

for racist remarks and slurs he’d made in text and Skype messages


if you don't broadcast it on a public platform then it doesn't count!!

the absolute STATE of zoomers 🤣🤣🤣 looking forward to reading many more of these stories in the near future

it requires some God given talent.

yes, a personality disorder that only exists among attention-whores

Really Snally, you gonna do me like that?

he’d made in text and Skype messages and in a shared Google document for a class study guide

Also none of these things are social media, although I'm sure that's tough to understand for a boomer

Obviously it counts, it's just funny that he had such shit friends that they decided to share Google doc screenshots to screw him over for getting into Harvard. Yeah more of these articles are definitely gonna happen.

Talent is not a personality disorder

... liability issue?????????

Radical Centrist. I think it’s stupid but I also encourage it for drama purposes

The reason I'm always anonymous on the internet. Not that I'm getting in Harvard, but still.

these guys took David Hogg, who I'm pretty sure had a reddit account that wasn't squeaky clean.

this is purely political, but honestly he might be better off avoiding that school.

Hogg should have been rejected for being an idiot tbh. He tried to organize a boycott of Vanguard because they have whole market index funds that unsurprisingly track the whole market, including gun companies, and encouraged a Canadian audience to donate to American political campaigns, which is a felony.

Lol vanguard is literally employee owned. More lefty than any leftist tweeters.

Wikipedia says it's customer owned though

vanguard is literally employee owned [+56]

goddam do people on this website just believe literally anything? This is legit false as hell lmao

Redditers are stupid, thanks for the gold

It sounds good when u day it out loud u chud

boycott Vanguard

Man, that’s... so retarded it’s impressive.



Fucking lmao

because they have whole market index funds that unsurprisingly track the whole market, including gun companies

He has a point. Why should they fund violence against children?

Have you seen Hogg 🤔

Should post some.


Can't even debate like a man, you have to debate like a wo-man.

I don't remember him accusing you of rape.

If the kids are acting like Kent State students and torching the town to protest, hey, a little downrange fun to clear up the hearts and minds is a good thing. I wish the national guard would get more involved with Antifa—that would be juicy!

based watermark

But damn did Hogg-posting turn old boomers into fuckingn nitwits overnight. People lost millions of dollars over some idiot teenager, which makes boomers the real idiots after all 🤔🤔🤔

The fuck is Vanguard?

Found the broke nigga. ☝️



not everyone is burgeristani

401k and retirement plans

Sure, if you're broke

Unless you're baller enough for private wealth management or family office you should probably be using vanguard

Penny stocks

They’re like a bank for retirement funds. They have ETFs like $VOO that hipsters bet on, too

The biggest name in ETFs.

encouraged a Canadian audience to donate to American political campaigns, which is a felony.

That's hilarious, not gonna lie.

Eh, Hogg has proven himself in several ways. This guy is a "who dat?".

Ah but there's a difference

Kashuv, a gun rights activist,


Was that the part that offended you? Or was it him positing the theory that party jews are less than niggers?

He dindu nuffin - rightoids, 2019

Wait, THAT'S what this is about? Like no shit he isn't getting in if he was posting that two years ago.

Yeah. I mean even I'm right wing and yet I see why he was passed on. Those types ofbposts are what 4chan and anonymous reddit accounts are for, not your public FaceBook with your identity attactched to it. That kid is an idiot for putting it on facebook. Im not gonna call him racist because i dont know if he is just being provocative but he cant act surprised when Harvard, a morally and academically strict college that wants upstanding non controversial students.

Harvard is fully justified to tell this dude to hit the road.

Ya kid is a moron and I'm amazed to see r/conservative defending him

Harvard has a strict reputation

LOL, my ass. They've admitted actual felons to their 'strictly reputable' institution in the past. Are you telling me that using a racial slur in a text is objectively worse than robbing someone at gunpoint?

i don't mean much offense but ... a solid 20-30% of teens have said something worse than this once lol

this is purely political

The timing is political, too. They waited so they could fuck him good.

Based Harvard

They know how to keep the Asians out, sounds like they're qualified.

Nope. He got rescinded for his racist remarks just like 10 others did 2 years ago. They found out about his racism on May 26th (a loner a month after you pick which college you’ll be attending).

You've been posting on every subreddit defending the Jewish institution of Harvard against Kyle. Why is that? How much are they paying you?

Nope. I applied to college the same time as him. The account is for discussion around college admissions.

The account is for discussion around college admissions.

I cannot imagine even defending my alma mater online, let alone a college I haven't attended.

Toss the soylent and lift weights, bud.


It's because he isn't a left wing person.

this is purely political

tHiS iS pUreLy pOLitIcAl

honestly he might be better off avoiding that school.


have sex

have sex

-The guy who sent nudes to /r/Drama


David Hogg got my last account nuked. I hope he's stuck with that face of his for the rest of his life.

Honestly, Ivy Leagues like Harvard don't necessarily offer you better education, it's about sucking massive amounts of cock for connections and being able to put HARVARD GRAD on your resume.

Better off not going to Harvard lmao.

not really

why is undergrad Harvard such a big deal? i understand business/professional schools would be a big deal. but undergrad?

You get to meet and network with rich and powerful people.

makes sense. my stupid ass thought it was for the education.

these schools regularly accept retards because they were part of a media circus, confident that said students will be able to graduate and perform all the functions (if not more) of other harvard students with perfect academics. pretty much a refutation of the academics meme from the horse's mouth

This + you get to say you went to Harvard, which employers can be biased towards

Yeah if you go to Harvard you have the path set out for you to become a finance intern at a top firm/hedge fund. If you aren't going into finance, it's kinda pointless

Who is this again

He’s the Chud to the Hogg

How many slots does Harvard keep open every year for famous survivors of mass shootings? Didn't the Hogg get in, too?

They have a few places every year for publicity/diversity/anyone who can create a big media stink

Gotta have some pity cases to round out the bottom of the curve

How else would mayos get into Harvard if they keep railing against affirmative action?


Imagine wanting to ruin someone's life because of opinions he held when he was a hormone-ridden teenager

Leftoids are actually fucking infuriating

Imagine getting upset and seriousposting on/r/drama you fucking boomer

o fuck, caught me slippin'

middle class mayos are always kids making stupid mistakes. Poor black kids are adults at 12 if they look at a white femoid the wrong way tho

Implying noids go to school at the age of 12

literally not wrong lol

A little bird tells me Laura Loomer was involved in this.

two years ago isn't a lot of time and lol at thinking 16 is such a young age too young to know using the n word is a bad idea

Saying nigger is really useful it pretty much immediately filters out gay ass groups.


Fuck off we’re full

as a radical centrist, nigger but also hes warmly embracing ur bussy

no room for chapocels in this room either

The google docs thing makes him look like he’s a teen trying to be funny/edgy.

The texts make him an actual racist, but texts are also sent with an agreement of confidentiality. If I send a text, I expect that text to stay private.

Let me point of this gem of a tweet someone responded with:

I just want to point out that many of us didn’t do things we regret at 16. I was an honor student, a good friend, worked as a waitress (where I spoke up against racists), became vegetarian & atheist that year (still am), cared for my dying grandma. In 1994. I knew better then.

Is there anything more insufferable than the mayo foid?


Pizzashill ?


If you is 16, you is old enough to know better.

Old enough to know better, stupid and impulsive enough to still do it. if you really think you did nothing bad then you probably lack the ability to self reflect. Like how everyone claims to have been bullied but never the bully

You need to remember that 40% of reddit users are fat neckbeards who didn’t see daylight as children. If they never went outside, they probably didn’t do anything that they’d remember.

I'm so glad that social media didn't exist when I was a teenager.

This is why name changes will rise sharply. Sadly this won't change the fact that FB has everyone's face from now on.

In the case of admissions to top schools, there are thousands of extremely qualified students who weren't impulsive enough to do stupid shit online, or at least not dumb enough to get caught. Back in the day and probably now kids would get booted for letting their grades slip a bit after admission or getting caught smoking weed. This isn't much different. They're taking the spot from somebody who was too dumb or unlucky to commit to the standards that the school imposes and giving it to someone who isn't.

Just to play Devil's Advocate, one could reasonably argue that Harvard's position is hypocritical in the extreme given how their admissions policies adversely effect Asian students, especially since Harvard readily admits that it realizes their policies have that effect. One could also point out that Harvard has, to its credit, given a second chance to people who did far worse than use a racial slur on the internet in the past. The Kashuv rejection is pure politics. Not that Kashuv can complain, became an advocate and as such is knee-deep in politics, just like his buddy Hogg. They put themselves in a position to be criticized, and someone found a very good criticism of Kashuv. Tough break for him.


Don’t ever pay attention to this guy

He’s a white person pretending to be black and extremely racist

Looking through his post history makes it fairly obvious

Don’t ever pay attention to this guy

He’s a white person pretending to be black and extremely racist

Looking through his post history makes it fairly obvious

The amount of virtue just pouring out of their body must be a sight to behold

Her entire twitter is just a checklist of mayo foid things.

  • from CT but lives in Washington now

  • atheist

  • child free with a "partner"

  • science writer that writes about "ethical eco travel" on her blog

How is atheism a foid thing?

She’s saying it like it’s empowering, meanwhile everyone’s just laughing at her

Same thing applies to the volcels in /r/atheism

The atheism is a mayo thing

Imagine seeing no cultural merit to religion.

Alone, it's not. But when she mentions her ethical eco travel blog right next to it it becomes one.

Being an outspoken atheist is stupid. She mentioned it when it had zero relevance.

That's generally a manlet activity.

Maybe we shouldn't assume her gender. 😆

Is being an outspoken Christian equally stupid to you or are you just looking for fuel here?

This is drama, the underground alt-reich dog-whistle emporium. What do you think he meant?

Is being an outspoken Christian equally stupid to you or are you just looking for fuel here?

No, it's not. Most atheists will insist that atheism isn't a religion despite the obvious theological implications of their belief there is no god. Proselytizing for atheism is advocating for nothing, which is a monumental waste of time and effort. Christians, on the other hand, believe in something and are advocating for an actual set of moral values. In addition, Christians are commanded by their holy book to spread their message and bring their fellow man to redemption and salvation.

Spreading the message of atheism is a pointless waste of time and an exercise in hubris. The only real reason to attempt to spread atheism is that you think you've got the universe all figured out and others must acknowledge and validate your brilliance. Christians at least have a moral framework they can claim leads to a more fulfilling life and the impetus of saving others lest they be dammed for eternity. Even if Christians are stupid in comparison to atheists, they're mildly less about just by virtue of everything I just pointed out.

Advocating for atheism -25 Advocating for Christianity-15 Not advocating anything +150 Advocating for more sequels to the hit movie Death Race +9000

Are talking the original Death Race 2000 with David "Time to Choke One Out" Carradine and Sylvester Stallone or the slightly less appealing modern one with the bald Britbong?

All death race movies are good movies. But yes in every case.

It was a trick question and you still got the right answer. Username checks out.

“Advocating for nothing” Is about the stupidest most base way to simplify that you can. These are all your beliefs and in no way pure fact. Thanks for the reply I guess.

“Advocating for nothing” Is about the stupidest most base way to simplify that you can.

Says the man defending the camp that simplifies Christianity into "your invisible friend in the sky." Atheists are hardly in a position to complain about details and nuance, sweaty.

Agnostic isn't Atheist you fucking retard.

Most atheists (and theists) are agnostic on the knowledge claim of their belief. Learn2philosophy retard.

Oh wow the guy who speaks for most Atheists and Theists is here what a honor.

Please tell me all about not true socialism atheism i'm real interested in what you have to say

What the fuck are you talking about?

(I am pointing out that you have a gnostic component (having knowledge) to religious beliefs that is mutually exclusive from that actual belief.](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/_MDZPs8ROJXE/TNx7UFqbaII/AAAAAAAAB9M/XDfxPwyBVpA/s1600/Gnostic_Agnostic_Atheist.png)

I weep for the burger education system.

No one truly knows whether a deity exists or not, not in the traditional sense of knowledge consisting of a true, justified belief.

Lmao Eurocuck doesn't even know anyone who prayed away their fent addiction

I don't care about what atheists think retard

L-O-L this guy thinks that the Fentanyl South can quit their addiction.

And who the fuck said it was you illiterate?

Atheism isn't the belief in nothing


Who the fuck are you quoting? Can you read?

It says his name right there stop doubleposting SEETHING at me retard who doesn't even know how to use Reddit you must be a phone poster lmao

“Lmao this guys busy doing shit and has to use a phone”

Sorry I’m not at home trolling /r/drama lmao



Are you imagining comments there, Ace?


Overall I agree with you, but spreading the message of atheism is to make sure we don't get stupid policy decisions informed by religion.

Instead we get stupid policy decisions informed by "Science™," as opposed to science. Atheists are basically the fan base for "I Fucking Love Science" and Bill Nye the Sex Junk Guy. They have terrible taste and are never as smart as they think they are, like walking advertisements for the Dunning-Kruger effect. They're the only group of people who are objectively worse than Vegans. CMV.

Gamers are pretty much the bottom of the totem pole, then incels, then redditors.

People are reading 7 types of atheism

Is that a book or did I miss some new scribbles on shitter stall?

It's a book basically about what you're talking about, that modern Atheist movements still have a religious framework. It's by the philosopher John Gray.

Cause if you are a christian you think you are keeping them out from an eternity of suffering

If you are an athiest welp we will be both dead anyway.

Do I sniff a little bit of S E E T H E in this comment?

eco travel


What is it with foids and travel? Bitch, you're poor. Stay the fuck at home.

Is being CF A FOID NOW?

Ay wait a minute

How is CT a mayo foid thing

I'm having it put in my will that no grandchildren may reference me in their college admission letter.

Sounds like someone I'd enjoy having a relationship with. Please notice me MOMMY

That just means she hasn't grown up at all since then. Her entire life is one big regret.

implying that becoming a vegetarian and atheist makes you a better person

yikes and kufrpilled

Imagine not heing a vegan because of morality and because consuming meat and milk lowers testosterone.

What is this retard babbling on about?

Consuming the flesh of my enemies grants me their strength.

Consuming the flesh of my enemies grants me their strength mass.

Still superior to grazing, IMO.

So that's why you're a lowt nerd

many of of us didn't do things we regret at 16

which always means you somehow haven't grown up since then and can't recognize your own idiocy

Or that they're abysmally dull. The only reason I never said the "N" word was because my mother hated it, she had super-hearing, and could punch a bear to death with her bear hands (she was a large woman). Most kids were afraid of what would happen when their dad got home. In my house you hoped he got there before the ambulance.

So if a 16 year old steals from a shop, should they be tried as an adult?

Depends on their political views.

🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤢🤮🤢🤢🤮 that is literally the most disgusting thing I've read in years, and that very much includes scst fetishes, guro, and vore.


Not defending the guy but I feel like anyone who genuinely has no regrets from when they were 16 either hasn't grown up yet or was a boring teenager

Wow what a great guy a real great guy so great I just wanna suck his dick so great of him

looks like harvard was just looking for an excuse to cancel his application

but harvard be accepting applicants like jazz jennings now so it's not at it's peak, sucks for him though

EXACTLY I managed to never use hatespeech in my youth

I can’t explain why but this makes me irrationally angry

  1. The implication that nothing they ever said as a child could be considered hateful which, even if it's true, would amount to little more than coincidence since children are universally fucking retarded and say dumb shit 24/7.
  2. The implication that a child saying or even believing something hateful has any bearing at all on their beliefs as an adult. It can probably be a good predictor but saying "I was a child I knew nothing at all give me a break" is perfectly valid.
  3. The implication that saying hateful things as a child is irredeemable and requires exile from society, and someone is only worthy of staying if they manage by random chance to either have parents who taught them better or literally just happen not to ever say them.
  4. The overall implication that ignorance is an irredeemable, incurable crime and no one can learn anything. They're exactly the same as they were when they were children (lol) so everyone else must be too, and if you thought the gamer word was cool when you were sixteen you must still think it's cool now.

not getting into Harvard = exile from society


Because it’s a straight up lie?

It's hilarious when you get into microaggressions, which means even if they didn't call someone a bigger, they may have called them African instead of African-American which is somehow worse because it's subtle

they literally have lol


I want to write an article about the dangers of cancel culture, and this is one of them. People really think people can never change. What kind of world is being set up for them?

Make sure to post that article on r/Drama when you get it published! We would love to have another famous dramatard

Good. We is full, chinkie

oh no he won't be able to become a neocon activist in the future noooooooooo

So, what were the actual comments???

Kashuv: “[She] goes for niggerjocks,” Kashuv said in a text message about another female student.



tbh half my teenage friends said worse

IDK. If I use a racial slur or other kind of offensive language I would be fired so....

The “egregious and callous comments” in question:


Are those the real tweets he made? Because what.

He did play csgo, and that toxic attitude seems to be the only thing you'll find in that game.

Dafuq? Is that Google docs? Did he type some stupid shit onto a group document and it got screenshotted?



“Everyone knew him as the vulgar kid that says stuff like that, talked that way out loud,” the former student who shared the document with HuffPost said of Kashuv. “He would talk that way to a lot of people. I don’t think he was trying to hide it or anything, I don’t think he was scared, I think he fell into that Discord, gamer guy that says those vulgar things.”

This is why rightoids are seething about this. They feel personally attack because deep down, they all are this autist.

tbh i could care less about some famefag i'm just pissed off at the fucking smug twatter users who are fucking JOYOUS that someone got cancelled for saying nignog

How pathetic do you ACTUALLY have to be to comb through some guys tweets from 2 years ago to try and get him cancelled.

Just mentally picture someone digging though your tweets for HOURS trying to find anything even a little bit offensive to get you in trouble. It’s literally like the kids in kindergarten that would rattle constantly.

Just mentally picture someone digging though your tweets for HOURS trying to find anything even a little bit offensive to get you in trouble.

So what you're saying is that we should intersperse the grossest scat porn we can find into our Twitter histories to teach them a lesson?


A current student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas who calls herself a “former friend” of Kashuv also shared text and Skype correspondence the two had.

Betrayed by a fickle foid, surprising no one.

Seems like Harvard material to me.

There are still people insisting that Trayvon Martin did nothing.

This is why the only winning move is to not have social media accounts or only have heavily curated ones

Deserved it for being a boomer in a child's body

Are there screen shots of the tweets?

Bottom text

The dean of admissions, William Fitzsimmons (famous for discriminating against Asian students), is a 67 year old white guy. How many times do you think he's said nigger in his life?

Things I taught my kids since one tried to sneak on MySpace:

1) Do not post retarded shit online. 2) Do nor create an account with your real identity to post shit online. 3) See 1) and 2) until this shit sinks in.

>school shooting survivor is a gamer who spent too much time on Xbox Live comms

Is anyone surprised?

Harvard are scum.

He was academically unqualified for Harvard and was only admitted for the gun violence survivor angle. I suspect he knew this. Without that angle, he has nothing to offer Harvard and they're right to dump him. That's the risk you take when you play these kinds of political games. Hogg played the game better but once his name means nothing either, they'll flunk him out without hesitation.

Wheres the evidence?

Up up you'r ass

Youre a fucking mongerel

they'll flunk him out without hesitation

it’s literally almost impossible to fail a class at harvard depending on the course of study, gpa inflation has most of the ivies handing out A’s like candy

Man I'm glad for not growing up in a generation where the dumb shit I did and said as I kid on the internet couldn't come back to bite me in the ass.

Another reminder that there is no room for conservatism in modern society




Gamers are truly the most oppressed members of society

ITT: mayos mad

How did someone stupid enough to tie all their edgy, "pretending to be retarded" shit to their real identity get into Harvard in the first place?

He said he wanted to turn Parkland into a CS:GO map. Yeah...

Failure of his parents

Was this kid even qualified for Harvard other than being in a school that got shot up?

And by 16 in the US you should know what the no-no words are. People defending it are just being obtuse.

In his response to Harvard, Kashuv apologized “unequivocally” for his previous actions and said he’d reached out to the college’s Office of Diversity Education and Support to “begin a dialogue that I hope will be the foundation of future growth.”

Oh you really are still a child aren't you?

I feel like I should care about this, but I don't.

Lotta leftoids exposing their flaccid balls in this thread.

If you're actually siding with the outrage, then the CAutists have won

Gamers truly are the most oppressed minority

I hope this inspires tons of copycats and like half of American teens get their stupid private messages released.


Kyle Kashuv, 18, who was admitted to Harvard earlier this year, wrote on Twitter that he had been made aware of “egregious and callous comments” he made when he was 16 years old.

lol, he deserved it.

It is not like he is a 25yo successful man now, who made a mistake when he was 15.

He is still a high school kid. A lot of high school kids want to go to Harvard and get rejected for less.

"I want to go to your school, but don't judge me for thing that happened 18 months ago. I am a completely different person now. Only consider the good grades I had 18 months ago. This still counts!"

Kids get rejected for not doing enough social activities (which pisses me off, btw, because kids doing social activities is basically a rich family thing. "Oh, you have better grades than her? So what? She traveled to Ghana to help poor kids and did an internship in a cancer research center. While you were just playing basket ball in the streets. lol"). A kid getting rejected for being a dumb teenager is completely reasonable.

Yeah, he is just a dumb teenager. But dumb teenager don't go into Harvard.