Hey /r/ drama I unironically love you guys

24  2019-06-17 by caliberoverreaching

Because I want to be nothing like you Jabronis, I’ve become more social and intelligent irl.

I have to thank you mouth breathing idiots for getting me to improve myself, so I don’t end up like you animals.



You’re still a loser, just an arrogant one. You’ve become worse.

Shut up tiny penis

That’s SRD

That's gay.

Sounds like C O P E from an under 6' manlet

I'm 6 feet exactly but when talking to f*ids I say I'm 6'1.



I’m 6 feet exactly

That’s exactly what a manlet would say

no u

no u big guy uwu

5'11" without shoes

Imagine not being 6'2"


Thanks dad

I'll handle this.

More like, caloseroverreaching.

Bully :(

yeah well my dads peepee is bigger than your dads peepee

that's why you make pointless posts here every day

Sorry this is a no bullying zone

this was going to be me, but I stuck around too long and became worse than I ever could have imagined

I’ve become more social and intelligent irl

Yes I'm sure all the threads on Indian street shitters and gamer pedos and Trump Did A Thing are not only great sources of research but awesome conservation starters.

"Hi, we met on Tindet. Your tits look nice. You know there's this retard named pizzashill that can't stop sperging out on reddit dot com?"

yea about that...