Bill "it aint rape if she aint awake" Cosby reminds us who the real DADDY is

51  2019-06-17 by Wraith_GraveSpell


I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


  1. Bill "it aint rape if she aint awak... -,

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This deserves to be posted on sad cringe.

Why is this sad? Bill Cosby literally causing a shitstorm just by existing

I thought he was in prison?

probably told his agent to post this or maybe he's got internet in prison. I honestly don't know how this came about.

There's another article where Daddy Bill's rep said that he called him from the pay phone in prison and told him to post that.

Wow, that's pretty pathetic. Imagine how Bill must feel, he was at the top of the world, idolized, and now he's going to die alone in prison. He deserves it, but wow it must suck.

Back in the day it was considered hedonism

If you want to buy a company while black you may end up like Michael Jackson or Cosby, on the business end of mob justice and a court of opinions.

The limit is the sky, just ask kids being bars for selling weed. I can’t imagine being there while Elitists gloat in the movies.

I’d rather not have the popular opinion on this one. It’s all sort of like young girls getting mad at being called bitches in rap but but dressing up like hentai characters. Double standards that do back flips and such.

Mm good copypasta

It’s yours.

Correct. He wasn't looting pussy, he was merely salvaging pussy to survive.

Well,this just happened, because of alleged groping.

in less than two years he's out and he's still got half a billion dollars

Hey, Hey, Hey

The true victim of Bill Cosby's raping were the fans of Fat Albert.