pizzashill appreciation thread + poll
18 2019-06-17 by sub2tine
Everyone, please leave a comment of your heartfelt thanks for pizzashill’s return. This place wasn’t the same without him. For fuck’s sake, when was the last time we even argued with each other?
Also, please take a moment to answer this official poll.
1 SnapshillBot 2019-06-17
every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src
pizzashill appreciation thread + po... -,,
poll -,
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1 sub2tine 2019-06-17
but snappy, pizza’s back!
1 BernieMadeoffSanders 2019-06-17
What if you hate snally but you also think Pizza should be modded?
1 Quietus42 2019-06-17
Not that I really care but I'm curious: why don't you like Snally?
1 sub2tine 2019-06-17
She’s not a big fan of the Jews tbqh.
1 Quietus42 2019-06-17
Wait really? I've never noticed that.
1 sub2tine 2019-06-17
Basically a neo-Nazi but we love her anyway.
1 Quietus42 2019-06-17
Oh I'm gonna mess with her with that lol
1 trappysaruh 2019-06-17
People are born with an innate hatred towards all things wrong and unholy in this world, they don't need justification for their hatred, it's built in every one of us. It takes a lot of active effort to reverse the natural order and support Israel.
1 DutchRight 2019-06-17
Based and 60%-pilled
1 loli_esports 2019-06-17
It's every person's right to vote as many times as they want in a strawpoll and if you set any form of duplicate vote checking, you're an srdine.
1 RichEvansSexbot 2019-06-17
Sadly every lolcow we mod never makes it worthwhile. Remember when they modded EdButteredtoast or the Discordcels?
1 BernieMadeoffSanders 2019-06-17
yeah that was a one off tho
1 ImJustaBagofHammers 2019-06-17
Pizzashill’s takes have always been on-point and thoroughly entertaining.
1 sub2tine 2019-06-17
He’s legit good at breaking up a circlejerk with a different take. Also at triggering people.
1 Jas0nJewnova 2019-06-17
I'd like to take this moment to say this
1 Intensely_Accurate 2019-06-17
I pointed out when he lost an argument and he ran away like a bitch. Mod him.
1 sub2tine 2019-06-17
Okay, okay, you’re technically right. The average salt production of anti-pizza posters IS the highest in r/drama.
1 yeahnobuddu 2019-06-17
please keep to irc or discord or minecraft servers
1 Day_of_the_COPE 2019-06-17
Pizza not being a mod is literally violence
1 Ayyyzed5 2019-06-17
Pizza is the only metaposter/lolcow worth a damn. He's like Ed was (the spirit of the sub) but he also isn't a complete retard 100% of the time. He longposts, gets mocked, and keeps going. That's the only thing of value in this place.
1 sub2tine 2019-06-17
Hi Ed.
1 RichEvansSexbot 2019-06-17
You know it's Ed because eventually both sides hated him for being lower effort than frenworld
1 sub2tine 2019-06-17
Personally I believe it was
one of his altsIvanka who made him start 😴posting away his good will here.1 RichEvansSexbot 2019-06-17
He was decent at triggering the rightoids but eventually waffled between emoji posting and getting assblasted himself over the most gentle conservative opinions
1 Ayyyzed5 2019-06-17
I wish 😤😤😤
1 AnnoyinTheGoyim 2019-06-17
Ed was the worst.
1 MikeStoklasaBackup 2019-06-17
Who's bussy do I have to blast to be a Jannie around here?
1 sub2tine 2019-06-17
1 MikeStoklasaBackup 2019-06-17
1 Al_ButteredToast 2019-06-17
When is my brother gonna return? 😥😥😥
1 Jidi_Isle 2019-06-17
Pizzashill drama was what originally sold me on this sub, dude holds a special place in my heart 😻
1 BussyShillBot 2019-06-17
Eat shit
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