Good guy OP gives his teenage brother advice on picking up women - Reddit virgins complain that this is NiceGuyish TM because he is not a socially awkward loser

91  2019-06-17 by GattsuCascade


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I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


  1. Good guy OP gives his teenage broth... -,,

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I know this is common knowledge and all, it everyone in that thread is just...fucking retarded.


Christ. It's like the men on that sub are competing to out estrogen each other

Imagine how many young men have been electronically castrated by all this soy-infused dating advice on Reddit.

You hate to see it.

I get my dating advice from r/drama. That’s why I have a body pillow with masterlawlz’s face and body on it


But also hot.

if a man cannot get coochie, he will inevitably become coochie

He who jerks off to traps should look to it that he himself does not become a trap. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.

yo wait, I've got rare copypasta for this... I have it saved somewhere...

"Transition has no long-term proven benefits. STOP FAPPING, START LIVING!

In regards to this there is more of a "cure" being researched in regards to turning into a "woman". While you can't wipe your memories of being a male, and you will always have male socialization, and feel like you're not truly a woman, and transition still won't work, there is research towards womb transplants, various ways of creating ovaries and the female reproductive system, and more advanced SRS techniques. Keep your eyes out. Seriously, don't trap yourself! I'm a repressor who has succeeded due to NoFap. Trannyshit is a delusion. The cure is to stop sexualizing it. Fapping is dangerous in dysphorics, especially if you imagine yourself as a woman. If you ever wish to be free of this delusion, the solution is to kill the "girl inside you" by removing the fantasy in your brain. It's simple neuroplasticity. Every time you fap, you're a step closer to taking the delusion pills."

Thinking of that, I should do a drama write-up on cureanon... he's an interesting guy, very dramatic, good source of pasta (including this one). Would probably be appreciated here.

i think quite a few are women who are outraged that people think their advice on picking up women is pretty worthless

It is worthless. Anyone who has ever asked a woman where they want to go to eat at, knows that women dont ever know what they want.

That's why you don't see women on death row: the final meal request would take a century.

Ayooo. More boomer humour like this on r/Drama please.

I try my best!

Lol’d, good one mate

Yeah, that's AITA for ya

YTA Because it sounds like you’re telling him not to listen when a girl says no. Hopefully he’s mature enough to realise the nuances of what (I assume) you were trying to say and doesn’t end up forcing himself on a girl who has said no, because he’s interpreted her behaviour in the lead up as positive.

Fucking hell

Yeah that's the one that caught my eye. That sub gets more pathetic the more you read it

YTA because...

Shuffles Deck

Rape Culture, I guess?

This is honestly just good advice for dealing with people overall. What do these people expect, women to go up and say they like people? If it feels like someone likes you, they probably do to some extent.

Unless you are a psychopath. Hmm.

I think the problem that might be that a lot of those posters are autistic or similarly socially impaired. It's actually less rapey for most people to pay attention to behaviour rather than words because someone might find you creepy but be too polite or scared to say so, but how they act should show you how they really feel. But these autists lack the ability to read human behaviour so they think everyone is the same in that regard.

If you want to be a cuck or in the friendzone by all means listen to the foid.

Everybody should have it drummed into them no matter what type of interaction is going on, “actions speak louder than words”.

The parents are probably assholes.

The parents are probably just clueless. A lot of people are very bothered by the idea of someone having forethought in how they communicate because they perceive it as creepy, phony, or manipulative. I believe this is actually due to an egoism, where people identify too much with their own ego. I go with the notion that the ego is someone's intellectual construction of themselves, but not their actual self. So the idea that one would tailor their communication, even if it is just slightly bother them.


I'm actually amazed the OP is getting as much hate as he is, since that is just "Dealing With People 101."

If anything, the OP is suggesting to be more considerate of women by trying to see the whole person.

This behavior from women doesn’t occur in a vacuum.

Find me one single facet of female behavior that women do not blame on men/the patriarchy/toxic masculinity.

I will wait.

Women fail the Bechdel test, CMV.

Third-wave feminists and sundry Radfems talk about men so much more than they do women, I'd reckon it's nearly 95/5.

They should just give up their political lesbianism. It's making them ill.

There it is. The hottest take i've ever seen.

Gotta love the desperate, abject terror at the thought that any individual woman could work towards improving her life.

Internet feminism has morphed into this weird system where women actively try to remove agency from themselves, because with agency comes the ability to make mistakes and without agency comes the ability to blame all of your shortcomings on the actions of other people.

Imagine listening to reddit about dating advice they couldnt court a dog with a bone

Guy told his brother how the world and people work in the simplest possible way to tell a 14 year old and got called sexist. This is a 😤 CERTIFIED 💯 BRUH 🤣 MOMENT 😎

Lmao @asking reddit for advice on dealing with social situations.

When I was a young teenager just getting into dating I used to use /r/relationships and /r/advice for dating advice, lol. Looking back, most of it was indeed garbage.

Imagine actually taking dating advice from foids and 30 year old non-incel virgins. I wonder how many boyfriends his brother's wife will have.

one look at /r/datingoverthirty proves that even older women have no clue what they want

Just a branding problem, phrase it as “be empathetic, try to figure out what they actually want” and people would be falling over themselves to give OP gold