Cyberpunk 2077 creator tells critics “Who the (bleep) do YOU think you are to tell ME whether or not MY creation was done right or not?”

299  2019-06-18 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


There is absolutely nowhere on Reddit (except maybe The Great Awakening) where stupider, sadder, scareder, or crazier comments consistently get upboats and support than this place you linked. You might think, Hey look! A place where women aren't all sucking tranny peen! Weird! But then you find out that they are scared of tranny peen, and believe that in a couple years, women who don't assimilate and get a peen themselves will be locked up in suspended cages, let down from their gibbets only to be repeatedly viciously raped and denied STEM jobs.

That place is like /r/drama if everyone here felt scared for their lives, and could only find possibly recourse in demanding mayocide and bussy. Swap our memes for 'white-female ethnosexstate now' and 'kill all men before they kill all women' and you have a pretty fair idea of their topics.

And that's where it gets interesting: they're unironically probussycide, unironically antifemayocide. Truly, /r/drama has its antithesis.

And believe me: it is dangerous.


  1. Cyberpunk 2077 creator tells critic... -,

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Podsmith is based as fuck. Thank God they hired him.

Let's touch penises for this masturbation session friend, we need to take it to the next level

How many fucking accounts do you have?!




"Based, or what actual non-retarded people call being over 25 and having to deal with the real outside world.

Yes, that

Expecting to talk to non-retarded people on Reddit.

Based blackman bashing trannies.

This is about racism, not transsexuals tho?

Who else would complain about racial representation in videos games other than trannies?

Overweight white women.

You think them shoulders are broad because of fat?

So the broad is too broad to be a broad.



Danger hair mayo tranwrecks better take notes

I was actually pretty excited about this game until the developers decided to jump the shark by bringing in a pulp icon to hoist their game up. I thought the game was going to be good enough on its own to not need cheap tricks to sell copies.

I’m also disappointed in the amount of diversity in the game. One of the reasons I loved the Witcher was that all of the characters were white. CD Project Red has really disappointed me. If I wanted to spend time in a shit hole full of people of color and members of the LGBTP community then I’d just go outside.

I love this; is it found?

I wrote it myself.

How many iq points did you have to knock off before reaching such a colossal level of tard for this take?

Dont worry bby, you're still the undisputed champ 👑

Put your head in the oven for a good hour at around 50 europoor degrees and it will you a good tard rush for a few minutes, use this information wisely

Oh bless your heart.

It’s Los Angeles in the year 2077, not 1877.

Right, decades after solutions of varying degrees of finality would have been implemented by the 1000 Year Trumpenreich. Their depiction of 2077 LA is incredibly unrealistic

Diversity and degeneracy being associated with a nightmarish dystopia is a good thing.


based as fuck. completely agree.

I’d just go outside.

Your empty threads don't fool anyone.

if you were looking for a setting that isn't a shit hole then you should probably find a genre that isn't cyberpunk

Cyberpunk stories are rarely about saving the world or setting things right. Just like most gritty crime stories they're about getting rich, staying alive and getting even. These losers are too used to capeshit, cloakshit and space kino where the fate of the world is constantly threatened, then saved then rinsed and repeated. Look at Neuromancer. The main character is a druggy burnout who doesn't really care what he's doing as long as he's jacked in and banging a robot samurai.

Fuck I need to reread Neuromancer.

space kino


for some reason neuromancer bored me to death and quit like 100 pages in. Maybe i need to try again.

Try Snowcrash instead, it's equally as iconic for the genre and more fun imo. Main character is a paramilitary mafia pizza guy.

God I love Snowcrash. It's utterly unique in how fucking weird it is.

The Deliverator is such a cool dude.

Best book.

shame on you for shilling that book without warning him about the multichapter "he in a room get fucking lore dumped by an AI section" what a joke

Sometimes it's hard to visualize exactly what the author is talking about when he's describing the hacking and other cyberspace stuff because it doest really make sense compared to the actual direction technology went. I enjoyed it because of the tone, the setting and how the characters react in it. I appreciated the lack of edginess and irony that a lot of cyberpunk and related scifi are filled with. It's not one favorite series but it's one of my favorite worlds ic that makes sense

Look at Neuromancer.

implying any of these people have any fucking idea what that is. their only exposure to cyberpunk is the recent Blade Runner sequel, if anything.

True, gatekeeping Cyberpunk isn't at all new even in /r/Cyberpunk. inb4 Neon!= Cyberpunk, go read a fucking shadowrun novel, lmao

i liked Snow Crash, it took itself a little less seriously than other cyberpunk does.

They're used to fucking weeb cyberpunk like Lain. Otherwise they'd know that western cyberpunk isn't a paradise for ERPing fighting capitalism, it's about jackasses being jackasses.

Clearly, Pondsmith has a different opinion of what's happening in the game than many of Cyberpunk 2077's biggest critics.

Who are these biggest critics? Bloggers who parade around as "game journalists" or resetera or twitter?

game journalists

imagine being so much of a failure in life that you call yourself a "game journalist"

The future is doomed

Imagine dreaming of covering the next Watergate, only to find yourself covering mobile e-sports.

they only dream about creamy capeshit and sugary snacks


Lots of these journalists are casual gamers at best. I remember some unironic mobile e-sports specialist, who when Diablo Immortals was announced, accused people who were disappointed with it of misogyny because more women play mobile "games" than men.

Imagine dreaming of covering the next Watergate

Daddy did a thing, it's totally legal and has done by 44 previous presidents, but here's why because Orange Man is bad that thing is also bad

lol DDF reporting for duty even though literally no one said anything about President Daddy

it has to go back

The woketards who cry wolf at everything single tweet and comment. Lets make everything Daddy does sound immediately impeachable and immoral. That way all the noise will drown itself out and no one pays attention.

The incompetent elder abuse is sickening. Just let Daddy slack and be himself and cover the Mueller report in depth if you wanna put him in a home.

They should learn 2 code

Gr3yF4x fired from Te4m S0ild for saying the gamer word on Twitch. In upcoming n3ws, South K0rean player Hai Ping wins RTS game championship.

I think they meant big as in body weight, not actual fame.

Those who are recognized as Hippopotamosuras but identify as queerish ,non-binarish money paraite kin.


Cyberpunk 2077's biggest critics

Game isn't even out yet either lmfao

They're so desperate to keep breath in their dying format they've gotta spin BS about upcoming titles to generate clicks. It's not working for them. We all just stare awkwardly while they get called out.

"""fan""" criticism.

Woketards aren't fans of anything. They can be "games journos" or outrage merchants, but they don't buy games and can't even play them.

For those who may not have seen it, here's a video of an actual game journo failing a tutorial. With a pigeon passing a similar test.

That's not fair, how many times did the bird get to practice first?

My 4 year old literally beat that fucking tutorial faster than he did.

fans who feel that names like the Animals or Voodoo Boys are problematic still have a right to feel that way

that's where you're wrong. Mayoid opinions are automatically invalid.

Game critics and gamers in general need to stop whining, it’s getting annoying

Yeah but muh bog standard capeshit story pl0x

If you have strong opinions or feelings about video games as an adult you're a fucking loser. They're escapist time sinks, if you emotionally depend on them or pretend to like woke tranny games journalists do then you need to reexamine your life.

reexamine end your life


Don't you mean "game critics" and "gamers"? Last I checked the general opinion from actual critics is that Cyberpunk 2077 looks dope.

participation trophy generation

Good, trannies weren't going to buy it anyway.

I mean, yikes, but you have no way of quantifying how many "trannies", to use your offensive and bigoted word will but it.

Since you have no way of identifying the true gender of each buyer. Furthermore, you have no way of quantity how many, ostensibly, cis individuals who buy the game will transition in the future.

Many, many transwomen who currently present as male are gamers. Once society accepts that trans women are women, they'll be able to bin their male clothes as dress as their true selves.

Is this pasta or did this actually fall out of your mushy brain?

imagine not being able to tell this is pasta

Looks like Reddit found a new magical Tyrone. It's over for NDT-cels.

”I’m just a man...”

Not in 2077 sweaty

The only game journalists that are allowed to exist for me are the ones in the realm of AngryJoe or James Rolfe. Or people who have actual credibility or experience as them.

Heather Alexandra isn't in your list?

and fans who feel that names like the Animals or Voodoo Boys are problematic still have a right to feel that way

this is the cause of literally all the social problems in zoomers rn

Videogame depicts a much more likely scenario then the utopia of Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism and tards reeee

As is tradition

"Cyberpunk Creator Defends Cyberpunk 2077 From Fan Criticism"

What fans? The only people that criticizes don't even know CP2020 and the fucking lore. These journalists keep getting dumber by the day.

Leaked Script:

Damathias (Animal leader): Yo, tranny bot. Why you not complete our job? We paid you tons of credits.

TrannyBot: Error. Too sad over matrix vid of future pleasureSim release where gender fluid robot is called Sir. Posting Twitter loop infinite.

Damathias: 40% of these robots cant do shit and just explode and constantly need updates despite never working. That's the last time I take a junk bot from some chink jew decker in Neo Israel... Oh, well, let's go gang rape a black lady.

White SJW tells black guy what is racist towards black people and what isn't. Black guy is having none of it.

a bunch of woke white people dogpiling on an old black man for having the wrong opinions.

this is my favorite drama.

Side note: it's a function of that testosterone crippled brain that you are so focused on dicks, and your own dick in particular. Guess what? Take estrogen for a while and you will lose focus on that body part to the point where it doesn't even matter anymore. There is so much more to being a woman that genitals, like the depth and complexity of emotions and bonding with others in ways that are literally incomprehensible to you.


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depth and complexity of emotions and bonding with others

BREAKING NEWS: Men do that too..