Another Rightoid and Attempted Mass Shooter Arrested

87  2019-06-18 by WarSanchez




  1. Another Rightoid and Attempted Mass... -,

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Up to 3 rightoid potential mass shooters over the weekend. They've lost it.

Wait 3? The guy in Texas, this guy, and who else? It's getting hard to keep up at this point in time. WTF.

Third threatened to turn a gay night club into the next pulse massacre.

I thought it was the same guy lmao. The right cucks sure are riled up.

These are just false flags BTW, muslim extremists want to divert attention from them so their terrorism so they pose as right wing extremists to demonize christian conservatives and, at the same time, damage mr. Trump's reputation.

That’s stupid enough not to ever work

Lol, this is nothing. You should see some of the foiled right-wing terror plots that didn't get a ton of media coverage.

The FBI simply said they had prevented a few "potentially high casualty attacks" Which we all know means they foiled bomb plots.

Hell, shortly before the election, some rightoids got caught trying to blow up an apartment building full of immigrants:

They had planned the bombing for shorty after election day. No connection, I'm sure.

'wtf is this arrPolitics? ..oh, it's that faggot pizza'

Dude you need to lay off the addy and / or autism

It's real telling whenever another one of these comes out the only thing rightoids can go to is "but muh baseball game and muh bike lock;" surely a coincidence they can't point to any of the dozens of attacks on federal buildings.

They've been using that one guy from a baseball game that shot at some congressmen and some minor street scuffles for years now. Can't address that their extremist talk is the one actually leading to multiple mass murders and attempted murders.

Maybe if the Left had the physical abilities to actually harm anyone they would be seen as a threat, but seeing as how they are made of the disabled, transgender, PoC, effeminate males, feminate females, furries and cuckolds of a generation they cant really do anything, can they. Even the baseball shooter was a fat white guy that missed 90% of his shots. Shits fucking weak I tell ya. It's not that the messages differ it's that only one side actually has the capabilities to do anything

the same people who get anxiety about calling the local pizza place are the ones that are going to fight in the communist revolution

Lol the right wingers murdering innocent unarmed people with rifles must have peak physical abilities. Jesus christ you're delusional. The message definitely differs since pretty much all our domestic terrorist attack these days are radicalized mayo right wingers. Keep Coping though.

Lol the right wingers murdering innocent unarmed people with rifles must have peak physical abilities.

Lmao no, quite the opposite, these two are scraping the bottom of the right wing barrel while these would be top operatives of the left, by their own standards

The message definitely differs since pretty much all our domestic terrorist attack these days are radicalized mayo right wingers.

Because the left doesnt have the capabilities the right does. Dont get me wrong, I'd love two see weather underground part 2, but these people cant even decide if they're male or female, let alone whether a wires red or black

Lmao no, quite the opposite, these two are scraping the bottom of the right wing barrel while these would be top operatives of the left, by their own standards

All you're saying here is you've got a distorted view of who actually votes non republican. It's not the college kids you seem to be picturing.

Because the left doesnt have the capabilities the right does

Real high capability murdering unarmed people and getting caught before doing anything larger terrorism events.

I feel like you had a stroke as you wrote that. Should I chalk it up to more of leftist ineptitude?

Real high capability murdering unarmed people and getting caught before doing anything larger terrorism events.

Between the teapartiers to now we've seen what Republicans have to offer. Some old boomers and down from there it goes between obese and super scrawny for the ones that are actually radicalized. Their biggest capability has been some scuffles with some college kids with the more radacilized ones gunning down unarmed people. Along with the occasional paramilitary militia who's incompetent and gets caught by the FBI before they can do anything. I get it's hard for you to admit only Republics have the problem with creating demostic terrorists.

I never said they weren't capable, in fact I said they were better than leftists, and that set you into full C O P E where you tried to destroy someone with FACTS and LOGIC even though they were essentially agreeing with you. SEETHING and lefties, name a more iconic duo

How do you address the shrinking demographics of evangelicels and conservatoids?

No, they're just not brain damaged enough from the fent to act on their delusions

No they're so weak from the HRT that they cant physically aim the gun. It's what happened with that trans kid who shot up a school in Colorado

That was kind of funny, but there's a filter in non-fent-addled brains that says "I'm having this thought, but saying/acting on it probably isn't a good idea." You rightoids are increasingly losing that ability, demonstrated twice in one weekend.

"Oh wow, 2 in one week? You guys are really losing it!"

Lol no, some dipshit calling in fake threats over Facebook drama isnt an attack, even if that is the best a leftie could pull off.

Eh, school shootings aren't funny, even in a dude bussy lmao sub.

Hence why "saying" was included, because words matter both in public and in the eye of the law, no matter how much you wish they didn't. What's perhaps more telling though is that in a thread that started along the lines of "this is the second guy with a similar profile and 'motive' within days, what's the deal?" your immediate thoughts went straight to longposting "lol leftoids couldn't even do this."

Pizza up there is right, you rightoids are going off the deep end way faster than leftoids.

yawn. You edited your post after I made mine to make a completely different arguement. So now not only are you stupid and wrong, but a liar as well. Nobodys going off the deep end, your just soaking in confirmation bias. Goodbye loser.

Funny -> shitty shituation is a different argument? Okay bud.

I'll expect to see you in the news soon, but hopefully the police are competent like they were here.

You also added saying in with acted to further the scope of your comment after realizing I was right. You changed it 3 minutes after my post, as in just enough time to read my comment and try to rephrase yours to appear right. Fuck off chapo scumbag. Join the other 40% already, nobodys gonna miss you.

Lol sorry I can't be assed to mash refresh before making edits; it's not a conspiracy against you I promise.

And now the chapo-kysposting comes out. It's so fucking predictable 😂

You did it right after I posted my comment, you clearly changed your wording because you realized you were wrong. Its pathetic.

And now the chapo-kysposting comes out.

I'll expect to see you in the news soon, but hopefully the police are competent like they were here.

You are one stupid motherfucker

Competent cops: Arrest guy making terroristic threats

You: kys chapo

This is your brain on perpetual outrage rightoidism. Take a break from politics and go for a hike or something.

c o p e

It doesnt take much effort to get a gun and shoot up someone just look at the pathetic people that do it now

It doesnt take much effort

Let's look at lefty shooters, Baseball man, Nasim at YouTube, and the trans kid in Colorado. Exactly zero fatalities, only the fat old white guy even hit anybody.

just look at the pathetic people that do it now

Oh I am sweaty, and it doesnt look good.

yeah we have a bunch of retards playing real life call of duty, but the left doesn’t do that so they’re losers

This is such a pathetic cope.

Look at you absolutely S E E T H I N G at your own ineptitude lmao do some pushups loser

Pathetic projection as well.

I hope you don’t lash out and shoot up a place as well.

And that guy is a weak loser, what’s your excuse for thinking that shooting a gun is physically demanding?

Where did I ever defend this idiots actions you absolute fool? All I said was the left fails to have the capability to do these things, because they are pathetic and weak. Nothing more, nothing less. I never said shooting a gun is physically demanding, but that the left (again) is missing the mental facilities to properly use them, seeing as how they get PTSD from micro-aggresions on Twitter. Sort yourself out bud, you're a mess. Frankly its embarrassing.

I’m not defending him I’m just saying the left is too weak to shoot big scary guns unlike this handsome man

Lol okay

More like "lmao look at this stupid pussy. Now imagine being somehow even more pathetic and you got yourself a Chapotard"

Rightoid goes postal again

b-but chapos!

Well, stop being a cancer to society and maybe that'd stop happening.

rightoid blames the unarmed dead for dying to a raging rightoid.

Not to say how mainstream culture always endorse these people.

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Is somewhere actually keeping count? They can chalk up a few more "economically anxious" now.

Authorities found an illegal AR-15 semiautomatic rifle, Nazi literature, camouflage clothes,** a sword** and high-capacity magazines

Why. Why in the name of heaven do they always have a blasted sword. I blame anime. Anime is Japan’s vengeance for the atom bomb.

Nintendo was the backdoor to actually winning the long game of WWII cmv

The coins Mario collects represent the time and money fleeced from western g*mers

haha americans, fucking got em

I’ve been saying it for years: Two Nukes. Not even fucking close to being enough nukes.

Why in the name of heaven do they always have a blasted sword.

Because they're alt-right.

Why in the name of heaven do they always have a blasted sword.

They should be using daggers and halberds like a real infantryman.

Thank god the police actually did their jobs.

The race of peace strikes again.

Don't you mean the political orientation of peace?

Nothing gayer than a Nazi weeb.

“I would probably get a body count of like 30 [Jews] and then like five police officers because I would also decide to fight to the death,” court records say Farca wrote in one post.

I'm sure he would and not bitch out like Fatty McGee did in Dallas.

He got nobody, took to .40s to the chest and then pissed himself dying in a parking lot.

He got nobody, took to .40s to the chest and then pissed himself dying in a parking lot.

Play that on a loop on every news station for the next month lmao, just in the corner and occasionally full screen it.

No more mass shootings when you'll get mocked for eternity for dying like a retard covered in piss and shit

Unironically how America should cover mass shootings. Add sound effects and shit too.

Facts. Imagine thinking you're some epic badass and becoming a national laughingstock.

I think they should undress the mass shooters and parade around their deformed pasty white bodies for all the world to see

Literally crucify them and charge people to throw tomatoes at them

0:1 KD ratio

The East Bay Times reported that Farca used Steam, a popular video game platform, where his screen name “Adolf Hitler (((6 Million)))” was an apparent reference to the number of Jewish people killed during the Holocaust.

that's not even clever...

(((adolf hitler)))

(((nazional socialist)))

i meannnnn a significant number of people who developed german psychology that the nazis used, as well as many of their top military, were jews

“I would probably get a body count of like 30

Anime fans always do this, then get k/d lower than a typical burger fatty that got bullied in fornite.

> “I would probably get a body count of like 30 [Jews] and then like five police officers because I would also decide to fight to the death,” court records say Farca wrote in one post.

> arrested without incident

It never began for mulletcels.

Imagine getting killed by a .40 Short&Weak 😂😂😂


That was the other guy.

All right wing people are like this.

I'm glad they found this guy and the last couple like him before they hurt anyone. Political violence is for losers.

You should beat people down for the pure joy of violence, not to make a point like some kind of serious-poster.

This is why we need immigrants. Whitey can't even conduct a successful mass shooting anymore.

That's your contribution to an intelligent discussion? A vague, unspecified criticism, accompanied by an implicitly self-aggrandizing bit of arrogant dismissiveness?


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