"Common Lisp is a Stradivari violin, not a kazoo. It simply isn’t for you, [...] Go learn a different trade, where you might be able to fully appreciate high-quality professional tools." - Lisptard drama

48  2019-06-18 by spergling_drama_alt


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. "Common Lisp is a Stradivari violin... - archive.org, archive.today

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fucking nerds

Jesus Christ! Using square braces for arguments de-clutters the syntax to a large extend for you to easily identify the function signature with as little mental effort as is possible with lisps. I thought it to be welcome change. And what about destructuring or auto-binding data to variables? What do you have to say about it? Eh!

/Fucking Nerds!

I doubt he's concerned about this. Even Scheme - arguably the most "pure" of Lisps has that. It's more that it's implemented on the JVM with a lot of fundamental forms, as opposed to to other Lisps which focus on implementing their standard library mostly as derived forms.

Nigga's dumb tho when he calls Genera or Mathematica (what the fuck lMMAo) the gold standard.

Imagine actually learning a useful programming language instead of one that gets you bragging points

Good Lisp coders are very well paid. Sorry to ruin it for you )

But why they got good wage if all they buy is yet another ThinkPad™ X220 with coreboot? 🤔🤔🤔

Lol, is that the one Stallman recommends because it doesn't have the TPM?

Not even. This is what Stallman recomended X60s

X220 is kinda modern, has panoramic display (!), 64 bit processor (!!) and you can actually do stuff on it without feeling like you're stuck 20 in past.

botnet embedded directly in processor

I presume you're referring to IME, lol.


If Stallman isn't able to see the full schematics and financials of the fab that produced its processor, then he probably wouldn't approve.

botnet embedded directly in processor

I presume this is a reference to IME, lol.

Idk. I acknowledge Incel ™ security shenanigans but don't care enough to switch to prehistoric hardware.

It's not like I have folders upon folders full of cheese pizza.

Same here. IME pisses me off but the development community is full of hypochondriacs who have too much time to think of all the ways the government is going to backdoor their gaming rig.

If I ever get to the point that I'm that paranoid about what I'm doing, I would get something like a Stallman machine that I can control.

Don't tell me. Literally every single /g/ talking point is retarded.

Old old thinkpads are nice if you are college student/literal NEET that needs usable laptop for 100$, but technology moved ahead and I don't need VGA and cd rom in my laptop.

Python bad, because it is wrong to be productive at work.

Linux and emacs good because you can rice your setup for days. Btw, big brother is constaly watching so you should spend extra hours to remove every single tracker and protect your precious ricing.

And no, flat chest rubber dolls are not technology.

Importing anime figurines from Japan gets expensive real fast

Especially when you have to bribe somebody to turn blind eye of doll's flat chest.

yo this is spicy

If I tell you that I have studied (and used under emulation, when available) nearly every major historic Lisp system, would it make any difference?

Fuck your so-called “facts of life.” Superior mind-amplifying tools existed and will exist again.

That is the world of YCombinator types and other trendoids: an idiotic fashionista hell.

when can we start using the word “trendoids” on this sub

Nice. That keyboard has social media like and dislike buttons.





Not to mention the "Super," "Meta," and "Hyper" buttons.

What would we do without a "Rub out" button?

That's for Street Fighter combos


can we shorten it to troids? might collide with trans-foids but 🤷‍♂️

That's whatever you were talking about for you.

The only thing melting down is your ability to influence this Sub in any way other than making them all hate you unanimously because of how much of a faggot you are 😂😂😂😂😂


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