frenworld remains as subtle as a heart attack

190  2019-06-18 by BriefSquirt


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Btw r/ZweiRama is better

why are comments locked

How does it feel to be a filthy bedouin who belongs to a lineage and culture which has never actually accomplished anything for itself? The only remarkable traits of your people are that they sit atop oil which white people pay you for and that you are dishonest and relatively dim witted. If western leaders weren't a bunch of jew addled traitors they would have wiped your people off the face of the earth and simply taken your oil rather than paid your retarded royalty a single cent.

Now we have a scenario in which a bunch of dune coons run around playing 21st century warlord with weaponry their stupid people couldn't possibly invent and shitting up life on earth for everybody. We never should have sold you so much as a Lamborghini let alone a fucking autocannon. Handing you sand niggers modern weaponry is like handing a small child a hand grenade.

If your people were worth their weight in salt they would turn their own lands into a place fit for human beings. Since they aren't able to, they flee to our lands and proceed to breed like rats while feeding their children with fraudulently earned income and welfare paid for by white people. You and your ilk will eventually outnumber us in our homes and our lands will become as shitty and useless as your lands. Cograts, you'll achieve dar es salaam but you won't have running water or a functioning power grid. You played yourself.

Shameful behavior from a deceitful desert tribe. Yet you feel pride. So strange.

Begone, rat.


  1. frenworld remains as subtle as a he... -,,

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Is this a snapshot of frenworld?

I’d rather the world be filled with low iq minorities than people who say “Becarefull fren“

Is it supposed to be cute like how people say doggo and pupper?


They’re literally Nazis that talk like babies

literal nazis


Some of em are.

Nah, real NAZI's would have moved those freaks to the front of the line for very very permanent delousing

smol^ nazis

The 4th Reich will be brought by Nazi babies

For some reason I'm picturing beanie babies but of chibi Goering and Mengele

No, I think it’s supposed to give them plausible deniability in case the admins ever start thinking about unfrenning them.

Hitler was right but for the wrong people

mayocide when

Stupid people >>>> high iq autist redditors

the bell curve has been entirely disproven.

entirely disproven

Never read it, since I'm not autistic enough to read 800 pages of boring stats, but from what I understand there's absolutely 0 serious dispute about the fact of IQ scores following a normal distribution (bell curve), and for different races to have different means on the same test.

Feel free to spergpost a reply, but the APA's official response confirmed that the literature of the time indicated a 1 std dev IQ gap between White and Black Americans that could not be explained by socioeconomic factors or test biases.

If you don't want me to sperg at you ill just link you the Wikipedia

Oh no, I want you to spergpost. Please, go ahead and tell me what your view on this 25 year old, 800 page book is, and I'll pretend that you've actually read it and aren't actually just getting fed an opinion from a journalist (who also didn't read it) at a biased outlet quoting an academic (who also didn't read it) from a field that has nothing to do with the content of the book.

This goes for journalists and academics from both sides, for I am the enlightened centrist that is beyond such petty seriousposting by the ignorant masses.

Just kidding, I've got like 2000 characters and counting locked and loaded in my "spergy rants to unleash on the next unsuspecting victim" notepad.

lmao bellcels p mad rn yikes y’all

The agendapost just got 10 words longer.

my dick got 10 inches longer.

So, has anyone ever actually read The Bell Curve? My dad said he read it when it came out and that it was super cherrypicked and incredibly boring. I don't really believe him since I haven't seen it on our shelves, but he is the kind of guy to do actually read something like that...

it’s 800 pages of heavy, statistic based reading. What do you think?

"some people criticized it so it's not valid"

uh ok


What is the graph about?

IQ ranges by skin color

They never get the irony of their obsession with IQ. It's delicious.

No one who obsesses over IQ ever does.

Dont asians and jews have us whities beat on the whole IQ thing? Seems like a dumb thing for a white person to try to use to validate racism.

Sort of the root of the problem. There's a ton of self selection bias for many of the test takers, and the random selection has even bigger issues.

It's fine and important as a diagnostic tooI to figure out the outter bounds (mostly lower) but really there's not much difference in the normal distribution (iirc 80-120).

Sure and that would also explain why they are more successful in this country.

Not that being a member of an overall smarter group can somehow excludes you for being a tard.

Asians, Jews, and Indians crush it by most metrics in the US yet these people seem to hate them as well. You can't simultaneously hate Jews for being too clever and powerful and hate blacks for being stupid without being a huge hypocrite yet here we are.

I mean it's not like white supremacists are known for their superior intellect and rational thought, so I guess it shouldnt be that surprising.


They hate Jews because of being bad with money They hate Asians because of being bad at school They hate Blacks because they have tiny limp schlongs

All of their many failures are blamed on others

Average penis size of female r/drama users compared to women in other subs

Actually it's compared to the average man's. The drama mods are bigger.



Much better

Yikes. Not a good look, chief.

We have the best Shenises

Degree of gender fluidity for users in r/chaptraphouse versus those in r/onguardforthee.

I bet they think their 'I got punched because I'm a not-see today' speak is subtle




They think Mr Longnose is somehow subtle

these guys think moon man posting is subtle dude

bop a mayo jar frens

Despite comprising less one percent t of the internet population, /r/frenworld accounts for over 80% of it's concentrated autism.

We are reaching levels of Pareto not yet encountered.

Vilfredo would never

No, that would be /mlp on 4chan

They have the same userbase.

Nice flair

Thanks, trappysaruh made it 😍😋

I’m jealous, notice me trappy senpai


Fren posting is actually funny tbh

Actually you’re just gay

No bussy shaming!

All sex is gay

I love it when you talk dirty


There have been maybe two frenworld posts that were anything besides agendaposting. Frenworld brings out the leftist in here because its actually doing well at hiding its "alt-right" jokes well and is generally a fine sub, instead of bashing you over the head with it.

Good boi!

Does it really hide its alt right jokes well? I'm honestly not sure if anyone posts there who isn't a Nazi. Usually I can see the point pretty quickly.

If they can get to the top of the sub and the comments are pretty much all still fren comments I'd consider that well hidden, for reddit

Well hidden for downies lol

Which most of reddit, self admittedly, are

Id call reddit autist, not downer

I say what's the difference

Autists aren't dumb enough to think frenworld is "hiding" anything

You seething a lil there bud?


someone who enjoys frenworld and defends it in any capacity probably has both, so I doubt it matters t

Lol imagine enjoying frenworld

There are some retarded people on there who think that it's just a regular meme sub that nazis recently started attempting to infiltrate. There aren't many of them though.

I can see the point pretty quickly

Sure, but you can't do anything about it, and that's why it's so fucking funny.

There's a really obvious meme-level response to this that would trigger the fuck out of white supremacists. You could make a graph showing Ashkenazi Jews with the highest IQ, then Regular Jews in second place, then East Asians with the next highest IQ, and Whites in last place.

White supremacists would "REEEEE!!!" if you responded with that. But you can't do it. You'll burst into flames if you try. LOL!

Why would they need to do anything about it?

You'll burst into flames if you try. LOL!

Like I don’t even get what you’re trying to say. Non retarded people won’t make retarded things even if it would trigger the retards? This is like the ultimate cope when people point out your “only pretending to be a retard” shtick.

Wokies using the IQ bell curve is an automatic admission that the IQ bell curve is legitimate and races are not equal

Why would they need to do anything about it?

I didn't say they needed to. I said they can't.

Non retarded people won’t make retarded things even if it would trigger the retards?

This is like the ultimate cope when you're triggered by the retard's memes. And you absolutely are triggered by the bell curve meme. When white supremacists posts actual bullshit, like for example claims about skull sizes, you just laugh and go on about your day. The bell curve thing gets a totally different reaction.

And how can they not? Do you think leftoids are literally incapable or something?

I mean it’s not uncommon for people on the left to get racist, there’s the common “our people were building pyramids while you were in caves”.

how can they not?

Because their worldview is based on behaviorism. They're like flat-earthers triggered by Dead Or Alive lyrics.

Looks like they just did something about it 😎

Cutting out a man's tongue doesn't prove he's a liar. It proves you're scared of what he has to say.

Frenworld's only purpose was to mock you. They weren't exchanging ideas or plotting anything. They were just trolling you. The point of the joke was to show that you are unable to defend anything you believe. Banning it further proves that point.

You lost. You could have won if you were able to defend your beliefs. Or you could have won by ignoring the troll - if they hadn't gotten a reaction they would have gotten bored and the sub would have died. Instead, you got triggered. They beat you.

Frenworld wasn't the place where these people meet up to plan shit. That happens off reddit. As a result, frenworld had no actual value to them. You haven't stopped them from laughing at you. You haven't stopped them from discussing their ideas. All you've done is given them a laugh-boner.

Look at that wall of pure cope. Beautiful.

Frenworld's only purpose was to mock you. By letting them trigger you, you lost.

Lol, you think this is about winning and losing. No this is about you being laughably stupid.

you think this is about winning and losing

If you're being trolled, and you fall for it and react to it, then you definitely lost. The frenworld subreddit had no actual value to the poltards, so deleting it hasn't cost them anything. They weren't on reddit organizing nazi rallies or creating new memes. You can't beat them by destroying something with no value to them. Its sole purpose was to troll you. It worked. Therefore they won.

Had you been capable of ignoring it, then they would have quickly gotten bored and you would have won. Alternately, you could pick one of their memes and explain why they're wrong and you're right. But you're not capable of doing that either.

lol u get trooled

Only pretending to be retarded

Congrats you had people point at you and call you retarded.

Again, if you had laughed at them, then you would have won. Instead, you got triggered. That's why you lost.

Look, there are a lot of these trollish subreddits. Here's an example: /r/misandry

The purpose of the sub is "LOL MISANDRY ISN'T REALL LOL!!!" - but notice that no one posts there. Why don't people post there? Because MRA's didn't get triggered by it. As a result, it's no fun for leftists to participate in the sub, and it died. The troll failed. The MRA's won.

Here's another example: /r/blackfathers. The joke with this sub is "LOL THERE ARE NO BLACK FATHERS LOL!!!" - now of course, that sub is empty on purpose so this isn't a perfect comparison, but note that /r/blackfathers is quarantined. A subreddit with literally no content is quarantined. The troll worked! People are triggered by it! Leftists lose again.

The same joke aimed at two different groups. MRA's just shrug and go on about their business. The troll didn't work on them. Leftists react, get triggered, quarantine an empty subreddit. The troll works on them. They lost.

Instead, you got triggered

Again you keep bringing up that I’m angry.

Are you seriously retarded enough to think any disapproval is anger? Or are you just retarded and lumping me in with people from AHS who would get angry over anything?

You’re so desperate to “””win””” at the most inconsequential thing ever that you have to make up stories about the people making fun of you.

I’m angry

"triggered" means that some negative emotion was produced. Doesn't have to be anger. Could be fear. You're definitely offended though, and that's good enough to earn you the label.

They're making fun of you. Your reaction is a win for them.

And you know I'm right. When Trump flips out about a balloon caricature of him, you understand that he's losing to those trolls. This is not rocket science.

You lost this one. Maybe you can learn from this and not lose the next one. One idea I saw was to use the "@" sign to refer to lynching. So, they were going to be posting things like, "can't wait to @bernie" - if you're smart, you'll fucking ignore that and it'll go nowhere. If you're an idiot, you'll let them whip you into a frenzy like you did with clowns and the okay sign.

By that definition you’re triggered from me. Really low bar there.

When you think everything is winning or losing its not surprised

By that definition you’re triggered from me.

How do you figure? Here again is the definition: "triggered" means that some negative emotion was produced.

I challenge you to quote any portion of any comment I've ever made that suggests some negative emotion.

Am I just the representative to the amorphous blob that is the left

The position you are arguing is that deleting the subreddit was the proper response. You've planted your flag on the "representative" hill. But don't let me stop you from surrendering that hill.

Disagreement is a negative response. Give it up loser you lost 😎

The position you are arguing is that deleting the subreddit was the proper response

Where did I say that? All I did was make fun of you for being so defensive of a baby talk sub, then come back the next day to rub it in your face even more when it gets cucked by the admins.

Trying to put words in my mouth means you automatically lose because my actual points were too hard to argue with. Too bad you lose again 😎

Disagreement is a negative response.


Here again is the definition: "triggered" means that some negative emotion was produced.

Note the emphasis. Now answer the question: How do you figure? I challenge you to quote any portion of any comment I've ever made that suggests some negative emotion.

I could ask the same of you.

I could ask the same of you

You realize that tu quoque is conceding the point, right?

you lost

Again, frenworld had not intrinsic value. Nazis were not using it to plan their marches or whatever. Banning it doesn't hurt them.

It was a troll. There are two ways to beat a troll and one way to lose. You lose by getting triggered. Banning is evidence that you're triggered.

ou realize that tu quoque is conceding the point, right?

Exactly stupid, I mirrored your stupidity so you would maybe finally understand. Tbh I’m sure you will still go on about how I’m triggered but again you can’t point to anything.

It was a troll.

Tell that to all the cryposting people are making on /r/watchredditdie about how their favorite sub or banned.

Tbh I’m disappointed that now was the time you realized you lost

No, you've gone off track. You lost by letting people troll you.

If I call you a big poopie head and you laugh, or just ignore me, then you win. If you get triggered and, for example, click the report button, you lose. Even if my comment is removed, you still lost.

All I asked is how I’m triggered and you couldn’t point to anything, you even stopped replying in shame.

I guess you forgot how much of a loser you are to dare continue 😎

you even stopped replying in shame.


This is an alt. I stopped logging into it when you stopped replying shame

The comment you linked was a second reply, here is the end of the comment chain you slinked away from.

Why are boomers so bad at the internet? If you’re going to make a blatant lie then don’t do it so you look like such a loser.

Why are boomers so bad at the internet?

I think it's just because you grew up in a world where nobody trolled you. The mainstream media is on your side and nobody around you ever questions it. You live in a bubble.

What happened here on reddit was a group of people using baby talk to make fun of you, and that made you angry.

Still can’t point to how I’m angry at all.

I love the irony you missed after you complained when I called you were a raging crybaby.

your precious babytalk sub was pathetic

Exactly!! Now you're starting to understand!

A stupid joke designed to do nothing more than troll you ...and you fell for it. By supporting its banning, you prove that it triggers you, and you lose.

If someone is trolling you, the only way you win is to ignore it, or possible laugh at it. If you get angry, you lose. If you allow someone to troll you - if you give them that power, you lose. By supporting the banning, you lose.

If you could have limited yourself to laughing at how pathetic they were, then you would have won. If you could have ignored it, you would have won. Soon, the trolls would have gotten tired of trying and failing to troll you and they would have abandoned the sub and the joke would have died. You would have won

1) I’ve been calling it pathetic from the beginning.

2) Mocking you for it being banned isn’t support.

3) Again, look at /r/watchredditdie to see how much they really cared for that sub. It wasn’t the throwaway you claim it to be based on all the cryposting.

4) You still can’t point to any comment I made where I’m “triggered”

Tbh I kept egging you on because it was funny watching you cope post so much, but now it’s getting a little sad how you just repeat the same things and ignore my comments. Numerous times I’ve asked how am I triggered and all you’ve done is point to other people and say “see what they did that’s being triggered”.

Idk maybe I’ll feel more into it from your next cope post, but you really need to stop that fent and learn to read otherwise this is just me making fun of a brick wall.

I’ve been calling it pathetic from the beginning.

...but also upset about it, as evidenced by your support for its banning.

upset = you lost

Mocking you

That's a cope. You got trolled. You lost. "nuh uh I'm mocking you" doesn't get you off the hook.

look at /r/watchredditdie to see how much they really cared

irrelevant. The existence of additional triggered people doesn't change the fact that you got trolled.

Remember the Trump balloon in London? If Trump whined about that or demanded it be removed (and he probably did, I have no clue), that means that trump got trolled and he lost. If the balloon was removed and some leftists also whined (the way, I presume, watchredditdie is whining), that doesn't change the fact that trump got trolled and lost.

point to any comment I made where I’m “triggered”

if you support it being banned, that counts as triggered.

you just repeat the same things

I'm being patient with you. I don't mind. I'll happily explain this to you over and over again until you understand.

Funny how you go point by point but miss #2 which invalidates your whole argument.

miss #2

lies. It's literally the second thing I quoted.

You missed it wasn’t support. You just hand wave it away as cope when all I did was laugh at you.

If you could actually point to one thing where I talk about how it was needed to be banned then maybe you would have a point.

all I did was laugh at you

that's a cope.

You are in this thread right now in support of banning a troll. That means you lost.

Just like if Trump called for (or achieved) the banning of the London balloon troll, then he lost.

Point to where I “supported” it. Just once go ahead.

You are in this thread right now in support of banning a troll. That means you lost.

Point to where I actually support it being banned. Just being in the thread has nothing to do with support of it being banned, if that was the case it means you support it being banned as well.

Come on this is so easy a retard like you could do it. Just point to one comment where it seems like I’m supporting the banning of that sub.

Just being in the thread has nothing to do with support of it being banned

point to where I said it did.

I didn't say "you are in this thread"

I said (and I'm right) "you are in this thread in support of it being banned" <--- that's your position. That's why you lost.

that's your position

Just one comment, that’s all I’m asking. One comment where that’s the case

Just one comment

^ that one. Any comment where you disagree with me.

lol okay. Here. I'll give you the opportunity to bend the knee: "Frenworld was a troll - it was not a place where nazis were actually communicating with each other, they do that on 4chan - Frenworld's only value to them was the hope that it would trigger people into banning it - therefore, it should not have been banned, it should have been ignored - within a month or so they would have gotten bored and abandoned it"

Quote that and type out the words, "yes I agree" and then I'll reply "gosh, I was totally wrong about you."

Disagreement with the above constitutes support for the banning, which proves that you too were triggered by it. And you know that you were.

Except frenworld was full of serious posters who unironically used it as a nazi meme sub and the fallout from the banning could clue any retard to that.

But that’s not the point, I still didn’t say anything about it needing to be banned.

So let’s try this.

I’m gonna get some work done (it’s how your welfare checks get paid) and you can take this extra time to just look over the comments and find one where I actually support the ban.

Look sweetie I know this is hard for you but if you just apply yourself I’m sure you can do it.

Except frenworld was full of serious posters

[citation needed]

and spoiler: an example of a "serious poster" does not support the claim that it was "full of serious posters" - the mere existence of people who don't get the joke doesn't mean it's not a joke.

a nazi meme sub

you haven't put a single second of thought into that statement. It's literally so stupid and I'm savoring the thought of explaining to you why it's stupid.

If you want to see what symbols and ideas actual nazis use, then go to a prison and look at their tattoos. They have swastikas, they have "14/88" - shit like that. They absolutely do not have little green frogs or clowns. They do not have kekistan flags. They do not train their dogs to make nazi salutes.

Know why (of course you don't) - because they take their shit seriously, and those memes trivialize and make light of them. They want to kill le jews for real. They don't add "in minecraft" in order to make it a big joke.

The only people using little green frogs and clowns are people intent on trolling you. The total purpose is to make you upset ...and it seems to have worked.

I still didn’t say anything about it needing to be banned.

My position is that it should have been ignored until they got tired of it (which wouldn't take long if you gave them no attention). If you're arguing with me, then you're on team-ban

Stop trying to weasel out of it.

There are many joke subreddits. Take /r/misandry/ for example. The joke here is "LOL MISANDRY ISNT REAL LOL!!" - note that nobody posts there. Why? Obviously, it's because the joke got boring. However, if you gave them attention (perhaps by getting triggered about the sub in /r/mensrights) then people would start posting there again. The posting in and of itself wouldn't be fun to them. What would be fun would be making /r/mensrights angry.

Contrast with /r/blackfathers - basically the same joke: "lol there are no black fathers lol" - but note that reddit admins got so triggered they quarantined the sub. That's how you lose.


*facepalm* you can't even get the /r/drama jokes right


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[citation needed]

If you’re going to play that game then how about you give proof it was just a troll and not full of serious posters.

The reaction from watchredditdie already showed here was a whole mess of people who took that sub seriously.

if you're arguing with me, then you're on team-ban

Lol you still keep up this strawman. Try something that isn’t an obvious fallacy.

*facepalm* you can't even get the /r/drama jokes right

I wasn’t going for the sweetie->sweaty meme, I was legit talking down to you as a child hun because I don’t think you’ve progressed past that.

And about your screed about how serious Nazis don’t meme, what would you call the Christchurch shooter? A prank gone wrong?

proof it was just a troll and not full of serious posters.

lol. You're so far down the rabbit hole that you're asking if people posting clowns and frogs are being serious.

Again, the "serious nazis" are in prison and a complete, unabridged list of their actual symbols can be found in the form of their tattoos. None of those hard motherfuckers use frogs or clowns as symbols of their ideology. They take their shit seriously and frogs and clowns and other jokes which don't take the ideology seriously will piss them off.


Do you expect anyone to believe that you agree with the person you're arguing with?? No. You disagree, therefore it's not a straw man.

I wasn’t going for the sweetie->sweaty meme

Oh god, this is how serious and unironically triggered you are. This is pathetic.

That manifesto was full of pol jokes.

Prove it.

blah blah blah Nazis are serious

Yeah still not proof, this is your opinion and it’s a wrong one. Neonazis are more than just prison gangsters. Do you really think pol all ironic? Do you think the Christchurch shooter was just a prankster? I know you don’t but I wonder how far you’re going to play dumb.

Do you expect anyone to believe that you agree with the person you're arguing with?

Who said I agree with you? Clearly I don’t because you attribute a false belief on me (a strawman) and I disagree with that.

This is pathetic.

I know you are sweetie but you can’t help yourself.

Prove it.

He described himself as a “kebab removalist” as just one example.

I thought there was a limit to how far someone could play dumb but you proved me wrong on that.

He described himself


The manifesto he made, just look up a summary on Wikipedia if you don’t want to read the 90 pages of it. Although for you I assume it’s more of a can’t read instead of a won’t read.

Also the gun had “remove kebab” written on it. Cmon hun this is just getting pathetic.

Like I said days ago I don’t really care for winning and losing internet arguments unlike someone, because that’s autistic behavior but you really lost here. The best you can do is play stupid.

The manifesto he made

What manifesto? Why haven't you linked to it?

look up a summary on Wikipedia

I wont accept a citation of a summary. You either quote and link to the manifesto or I'm going to assume you're lying.

What manifesto? Why haven't you linked to it?

Are you actually that retarded to not know he made a manifesto or are you trying to make a point about how it’s been severely suppressed and hard to find now?

You're talking about a short document.

It’s 90 pages of unhinged rambling, I’m not going to read through it for this argument when you’ll just hand wave it away like literally everything else in this argument.

I’m not going to read through it for this argument

Ah, then you withdraw the argument! I agree. Good call.

So we're back to the actual topic of this thread. Real nazis take their symbols seriously. They don't poke fun at their own ideology. Frenworld was not an place where nazis communicated seriously, made plans, or advanced their cause. Its only purpose was to troll you. Its only value was how angry it made you. If you'd ignored it, it would have had no value, and like /r/misandry it would have been abandoned - you would have won. By letting it bother you, you lost.


Just because you ask for proof on truths like the Christchurch shooter using pol memes doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

I didn't ask for proof on truths like the Christchurch shooter using pol memes

Just because you don’t accept any evidence besides a document that cannot be obtained anymore doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

Saying, "it cannot be obtained anymore" invalidates your citation though.

I still need proof how I supported the ban

Here you go: my position is that it should have been ignored until they got tired of it (which wouldn't take long if you gave them no attention). If you're arguing with me, then you're on team-ban

Your cope is so palpable

Your cope is so palpable.

Real nazis take their symbols seriously. They don't poke fun at their own ideology. Frenworld was not an place where nazis communicated seriously, made plans, or advanced their cause. Its only purpose was to troll you. Its only value was how angry it made you. If you'd ignored it, it would have had no value, and like /r/misandry it would have been abandoned - you would have won. By letting it bother you, you lost.

Dude you’ve been humiliated enough, I’m done here. I got a fun laugh and I was able to spread the joy a bit.

I’m done here

I doubt that.

The fact remains that pol created a joke/circlejerk subreddit. If you'd just ignored it, then it would have been abandoned like other joke subreddits (/r/misandry for example).

But because it triggered you, they kept at it. They had no inherent interest in stupid clown memes - those memes aren't funny on their own. The only purpose or value was your anger. And you gave them the ultimate win.

Next time, just be enough of an adult to follow the cardinal rule: don't feed the trolls.

I was able to spread the joy a bit

Translation: you're insecure when you're all by yourself. If I wait a week and post the exact same thread, I'll get the same number of upvotes. But I wont do that because I don't care as much as you do.


Why are you so soooooooo retarded? Honk honk

I gave you a lot of time

is it okay with you if I have a life on the weekend? lol. Are you really this serious about /r/drama?? No wonder you're so easy to troll!

checking my phone is big work

No need to lie sweetie, I know you had to ask for help for your latest long post.

checking my phone is big work

Are you aware that you're behaving like an overly attached girlfriend? You're complaining that I'm not checking my phone often enough for you.

shut up cracker

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Pretending to be retarded to own the libs



Nigga their shit incredibly blatant.

And you ree and seethe anyway

Damn niggas mad

This is the r/drama YOU voted for


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Frenworld. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Jewish Lies most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Apu's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Anti-Semetic literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Frenworld truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Apu's existential catchphrase "get bopped," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as 4chan's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Apu tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎

wow, a black and white bell curve, super subtle

And yet the entire audience is Asian. Even in their fantasies, Frenworld can’t be superior.

triggers in centrism

I've invoked the C O P E ruling. I got like 8 replies to my comment telling me how WRONG I am and how Frenworld is DUMB and doesn't get under their skin at all

Yeah I see people calling out your retarded take that frenworld is “””””subtle”””””, I don’t see anyone talking about “how it doesn't get under their skin at all”.

I do see you making “lol ur mad” at anyone pointing out how dumb of a take you made.

You're typing out longwinded responses, along with some other mongoloids, about how a retarded childspeak sub definitely doesn't get under your skin. Tell me again how radically centrist you are

As I've already clarified, because all of you smugposters need it to be apparently, it is subtle for reddit.

bout how a retarded childspeak sub definitely doesn't get under your skin.

But you’re the only one who is talking about whether the sub is bothering anyone or not. Like no one has even mentioned it in this comment chain but you.

Damn nigga can't read either. My OG OG comment in this thread was talkin about the agendaposts in general. Everybody else lumped on coping about my "subtle" comment

Half the posts on this sub are agenda posts, complaining about one means you have a certain connection to what’s being mocked.

And of course people are gonna focus on the “subtle” comment, it was retarded even if you try to save face and say you meant it for redditers.

complaining about agendaposts is the most agenda form of post out there tbqhwy

Lol imagine being so retarded you think general political posts are agendaposts just because they target one side

I’m asking this for real are you actually disabled? Who said that it was one sided?

And yet here you are, sperging out like an autist and responding to them all

You say sperging, I say protecting the integrity of this beautiful landscape called r/drama from the agendaposting lefties.

Frenworld brings out the leftist in here because its actually doing well at hiding its "alt-right" jokes well

imagine sincerely being this retarded

If you're as retarded as them yes

Fren posting is equally as funny as doggo posting

If you like frenworld then you should also sub the the hilarious community of /r/rarepuppers

Talking like a retarded toddler is pinnacle of reddit humor, rightoid or otherwise. This site was a mistake.

Bop hooman rawr xD

Le cut doggo XDDDDDDD

god I can't wait to be dead so I don't have to see this kind of shit anymore.

cheers to that

god I can't wait to be dead

Yesterday you said tomorrow, what are you waiting for?



I mean, Hitler loved dogs, so it makes sense!

Its the blatant racism coated in doggo speak thats funny. They are appropriating reddit culture.

When you look long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze at you. If you act like a faggot as a joke for too long, then all you're doing is acting like a faggot.

Bussy LMAO

Can't wait for the evolution of the joke where they discuss the Jewish question through grunts and moans like they have low functioning autism

I can't wait for you to sperg out about that too, good times head for absurdist jokes.

>grug notice long nose tribe kicked out of 109 cave

>make grug think

The frens were freaking out the other day about people doggoposting in their sub, like the two dialects aren't equally embarrassing to outside observers

No it's really obvious agendaposting. Sure, you have to know about pepe, the alt right, and this specific graph without any labels, but I do know these things and I get it, therefore it's super obvious to everyone. It's so obvious that if you showed this to someone outside this specific corner of the internet even they'd understand the nazi roots of this cartoon frog pointing at a graph.

For real. The people here who understand this shit forget that they are the real autists and normal people would see nothing nefarious about this at all.

Most of the time people look at a couple obvious agenda posts from frenworld and then try as hard as they can to find something racist in the other posts.

Imagine joking about a Nazi and then people use that to claim that they're a Nazi.

Get bopped

This but unironically

I’m surprised that sub hasn’t been quarantined yet.

I just find the reactions to it funny. I wish I had the innate ability to make speedy lefties rage so hard.

Then again, being tolerant of differing viewpoints does that, too.

That is subtle though. I assume it's something to do with blacks because its frenworld but I have no clue what it's actually about.

Are you retarded? Do you need Ben Garrison to come in and label things for you so it doesn't go over your head?

Sorry I don't obsess over racial IQ distributions so much that I associate them with bell curves

It begins.

Its like how the loss meme got reduced to just a couple of lines. After you learn about it, you see it everywhere.

I'm with you man. I came here to the comments to see wtf it was they were posting about. I assumed it was something with racial violence, but the image didn't seem to fit that.

I guess your one of the ones way on the left of that curve

With all of the frenworld posters

The bell curve represents basketball skills by race.

Graph needs flipping then:

dude you lmao.

The Bell Curve by Murray. A book in which two dudes take a brief look at some statistics about black and white people and assume (they don't even argue) that whatever differences that exist are caused by genetic differences, and then they go on a rant about how the far-right is gonna save Murica with eugenics mmkay.

I'm in the middle of preparing for my psychology exam for tomorrow, and Murray's theory is the most controversial and debunked theory I know of. My prof used it as an example of pseudoscience IIRC.

and assume (they barely even argue) that whatever differences that exist are caused entirely by genetic differences,

compare poor white to rich black iq and crime rates lol

Jews have traditionally done better than ypipo in regards to both (don't know about Amerijew statistics, so I'm just using europoor as an example). Going by Murray's logic, this must mean that ypipo are a genetically inferior race compared to jews and they shouldn't be allowed to have kids.

There are actual researchers who have done research that suggests that genes play a role. Capron and Duyme e.g. basically concluded that poor kids are dumb in part because poor people have bad genes and in part because they're shitty parents... that's pretty based. You never see brainlets bring up those researchers, it always has to be the book that is obvious pseudoscience to anyone who passed 8th grade.

and they shouldn't be allowed to have kids.

... what?

It's animal husbandry, not eugenics

it pains me to say this but mayos have the best music (historically). modern (((mayo))) pop is shit, but rap is worse.

ypipo are a genetically inferior race compared to jews and they shouldn't be allowed to have kids.

I am not sure where I am seeing the problem with this logic

they achieved college degrees in africa tho

I'm preparing for my psychology exam tomorrow rn, and Murray's theory is the most controversial and debunked theory I know of. My prof used it as an example of pseudoscience IIRC.

Lol, you must go to Oberlin.

I'm not an Americuck sweatshirt 😅 there are no sjws or woketards around here

Mr Longnose, the most subtle thing I've seen, the admins will NEVER get it. What's even funnier is that the character they use for him is a parody of a Jewish man.

You mean a hsiweJ man. Hehehehehe very clever code right.

Very very clever code indeed


I’m not recognizing the picture on the screen in this, can someone fill me in?

it references pseudoscience from the book The Bell Curve which states that niggas be dumb

I heard about this book. What does it actually say and what’s retarded about it?

The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life is a 1994 book by psychologist Richard J. Herrnstein and political scientist Charles Murray, in which the authors argue that human intelligence is substantially influenced by both inherited and environmental factors and that it is a better predictor of many personal outcomes, including financial income, job performance, birth out of wedlock, and involvement in crime than are an individual's parental socioeconomic status. They also argue that those with high intelligence, the "cognitive elite", are becoming separated from those of average and below-average intelligence. The book was controversial, especially where the authors wrote about racial differences in intelligence and discussed the implications of those differences.

For one, the way that Murray measures IQ is a test used by the army and includes stuff like trigonometry. Consider that the authors believe that intelligence is basically set at birth. This is obviously ridiculous as level of education will improve your score on this test and no one is born knowing trig.

Even if the methods were not shady the prescription that murray and many current supporters give is to make public policy based on a supposed intelligence gap rather then just letting people filter themselves through their work ethic and actual intelligence that manifests itself outside of written tests.

you can read about it online

And like all of Murray's work, it wasn't peer-reviewed.

that’s how it is in this world 😤


oh yeah?

modern comparative IQ tests have shown similar average racial differences in IQ.

If you don't have the balls to use the hard R, don't bother

On second look, check out that OPs handle. Odds on having a collection of photos and videos that the FBI would be very interested in?

Frenworld is great because it chaps the collective ass of reddit's wrong-think police while being the most low effort agenda-posting on the site.

Shange my gender mind.

I feel measurably dumber every time I visit that sub.

I'll say the same shit about frenworld as I say about the commies on reddit. Imagine showing this to any regular working class guy who's a mechanic or some shit.

What kinda leftie bullshit is going on in this thread, yall' need sum centrism


User has been banned for this post.

They scream about societal decay and bloodlines and white genocide and all other shit... yet how many of them are getting degrees, getting jobs, fucking to create kids, adopting white children in the domestic US or just doing anything else besides talking like retarded frogs?

Really gets those jameses rustling 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

This is fucking hilarious. r/frenworld trolling the shit out of TopMinds is unironically the best thing on this site atm.

We get it youre an open minded contrarian that isn't afraid to say something nice about horrible people.