Two NPCs from The Witcher 3 have been charged with terrorism

122  2019-06-18 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


  1. Two NPCs from The Witcher 3 have be... -,

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were part of a group called the Sonnenkrieg Division.


What’s that?

It apparently means “sun war”. It’s mainly funny because it’s a German name being used by British ultra-nationalists.

Personally, quite suprised that polish neo nazis joined in group with brittish neonazis. They hate them and thinl that brits are losers.

Britain is in such a state that even our extreme right-wing groups depend on immigrant labour now.

Oh how the mighty have fallen, once a great empire, now have to import evem neo nazis.

when you have to outsource nationalism

Its funny looking back at these politics since london was The hotspot of steel production and ugh im too lazy to serious post about it

Basicaly this has been going on for 150 years

London? More like Sheffield.

Never question my history autism ever again bucko rucko fucko 🤬🤬🤬😤😤

There are Neo Nazis in Mexico so 🙃

White mexicans definitely think theyre better than brown ones.


Excuse me, we prefer to be called Oaxaca Black

Well certainly not roofing or gardening

Castizos 🤗🤗😍😍🥰🥰

The family I learned this from told me they were french and spanish. I guess thats even better in the suburbs of mexico city.

Thinking that you are better than a stereotypical member of ${NATIONALITY} has nothing to do with neo-nazism.

There are literal Nazis in Argentina.

More proof nationalism is just a meme.

I hold out hope that mulattos with white fathers are redeemable. That's not to say it would be a great loss if the royal family were to be murdered but the same could be said about the ruling class in all first world countries.

Twats in UKIP are now faced with a kerfufle - support neonazi "frens" or shit on them as they are "dirty immigrants" from Poland.

Polacks think they're in the club now and can safely embrace the Nazis who've spent the last decades kicking them. Fucking bootlickers.

It would be more certain if they were Romanian, that's the new favorite target.

Oh fuck off and delete you 1000th account you tankie piece of shit.

Christ, you aren't even good at being a jester. At PizzaShill occasionally contributes to the community in a positive way.

It's over for UKIPcels anyway, their only voters left are the ones too senile to realise Farage is in a different party now.

Meanwhile Farage is milking a new crowd of imbeciles.

Current government truly made his job as a populist easier.

Poles aren't people

According to British television I think they’re construction workers?

Polish males are automatically designated as manual labourers when they are born

Thanks. Now give me an upvote.

Plumbers, you are forgeting plumbers.

That's a specialisation they are given when they are toddlers

Stalin did nothing wrong some things right

The Race of Peace strikes again. Truly the degeneracy of the Mayo knows no bounds.


Haitians made us honorary blacks after we helped them fight ageinst Napoleon. Kinda cringe, but at least i can say nigger.

We wuz legionnaires n shit

I'm gona personally demage your copy of cyberpunk

hey, I was just gonna say "Hussars" but I actually took the time to look up a more era-appropriate term so really you should be thanking me for the effort

>four foiled right-wing terror plots in the span of two days

the chemtrails must be really dank this week.

They are getting last.

They must have an intern on the HAARP Machine.

Dude what if the chem trails were actually weed trails and the government is getting us stoned?

woah man


Three... these two tards didn't have any plot, they just called for violence online.

They also had bomb-making and other 'how to be a terrorist' literature but you're otherwise right I suppose

Wait, besides the Dallas incident and this, what else was there?

Wow. Why are these fuckers so incompetent? Compared to Islamic terrorists, they seem like they have every advantage in the world when it comes to fooling security forces (just ask yourself where you'll find more undercover cops, a mosque or wherever mayo outcasts congregate). And yet Islamists not only manage to form relatively large terror networks, which you'd think would disadvantage further them since every new conspirator is another potential weak link, but their attacks actually are pretty devastating when they move to execution.

These guys, OTOH, can live in a country where firearms are plentiful and easily acquired, and it's a big accomplishment if the cops even deem them dangerous enough to use lethal force.

there are plenty of feds in the kkk and on white supremacist websites

Yeah, but mosques are really, really heavily watched. Even city police departments have admitted to sending undercover officers to Friday prayers and recruiting informants from among the congregants.

they probably do the same for white supremacist groups

Common factor? All young mayo moids. Just a coincidence I'm sure.

So that brings the count up to 4 in as many days for rightoids going full ideology of peace? Impressive!

And their biggest accomplishment in all of that was scoring an own-goal in Dallas 🤣🤣🤣

Sure is gettin frenly out there

Terrorism and criminality were encouraged, as was the transgression of what it caricatured as slavish morality, with sexual violence and paedophilia both advocated.

Based and absolutely fucking mental-pilled

Woah dont touch princess meg 😡😡😡

Why not? Everyone else has.

These guys probably didnt that's why they're so maf

General government when

When will we finally wake up and deal with the Polack menace

this is, like, your one good take ever. Wait, are you an imposter??

So they’re pro mayocide?

He's still has a dildo molded over a form of Stalins dick in his ass.

In online comments, Dunn-Koczorowski suggested that decapitating babies would be acceptable to stop them becoming "leftist politicians" and proclaimed "terror is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death".


Well clearly he is at least pro choice.

Literally 100% of leftist politicians were once foetuses.

Wtf I love abortion now.

>poles out of all people becoming white nationalists

Their grandpas should've beaten their asses harder and more frequently.

Young, dumb, and full of cum. This is why it’s important to nut. Nutting may make you swishy but holding it in makes you an extra on Game of Thrones.

In April, Szewczuk admitted two counts of encouraging terrorism and five of possessing documents useful to a terrorist.

lol is a train schedule a document useful to a terrorist who wants to go all 7/7?

Created by a small number of people, Sonnenkrieg used the internet to exaggerate its size and capabilities, with members seeking direct action from those accessing its propaganda.

Obsessed NEETs are actually pretty productive if they're doing something that's easy, repetitive, fun, and gives them a sense of autonomy. Unfortunately no-one in the real world will pay you to post dank memes and create arguments between sock puppets, as it serves no real purpose.

You may like gobbling up the same shit content, that doesn't mean the rest of us need to like your shit sandwich.


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jailed for speech

The absolute state...

The one on the right is a neckbeard the one on the left looks inbred.

Two British men

Michal Szewczuk and Oskar Dunn-Koczorowski


Michal Szewczuk, 19, from Leeds, and Oskar Dunn-Koczorowski, 18, from west London, were part of a group called the Sonnenkrieg Division.

Polish Nazis. Europe was a mistake.

reads names lmfao polacks reads rest of title AHAHAHAHAHAHA BRITAIN

Lol fuckin Slavs thinking they are white

guy on the left

tfw you're in Mii Maker and you put the eye distance slider all the way down

Finally some far-right mayo degeneracy. Am currently tired of those far-left mayo dramas.

Superb title