Peak mayo foid: Girl gets horse testicles implanted in her breasts.

95  2019-06-18 by Sehthin


Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.


  1. Peak mayo foid: Girl gets horse tes... -,,

  2. Image -,

  3. AMA1 -,,

  4. AMA2 -,,

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When a horsefoid takes it to the next level.

🐴 👞 👩🏾

I actually wouldn't say I have any of those fetishes, my fetish is entirely centered around horse genitals.

Snappy pls

Have mayos hit peak degeneracy yet?

hold my beer

idk why but her other post where she calls the horse's ballsack, "an incredibly huge fucksack" made me roar with laughter but also double over in shame for the human race

basically I had some sort of emotional seizure just now

Hi, the girl with the testi implants here I just wanted to say the "fucksack" thing is just a joking nickname we give to stud genitals. It isnt an inherently sexual thing even though I would understand why most people would think it is.

Lara I want to know every thing about you

this is too much even for me


I kinda hope all these novelty accounts are run by the same person and he's a total based neet who made millions from crypto and just sits at home snickering to himself when he blank posts

love you bby <3



I kinda hope all these novelty accounts are run by the same person and he's a total based neet who made millions from crypto and just sits at home snickering to himself when he blank posts

I don't snicker

So everyone in r/drama is retarded including me, because a simple Google search brings up nothing about this. In fact, this very thread is the top result for "horse testicle breast implants."

Which should be interesting for the FBI when they spy on my search history, but otherwise nothing from the usual clickbait sites, which tells me this whole thing is a weird troll by somebody who gets off on people being grossed out by... Really weird gross shit?

Also notice she won't post personal information yet her face is completely unobscured for the world to see.

Proof of "her" photoshop tomfaggotry can be found here, courtesy of one of Reddit's top detectives.

I can't decide whether I'm relieved or disappointed that this is all a LARP.

Lmfao. Neigh bother to her I read.


What doctor would do this


Salvadoran more like.

chinese won't do implants that large, actually.

wheres that techy chink foid with the double Gs when you need her?

she got them in thailand, iirc

a based one that doesn't care about mayo foids.

A surprising number of plastic surgeons. It's a specialty that is surprisingly devoid of ethics, and if you have thick wad of cash, they will do just about anything.

See also the hermaphrodite SRS thing that was posted a while back.

It's faker than her boobs, but lmao nonetheless.

if you milk them do you get stallion semen? If so I have an idea

How can we compete with horses? It never even began for moids.

this tbh


Horses dont have knots just saying

Is this the ultimate cuck? Finding out the woman you're sleeping with has horse testicles inside her?

Its also minor gay bestiality

Every comment asking her if it's because of __________ fetish she shoots down makes me more and more disturbed by this woman.

Like, if she just came out and said "yeah I love giant horsecocks in my ass and giant fake tits" this wouldn't be half as fucked up, even with the actual horse testicles.

The more she answers the more I'm convinced she belongs to an extremely narrow subset of fetishists in this field.

your typical furry will have a fixation on horse cock - just because it's huge and impressive looking. So will your generic zoophile (presuming they have some sort of interest in horses in general). This can go from mild, like buying an appropriately shaped dildo, to Mr. Hands level, and there's a significant barrier of entry to the genus Equus that keeps most people out of that end. This foid does not want to have sex with the horse cock, per her own claims. Hell she doesn't seem to want to have any sex at all.

In the more bizarro end of extreme fetish there are the eunuch and castration fetishists, but their fantasies are heavily emphasizing the emasculating nature of the experience, the humiliation of being unmaled. The superiority or supremacy of a bigger, better male. There's a heavy crossover with cuckholding, and homosexuality based humiliation. Since the foid is a foid this (moderately large and common) category likely does not apply.

There is a final category, which is the oddest, and narrowest. It is a specific fixation on the horse's testicles themselves, the act of castrating or removing them (often in graphic detail), often to multiple stallions at a time. Size, virility are also emphasized. Note how prominently in the proof shot the castration picture is displayed. Note how graphic it is, with the testicles out and clearly visible. She didn't just get horse nuts, she had to get the biggest possible horse nuts accessible. It specifically echoes certain art that is produced in fringe areas of the MLP/Furry/Zoophile communities. There's a couple specific content creators that cater to this. Often the porn contains the implication that the testicles are being 'harvested' or gathered for some useful economic purpose. The poster talks in other threads about 'aesthetic' and perceptions of fertility and masculinity, and enjoying 'milking' the stallions.

TLDR; Poster likely has an extremely specialized paraphilia around horse gelding, explaining the exclusion of normal sex and evasieness in explaining the fetish in detail. Being more specific would enable people to start linking usernames used elsewhere where she hasn't been so careful about personal details.

I look forward to a universal tribute of puking face emojis.


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Good bot but you forgot this > 🤢🤢🤢

Fuck off with the kinkshaming, this is a sex positive zone

Super interesting read honestly, Im sorry my fetish disturbs you and I know its confusing to most people since its hard for me to put into a very specific like set of words. Anyway I just wanted to say I dont have a castration fetish, also I dont have accounts on other websites talking about my fetish if thats what your thinking(it seems like you are).

You said you don't wear a bra, but with boobs that big it seems like doing certain tasks would make them clap around or slammed into things you don't want them to, not to mention long term sagging?

Also, is the silicone enough to preserve the testicles over time? It seems dangerous to have horse parts sitting in your body that can decay, especially when you consider body heat especially around the chest area.

No need to apologize. Disturbing is my bread and butter. I've seen far worse to be honest. This also doesn't seem to be pathological, immediately self-harming, harmful to others, your community or society as a whole.

You'll forgive me skepticism, in my experience this level of fetishism rarely exists in a complete vacuum. There's typically a community, encouraging, expanding and escalating. If it's in complete isolation, that's actually more interesting. Are you sure you've never perused the work of someone like say, LostDragon? The fetishes you're expressing are very much in line with that community. I applaud you for either refusing to participate in the greater filth of the internet, or for refusing to admit to it.

I'll also maintain my skepticism regarding castration. You can make a case that is a normal part of equine husbandry, but castration fantasies are often tied to themes of power, idolization of virility. You've taken that from three stallions, unless I have miscounted, stripped them of it, and implanted their testicles in your breasts, one of the more visible signifiers of human female sexuality. There's a lot of potent erotic symbolism packed up in that. You report that you intensely fetishize and idolize equine genitals, their virility etc, so my assumption would be that you would be repulsed by the notion of this violence done against them. Yet you've participated in it and taken it into yourself. That, to me, speaks of at least ambivalence, if not more. My observation is that there's a very large overlap in this and the objects of fetish that you're describing. I certainly can be wrong - you just don't see many women expressing this sort of thing.

You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

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I just really never have had the time to explore online fetish stuff my schedules almost always packed and the time I do get to browse the internet I usually spend reading the news of watching youtube, reddit is something I only come on to for a few minutes a day if that. Its 6 pairs not 3. I think you have a point with the themes you mentioned they definitley do play a part in my fetish but I still wouldnt say I have a castration fetish, or atleast its not a conscious thing.

you're a disgusting, disgusting human being and you don't deserve to exist.


based explanation imo.

I wonder how much money I could make if I let some guy castrate me, hmm...

My fetish is centered on the testicles thats basically it, I did go into some detail with people in my amas but I wouldnt blame you for missing that if you just skimmed over the comments.

At least it’s from a mammal. Wasn’t there a woman who went to a third world country for plastic surgery and she got caulk or cement in her face?

She love da caulk.

You're thinking of the Black chicks in Florida who got liquid cement injected into their asscheeks which later rotted their flesh.



This is why Allah ordered Shari'a Law to keep the foid from destroying herself.

And of course, she's a mayo.

is there any end to mayo degeneracy?

Mayo foids should have less rights than everybody else.

You may not like it, but this is what peak alpha looks like.

What the fuck is wrong with her

The fuck is wrong with people

Example 2957381 of why people need Jesus

Finally, I can say "look at the cojones on her" and not get bullied by pedantic nerds

are the russians behind this fake news too?

>starts AMA, hardly answers any real questions.

I don't know why I expected any different, but somehow I'm still disappointed.

what in the fuck

Whats a mayo foid?

white woman.

how often do you molest the genitalia of your horses?


Why do you refuse to answer, Lara?

This is fake though, correct? Your r/funny post looks extremely photoshopped, and you haven’t post anything that would convince them that this is real

What if they?... pop????

so some poor fucker's gonna rub his face and dick all over some horse testicles without knowledge.

Dude, I just fucking vomited at the thought of it.


The disturbing part isn't that she was retarded enough to do it, that's given for foids, the disturbing part is that she found a doctor willing to.

So if you feel her up that’s second base with her and third base with the horse?

It's over for WorldAroundEwecels