Chapotard wanders into r/HistoryMemes with an edgy joke about the Crusades being terrorism, proceeds to get destroyed by people who have actually bothered to read a book before

49  2019-06-18 by MikeHuntIsAnAsshole


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If I ever see you in real life I'll fucking make you eat cement. You got that, bitch? If it wasn't your mom coming downstairs to the basement each night to bring you a plate of chicken tenders, you would be dead with droll running into the cracks of your cheeto dust covered keyboard. I bet you weight about 400 pounds and have a string tied to your dick you use so you can piss. The fact you have to keep making new accounts suggest you need a new hobby. Stop being a piece of shit troll and find something creative to do. You only have so much time left before your arteries clog and Coonrod lowers your 2000 pounds casket into the ground with a fucking crane.


  1. Chapotard wanders into r/HistoryMem... -,,

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Well that didn't take long lol


Lads can he get anymore based?

Chapotards’ eternal boner for Islam makes literally zero sense. Especially considering almost all of them are trans cuties.

as a chapo, my eternal boner is actually for cathars and livonian pagans

Cathars were based

The cathars deserved what they got.

Constantinople deserved what it got


What about Roman north Africa?

Stop impersonating me, you fuck. How sad does your chud life have to be to devote hours to a (really bad) parody of an anonymous internet leftist?

You know this is a really lame way to start an impersonation account, you all always start out like this

"Start"? My account is months old, bitch.

I wish I could relive the Albigensian Crusade.


Baltic Pagans deserves worse tbh

Imagine like thinking the crusades was a good thing because Islam bad

Imagine actually having a thought process like that

Islam just lives eternally in your mind rent free, it's a nice place to be

Seething Fatimidcel

t. Sultan Arslan


The first crusade was good, change my mind commie.

The funny part is, if you actually criticized Islam to Islamists, they'd fucking kill you. Instead, you shitpost on reddit for the free "I hate my mayo self" updoots.

It really makes you wonder why some people are so heavily invested in painting all of European history as evil and wrong. Really makes you wonder...

Persia was awesome and based indeed

Rome was more based.

t. Khosrau

Also friendly reminder the Persians were innocent good boys who dindu nothin and those filthy FUCKING GREEK BARBARIANS deserved death and worse.

This but wholeheartedly unironically

Imagine caring about any history that takes place more than 10 nautical miles off the coast of the United States

One constant among each of the Crusades was that most of the participants were just shitbags who'd happily kill anyone for the opportunity to loot a penny off of their body, even the Christians they were supposedly there to help.

That's some asshole behavior, but it's not really terrorism.

Holding Christians 900 years ago to the standards of Muslims today to own the conservatards 😎😎😎