Local dramatard gets Dracarys'd by capeshitters

66  2019-06-18 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


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Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


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Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny


This thread is better than the one he made himself lmao

It is in the sense that it has a better title, was posted earlier, and doesn't seem like an attempt to try to use /r/Drama as a personal army.

Which is really sad, because Houston actually used context in his submission, and despite fighting with retards, he's right.

People from /r/freefolk calling others "kneeler" after what the sub has become are like people from TD calling others an NPC. They may have come up with it, but that label was tailor-made for them.

"Tbh you cannot underestimate how big they messed up.

GoT was probably THE most influential TV series of our time. It was a global cultural phenomenon like none other .

To rush and ruin the finale of such a show for generic disney cash grab is a big fuck you to the fans."

A chapo wrote this comment....why am I not suprised, a bootlicker to a tv show.

I still can't believe how many of these people so obviously fucking obsessed with a show like this didn't notice it going down hill years ago. Like, you're so comically over-invested in this swordshit tv show that you think it's literally all anyone in the world cares about.... but you didn't start to get a little worried halfway through season 4 when things really started to detour from the source material.

Of course, we all know the answer is all of these types who have no personality except watching whatever popular TV / Movie franchise is currently hot literally can't read nor would ever want to read a book, and don't actually turn on any media until told to by their peers.

The battle of the bastards was the red flag that the show was going to shit for me. The show started to become how can we get Jon snow to almost die and save him.

I could forgive the drone and dany freeing slaves part of the show sucking because that stuff sucked in the books.

The people that were hyped for the final season deserved to be let down. Season 7 was just as rushed and sucked ass.

Dany freeing the slaves was book plot you numpty.

The battle of the bastards was definitly the first sign of DnD only response to plot threads they didnt know how to deal with was to just kill them all like they did with bran, the tyrells, the faith, dorne, the golden company.

No shit dude

It was their fantasy for 7 seasons, some white savior, who was probably trans (couldn't give birth to kids, was a pet mom), colonizing and disrupting the order of black and brown savages. Season 8 really threw a wrench on their supreme mayocractic fantasy when actual people who didn't need order and saving were burned.

Mayos really can't accept the reality of what its like to own 3 beasts of peace: sometimes they'll attack people who don't need saving.

Thing is, there'll be some new shit dumped on tv in a few years and that chapo will claim it as the next "most influential TV series of our time".

Given the meme ideologies most plebbitors follow, it's hardly surprising, after all they use tv/movies/music as a form of lifestyle adornment to explain why their life is better than yours.

GoT was probably THE most influential TV series of our time. It was a global cultural phenomenon like none other .

Even in sci-fi fantasy there's Star Trek, Doctor Who, weebshit (e.g. Transformers and Astroboy), Twilight Zone, Blackadder, X-Files, Buffy; most of which are at least comparably important.

A chapo wrote this comment....why am I not suprised, a bootlicker to a tv show.

mfw large multinational entertainment conglomerate doesn't provide better swordshit for me to illegally download.

To rush and ruin the finale of such a show for generic disney cash grab is a big fuck you to the fans.

Ironically, they are just mad that they did not get the Disney ending they expected. They want a Disney ending with more violence and more titties. That's all they care about.

Superior link

This time I'm not handing out my customary 1 day ban because this is a great contribution, and also because the other guy shat the bed with that title.

HIS NAME WAS GeauxHouston22

how come you didn't tag me? I've given enthusiastic consent to be pinged hard and put up wet

The admins are cruel.

Try @-ing anyone.

no u

Watched the whole thing? How did he get anything on TV other than the televangelist networks the ol' rabbit wars pick up in the bayou?

Are these absolute swordcucks seriously throwing insults derived from the tv show at him?

Everytime I try to appraise the image of the average redditor, the image gets fatter, uglier, and more pathetic.

Its super gay. Like imagine someone saying that irl lmao

Like those foids showing up in handmaid tale's garb at Brett Kavanaugh's hearing, I'm betting on it to happen.

Imagine commie mommy starting daddy's impeachment hearing with the word "Kneel" lmao

don't ask us to imagine what will almost certainly come true. our pop-culture-drunk world has yet to fail us.

I know someone like this irl. It's just as bad as you'd think.

She started off denying anything was wrong this season, then she said that sure it may seem wrong, but it's all part of a plan. As the last episodes rolled around she started getting angry about it, raging about how all her fan theories and head canons were wrong and how she could have written the show better. Now I think she's entered the "depression" stage of cope. Has yet to reach acceptance.

Lots of "kneeler!" and "part of the free folk!" being thrown around.

Have you told her about pizzashill's manifesto yet?

I'm a self-admitted throneshitter and I basically just went into this season with the hopes it would be good and the expectation it would be bad. Tbh, I didn't expect it to be as bad as it was, but after the third episode I decided to treat it like a comedy and it was a blast.

Wubba lubba dub dub. Wubba lubba dub dub to the max.

i am absolutely seething rn


For once I agree with that guy. r/asoiaf is backed up with GoT shitposts STILL

apparently thinking about the creators in the shower isn't weird at all

How much of a boomer are you to think the term showerthought is literal at this point?

GoT was probably THE most influential TV series of our time. It was a global cultural phenomenon like none other .

I'd be embarrassed if I spoke like this about a television show. I'm surprised they aren't.

To rush and ruin the finale of such a show for generic disney cash grab is a big fuck you to the fans.

Also surprised they aren't used to getting deep dicked by the mouse by now. It's kind of been his game plan since 2015.

The Dramatard is right

can you kneel any harder?

Holy shit

yeah for sure, it wasn't good at all.

I've invested literally THOUSANDS of hours into the houston texans, who have never even come close to a super bowl.

these things happen my friend

Imagine caring about the Katy Texans.

As Houstonian LSU fan too, I don’t have time for two football teams to disappoint me in the fall.

I wish we could substitute Game of Thrones autism for Sopranos autism.

Imagine if these people were around for the endings to Dallas or St. Elsewhere

The real global warming metaphor in GOT was D&D running out of material

Wait until they find out how he feels about pitbulls. lol

I loved that show. GRRM is one of the great ones. He created a world where the only black men are castrated so they can’t reproduce. One of the major plots is about keeping the immigrants out because they’ll ruin everything. The blonde haired white lady who wanted to take power back from the degenerates in Kings Landing had superior genetics that allowed her to do things like survive in fire. There were many other amazing elements. The world building and story telling by GRRM was just fantastic.

I also thought the ending was perfect. The very religious white family took the country over, the degenerates in Kings Landing were made to atone for their sins, the invading immigrants were destroyed, and all the black people got back on their boats and left the country.

10/10 would watch again.