""""Acclaimed""""" Hollywood screenwriter Max Landis has gotten #MeTood.

55  2019-06-18 by Ghdust2


Shame on your toxic ways reddit. No, Netflix didn’t pay me and no I never got paid to post on reddit or rather accepted to post sponsored posts. But it’s heart breaking to see the amount of toxicity and threats you’re willing to spew at someone for using this platform as a 4 year old hobby now. Say what you will, we’re all on here together being bored and killing time.

Some of us enjoy lurking. Some enjoy shitposting. Others moderating. And sadly some enjoy toxic harassment without reason or proof.

Be better reddit ❤️


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Not saying you need to eat only salad or anything but what you've said is reactionary and stupid.


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“I didn’t realize that I had been raped consistently and deliberately by this man for two years until today, when I wrote it down.”

Hollywood men are degenerate and support this shit. So it’s hard to care about them when they are hoisted by their own petard.

Hollywood men are degenerate and support this shit

yikes sweaty let's unpack this

ur a petard


It's over for fortificationcels

First of all, you throwin' too many big words at me, and because I don't understand them, I'm gonna take 'em as disrespect.

I can tell this is satire, but the comment in question is retarded, it’s just some keyboard warrior trying to sound smart, he could have said the exact same thing using a third of the words

he could have said the exact same thing using a third of the words

So could you. For example: "That guy retard. Not so smart,"

r/frenworld --->

Petard is a bomb. You may find it interesting that it comes from the french word for fart.

petard is a good man, a good family man

if it reads like a parody you know you're on the right track for #metoo

i honestly thought this was one of those reddit quote paraphrase posts, but nope, that's in there word for word.


Until he couldnt get me the connection to his dad that i really wanted 😤

I went to read through the article because I was so sure that that had to make some sort of sense in context and it just doesn't

How is that possible

Literally who?

His daddy chopped some dude’s head off with a helicopter blade. That’s really all I know about him.


Weird spelling of "children's", tbh


Unironically a chad

“Max’s whole entire MO was, he had a special friend group, it’s very exclusive, and you’re lucky to be a part of it. He introduced me to almost every single one of my current friends.”

Lainey*, a former friend of Landis’ whose stint in the Colour Society overlapped with Julie’s, had a similar introduction to the circle. “Max was one of the first people I met when I moved to Los Angeles. He had amassed this huge group of really cool people that he would get together for ridiculous activities. One-hundred person Nerf battles and elaborate theme parties which he casually spent 50K on. As someone who grew up with just a small group of close friends, the idea of feeling part of this crazy, creative, weird and charismatic community was really appealing. It gave me this sense of belonging I’d always craved.”

The least surprising MeToo of all time, apparently Max Landis being a creep was a public secret for years in Hollywood, and even if you weren't there, one look at the guy and he screams "rich spastic nerd who wasn't bullied enough in school because he bribed all the bullies".

At the same time, I am forever astounded at the women who still walk into Hollywood and get taken advantage of. We literally have dozens of movies talking about how miserable the industry is, how the fuck are you not on guard 24/7 against these degenerates?

Hot take but everyone including the women are doing it and the majority of metoos that come from anyone other than child actors tend to be revenge for them not getting roles

The entire entertainment industry is built on back scratching. Most talent just plays themself. We've had metoo in the porn industry.... It's definitely more regret than exploitation. They sold their bodies, but they regeted the terms. Not to mention, celebrities like Meryl Streep and Oprah supported guys like Harvey was an open secret.

I just want some straight white adult male to come out. I think those actors who have gone the Scientology route had to do some things. Tom Cruise, John Travolta or someone else had to likely sell their bussy.

It really shows how fucked Cosby was that if he wasn't a massive prick and didn't leave such a huge trail (lol) he wouldn't have ironically fucked himself in the end

Cosby's case is funny. It only really picked up it because of that Hannibal set, which he only did because he was pissed that Cosby told black guys to pull up their pants.

He offered them qualudes in his hotel room and fucked them. He was thrown under the bus for precisely the reason you said. You dont go to a famous guys room alone and take drugs he offers you if you dont plan on getting fucked.

I think those actors who have gone the Scientology route had to do some things.

I wonder what they had to do? Truly a mystery 🤔🤔🤔

Please, like you wouldn't let a bunch old creeps touch your naughty bits in exchange for some starring roles and a few million dollars. It's just the price of fame.

I'll take a bullet over starring in capeshit

fame > shame




OMG, Ive always wanted to be zoz'd

One of the most “emotionally painful” things that Landis did occurred early in their romantic relationship, Baker said. She recalled an incident, right after they had slept together, when Landis asked her if she wanted to see something “awful.” He opened his computer and showed her a “very long list” of women’s names—all of the women who he had slept with, according to Landis. “At the top was a key he had made to rank each experience as enjoyable or not, exciting or not, etc. Some of the women weren’t listed by their names, just by their ethnicity and the location of the encounter, because he didn’t know their names. He scrolled to the bottom and showed me my name, with his rankings next to it.”

It can't have been that painful if it was at the beginning of a relationship.

I'm a baller, shot caller Twenty-inch blades on the Impala Call her, gettin' laid tonight Swisha rolled tight, got sprayed by Ike I hit the highway, making money the fly way But there's got to be a better way! A better way, better way, yeah

I only read the Lil Troy lyrics and upvoted.

I kept reading trying to figure out exactly what he did only to reach the end with no answers and the realization that I wasted valuable minutes of my life on a dailybeast article.

You copy and pasted this from an incel forum but replaced daily beast and reading with watching porn. I’ve seen this pasta b4

trying to figure out exactly what he did

"Horrible things" duh!

Asking women to explain what someone did wrong before we destroy his life is so 2016.

Did you miss the multiple accusations of straight up molesting and raping women?

Do you have the reading capacity of a fourth graders or are you just unironically a pervert?

That depends. Which answer to your question will make you sperg the hardest. You can decide. It'll be like a choose your own adventure game! Also, which part of the patriarchy do you like the most?

Got it, you’re a diseased prick who’s so far up his own asshole he”ll never be able to understand what loathesome soulless waste of oxygen he is but affects a veneer of disaffection and self-awareness so that he pretend to still be a human being and hopefully drag a few other people down with him.

Reported for doxxing.

Oh c'mon, accurate though it may be, there are plenty of shitbags that fit this description on Reditt.

god i wanna ping him

It was Uptomyknees. But I think he abandoned social media shortly after the first MeToo incident

Oh no the bright writer will get kicked out of Hollywood. What a shame.

Didn't this already happen?

yep, serious deja vu vibes here

it’s really weird how misogynistic you guys are in the comments, yet you’re on a fucking drama subreddit. fucking pussies

Imagine thinking anyone who called their friend group 'The Colour Society' was cool. The name alone, especially them using the u in color, tells you everything you need to know about the people in it.

“He just continued to pull my head slowly, until it was in his lap,” Baker continued. “I was still attracted to him, we had had a sexual relationship and he knew that, but it was that I wanted to protect myself and my own emotions. I expressed that to him very clearly, and he told me that he understood. And he did understand, but he didn’t care. So I did it, and I got out of the car. And after that, we just were having sex again.”

TLDR: Narcissistic, manipulative asshole Max Landis treats his friends like shit and allegedly sexually assaults women who continue to voluntarily fuck him months/years after the alleged "assaults." Of course, the women have zero culpability or agency because their feel-feels are so strong that they couldn't possibly make responsible, adult decisions to avoid this creep.

Lastly, he may have actually raped women, but these willing "victims" really muk the whole thing up and make me question the legitimacy of all the accusations. It's possible that he's a pushy, emotionally abusive asshole who women regret fucking and that's it.

I hope jenny nicholson didn't have any bad experiences

Lol, hope red letter media brings it up