Amanda Knox returns to Dagostan to show that she's willing to forgive and forget

30  2019-06-18 by dootwthesickness_II


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


  1. Amanda Knox returns to Dagostan to ... -,

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She needs to do a collsb with OJ

Why, do you want him to off another innocent woman?


Stfu oj dindu nuffin

They're going to kill the real killers.

the foid cries out as she stabs you

Amanda Knox did nothing wrong! And even if she did, it was just a Britbong who died.

it was just a Britbong who died.

Br*ts aren't people so killing them shouldn't result in jail time, change my mind.


Why even bother at this point?

She got verified on Twitter, and I guess she doesn’t want to let that go to waste.

Genuinely surprised she hasn't been arrested yet

Yeah, if for no other reason than revenge for making the boot country look like a nation of retards.

Because she did that all by herself.

making the boot country look like a nation of retards

Italy has been doing that all by itself for at least a century now.

White Foid commits crime, leaves black man holding the bag

Truly a tale that transcends nations