Red front of the revolution!

95  2019-06-18 by Kellere31


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


  1. Red front of the revolution! -,

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Wow I even made that nice self portrait.

Can't buy a weapon for the revolution because you might kill yourself? Chapos new solution? (works in 60% of all cases) Buy a bow because you can't kill yourself with a bow!

Do you know where we don't have bows? In r/zweirama because fuck Wilhelm Tell and fuck you Misses Schneider for giving me extra homework in seventh class after I fell asleep in that boring ass theater.

ruepari-posting is better

It's like comparing an autistic downie with a downie with autism. Both are special In their own way. 🤗😍


lol krauts think they're people

Based and fletchpilled


Post it.

Can we stop the soy milk jokes? Labeling people soy is a unfunny joke and it got old awhile ago but still people say I’m soy. How do you guys find labeling people who look different “soy”?

Based and redpilled.

???? Talk like a normal person, not an alt righter.

Yikes that's part of my German heritage you insensitive swine.

Excuse me?

It's too late to apologize for your cultural imperialism.

Shut the fuck up faggot

One, I’m straight and also does it make you fweel bwig you used a big word to bwe twough?

Too obvious of a troll mang


Modern art requires lots of effort 💅🏻