Sabrina the middle aged witch dunks on lowly dramatoids

110  2019-06-19 by Oh_hamburgers_


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  1. Sabrina the middle aged witch dunks... -,,

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They're adorable. I can't even be mad. We deserve it

It's like that crazy cat crazy lady has (not me, I'd never) but you know the concept of a crazy cat that, the one that is way more cuter than the scratches she does so, you kinda can't be that mad.

I mean you know it's useless but still...

They are handling it properly, so far. Good for them. For now.

Cool wine aunts: 1 dramatards: 0

The top comment chain 😂😂😂😂

thank goodness I was banned from that shithole

Foids literally have so little self control she knows she would be over here talking shit faster than you can say “your a childless 44 year HR manager and you will die alone and no one will even notice you are gone”

You meanie! May your socks never dry and your corn flakes always be soggy!

Fuck now I want cereal.

Mmmmm... Glyphosate


Why do you hate masturbation

I grew up wanting to be peter north, and it takes self control and a strict diet to paint the Mona Lisa of cumshots on a foids face the way he does.

I stared at the bowl longingly as I poured the cornflakes out of their box. My cock started pulsating as the orange tinged flakes toppled out into the bowl. Milk soon joined them, and my throbbing penis drew closer, almost with a mind of its own.

A few strokes to get hard, and I was in. The texture, the shape, the colour, the slightly roughened, non-circular edges caressed my meat as I plunged my dick further in. I had been taking penis enlargement pills on behalf of Lynn, who desperately wanted me all the way down her throat. My dick wasn't fitting the full way in, so I figured they must be working, and how!

Suddenly the door burst open. I wheeled around to see Lynn standing there, her eyes hungrily fixated on the bowl, wedged onto my dick.

"Is it my turn yet?" she inquired.


She flicked her brown hair and winked at me, and with a final thrust my load burst all through the cornflakes.

"Yes, just in time too."

She stalked over toward me, and grabbed the bowl off my crotch. Milk and stray flakes fell from my groin as she began devouring the fresh made bowl. Corn flakes were my new god, the shape and form created an ecstasy from which I could not hold back. Lynn looked up from her bowl, and questioned me for what seemed like the thousandth time;

"Please, Jack, can you fuck me while I eat this?"

My mind started whirring, I had formed a plan, a devious plan. I would give Lynn what she wanted, while escaping from my own dilemma of not wanting to fuck her. I would pour cornflakes and milk inside her. It would be orgasmic.

She seemed to read my thoughts, and nodded. I grabbed the packet of corn flakes and she fell onto the bed and spread her beautiful, long brown legs. I opened her wide, and started jamming in fistfuls of corn flakes with my hands. I added milk, and she yelped softly. I was throbbing with anticipation already.

I directed my pulsating cock into her moist pussy, her juices flowing and mixing with the milk and flakes. I jammed it inside her, forcing the cereal further and further inside her, fucking her with all the intensity I could manage despite the utter ecstasy I was in.

Harder and harder I pushed, her face staring up at me, milk mixed with my semen dribbling down her chin, wetting her tiny tank top. It was becoming too much. I thrust further and further inside her, the mix of cornflakes and pussy juices creating an amalgam of awesome that I just could not resist mentally.

"FUCK!" I screamed, as I shot what I would call one of the biggest loads I have ever felt through her system. Sh vibrated and clenched the bowl, dropping it to the floor, were it smashed, sending the contents scattering across the room.

I had made Lynn orgasm.

She immediately jumped up after she had recovered from the pleasure of the climax coursing through her body, and leapt off the bed. She then began licking the milk and flakes off the carpet, making distinct "Unghh" noises while she was doing it. I saw her thick, firm ass cheeks from behind, her pussy dripping with milk and juice, with the occasional flake falling out.

Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him,

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I never thought I would get so aroused without taytay

It’s like barging into a strangers house and making fun of their stuff and their lifestyle

That sounds funny as shit lol, just walking into some suburban families house and roasting their bland ass decorating

It's my God given right to invade Internet forums and harrass people.

“Wow this place looks like It was decorated by people who think Olive Garden is good”

You know honey, I've always adored stone flower pots and generally the color beige.

Here, lets get this adorable wooden carving of a traditional Italian chef holding a menu!

We can put it next to the piece of driftwood with live laugh love painted on it. Where do you keep your yankee candles

Wow that’s a really need bowl of plastic fruit

I used to always take my gf there when we were younger and one time the waitress wouldn’t bring us unlimited breadsticks so we left a horrible tip in change and then we found out later they changed their unlimited policy recently and we were the assholes, not her

Yikes, that ain’t it chief.

Aand I order takeout sometimes from there. But my place is terribly blandly white people decorated

Ya this was when I was like under 21

Yikes packie, lots to unsweet here.

Wait what? They dont do that anymore?

they oughta change the name form all of garden to some of garden

Good point.

Fazoli's >>> Olive garden

Live, Laugh, Lol

That would be a TV show I'd watch.

"Who mowed your lawn? Helen fucking keller?"

Lonely legbeards anonymous

We got BTFO. 😧

We are getting curses put on us by the 100s

Inb4 we all gets final destination’d drama users drop like flies. Snally and Lawlz walking by each in the street crushed by a crane. On the way to work in traffic, the 2 tzar posters get in a head on collision. Rat whistle guy gets caught in the crossfire of the police and saruh who is robbing a 7-Eleven for hormone pills, only to be turned into a sieve by the police. Every single blank post account is on a bus that rolls off a cliff because a extremely horny randy is tweeking out of his mind on 11 days of noFap and a oz of meth.

In the end it’s just snappy and a abandoned sub.

nice to see you back fucklestick

Sadly I’m not any drama personality, in just a FNG trying to make my way through the dramaverse


I just hurt myself sneezing, maybe we are cursed

You look at all their post histories and it’s just conservative bullshit, drama, and fortnite/RDR.

was she even wrong tho

bored idiots with nothing to do

Well no shit Deborah. I work with like 80% females and god knows I’m just going to reject any idea they put out without even considering it, so excuse me if I zone out and laugh at chapo s, weeb mass shooters and cat ladies until it’s the men’s turn to do actual work.

What is the mean weight of that sub?

25 stone. Which is coincidentally the exact amount I would be comfortable throwing at them to make sure the job was done right. Our ancestors knew how to handle this properly.


game over for us bongcels

Find a more pathetic sub.

/r/selffuck maybe



Thats kinda impressive

So there's a relatively active subreddit out there about jamming your dick up your own bussy and taking a photo of it.

I feel as though society needs to purge the unclean more and more

Envy does not become you

I'm just upset because she called us MRAs. I'll have you know that I don't think men deserve any rights.

Anyways, we just got dunked on by people who's subculture/religion/cope group had it's high point with a movie that had a guy named Skeet in it.

Dateless fat catladies which think that they have superpower thinks than we are pathetic. Maybe we are, but look at the damn mirror for once, ya hairy mountains of lard.

There are a lot of people out there who could call r/drama petty or pathetic and have ground to stand on. Adults who believe in magic though? lol

Thinking patriarchy has any relevance in Western society is already immature and pathetic.

Based and non-retarded-pilled.

O no, I'd better charge my crystals and dreamcatcher tonight so that I can heal from those burns.

It’s over for meowcels.

What's worse: getting bannd from drama or getting the penis curse from wiccan feminists ?

You're not a Ravenclaw, Tammy, you're 30: The Subreddit

Mayo foids are really the most oppressed people in the world

Are witches cursed more power than sheeny curses?

Dramacels S E E T H I N G

I hope she curses me with making my house smell like a dead plant

Witches are just edgy hippies

Disappointed this isn't about the actress with the fat ass

implying we’re gaymers

Now this is an insult I will not stand for 🤢🤮

Now that's a snappy quote if I ever saw one.

Seriously, nobody wants to hang out with a bunch of mean-spirited jackasses

I mean, except other mean-spirited jackasses so it really works out for us tbqh