Qucked and chucked

17  2019-06-19 by le_epic_xd_part_2


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  1. Qucked and chucked - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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How do these people not necklace themselves knowing that even conspiritards laugh at them?

No shit, like the subreddit that thinks we can actually control the weather, takes one look at Q and is like, welp this shit is obviously fake.

How fucking stupid do you have to be to double down NUH HUH ONE TIME HE POSTED A PICTURE GUIZE

Lol, I gotta give Daddy's people credit, I figured they were too Boomer to even know about Q.

Q is the most boomer thing of all time, Boomer.

Um excuse me, my father (God rest his soul) always said to me, "Jerry your never too old to laugh but your also never too young to show some respect." Maybe you'd like to think about that more young man hahahahahahaha.

Fake, you didn't sign it

-Sent from Outlook 2009

Day of the Flavoraide when?

How's it feel OP to know your post got cucked and chucked so that some mod could earn extra updoots from their sock account?

And your title was even better LOL

The world is gay