Breadline Bernie is getting cucked & chucked in the polls by Creepy Uncle Joe; r/Politics denizens are NOT taking it well

87  2019-06-19 by Matues49


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A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


  1. Breadline Bernie is getting cucked ... -,

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Holy shit what a quote, I'm gonna have to use it sometimes



He can still win the 2016 election, honestly.


Nah you're right unironically. I see this Bernie vs. Biden thing as a repeat of Bernie vs. Hillary, and I can see Bernie pulling ahead and winning the nom. That'll be devestating for dramacoin though.

Nah it will be great for drama, just a different flavour. Remember "Bernie bros like uggghh" is a very common theme in many lib spaces

Naaah, anyone who likes the more centrist candidates like Biden, or even Yang or Bussygieg most likely won't sperg out when their candidate loses. Sure you're gonna have some woke-but-not commie libs complaining, same with the extremely woke commies who want Warren to win because she's a PoC woman but those are much more rare than your average Bernie supporter.

Season 2 of Donald J Trump's presidency is gonna be juicy. Bravo DNC.

Season 3 will be even better 😍😍😍

Its going to be beautiful... China won't last through a 2nd term of Trump

RIP in peaces ChiComCels

idk why they're freaking out, these polls literally mean nothing

remember when every poll in america had hillary destroying drumpf in 2016?

with the schools as bad as they are and the potency of modern fent, there's genuinely no predicting what the average american will do at any given moment.

He won by sub 100,000 votes in certain areas. Literally the only reason we have trump rn and was with in the odds.

Only winning by 100,000 votes. Wow that's crazy close.

Fucking COPE

What's 100,000 divided by 300,000,000? A big number?

This is the second time Ive seen you posting about 100k within 20mins of me browsing

Get over it loser, he won. Get the agendaposting out of here.

So confident he will again you're getting upset when a relevant point is made he won by small margins? No one's cares about the 2016 election or he Won 2016 was years ago. I guess when that's his biggest accomplishment it's hard for you to get over it

Rent. Free.

What a trumptard says when they can't think of anything to actually say. God forbid you pay attention to what the person who can shape policy that can effect you is doing.

I'm not an Ameritard, so his ability to affect me is limited.

Also C O P E

and the potency of modern fent


the potency of modern fent, there's genuinely no predicting what the average american will do at any given moment.

Probably OD tbh

polls give Clinton 70% chance of winning morons think this means she will get 70% of the vote and can't lose Clinton loses and morons cry that pollsters lied to them

+5 in Michigan : wrong

+7 in Wisconsin : wrong

Mostly accurate


Most the of the Poll sites gave hillary a way better chance

538 was like the only one to give Trump half decent odds, but even they got lambasted for giving him to good of odds before and to poor of odds after.

This is a retarded take. Imagine making fun of terrible schooling while not understanding statistics or polling

hoes mad

>denying the inevitable Gravelanche



Branded Juul cartridges when

I don't even know who this is, but I kind of want those rolling papers.

Never heard of him, now im developing another daddy kink, hes so based

Lmao realistically, with over 200 comments but 20 upvotes, the people who are downvoting are literally trying to censor the article.

I like how we get to see r/politics slow shift to supporting Brother Biden in real time

Just wait until the $ORO$ bux kick in

I'm sure it'll be as slow as Clinton

It's that scene in 1984 when, during a rally to support Oceania's strong alliance with East Asia against Eurasia, suddenly Oceania was at war with East Asia, and allied with Eurasia.

Banners showing friendship with East Asia were suddenly seen as the work of saboteurs. How dare someone say they were friends with East Asia... They've always been at war with East Asia.

Is that from like a famous high school book nobody else read or something?

STEP 1: Downvote any article that doesn't plug the candidate I worship.

STEP 2: Upvote every article, no matter how silly it is, for Candidates I do worship.

STEP 3: Be completely blindsided when My candidate doesn't win, even though polls have been against them for 18 months. I never saw the polls after all, I only look at news that reaffirms my belief

STEP 4: Struggle to reconcile the propaganda from my information bubble with the stark reality of my candidates loss. Conclusion: Rigging must have occurred.

STEP 5: Attack candidates that did win and make it impossible to enact a legislative agenda that i 95% support.

BONUS POINTS: for criticizing Republicans and conservatives about living in a "fox news bubble"


Now I feel dirty for calling an r/politcs-cel based.

the necksnapping turn from Trump is a sore loser to Russians rigged the election by buying facebook adds telling you to listen to what your momma says lmao

God I can't wait for 2020 👌.

Nothing yet has amused me like the young Turks 2016 great Election Day cope. I don’t know if 2020 can match up to it.

Since it's current year + x, I think it will.

The best and most dramatic result would be if there was a tie.

Can that happen ?

It won’t be as awesome, because they won’t be as surprised as they were.

However they will be shocked shook !

The COPE will be 1000% more.

Trump needs to respect the results of the election

The Russians stole everything REECOUNT

Why is it so hard to believe Americans picked wrong because Hillary was openly contemptuous of them despite being the better choice

This easily is the most based and truth pilled /r/politics comment I have ever seen.


Most dem voters want a return to normalcy

54% upvoted lol



Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he losing? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Bernie to be president and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was polling well in New York???? This is so fucked.

Why is it that some people are so devoid of a sense of humor? Naturally, I'm referring to Big Chicken Tendies's latest communiqués. To begin at the beginning, if we don't remove the Big Chicken Tendies threat now, it will bite us in our backside some day. By the bye, Big Chicken Tendies undoubtedly embarrassed itself by ceremoniously announcing that war is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength. Big Chicken Tendies is now in full retreat, shifting from clear prose to mumbled nonsense. I allege it doesn't want anyone to know that if it gets its way, I might very well suffer the pain of its wrath. While Big Chicken Tendies has a right to its opinion, even if scientific evidence established that it has achieved sainthood, it would still be the case that I can say with 100% accuracy that Big Chicken Tendies's intransigent demands are the cherry atop the out-of-touch sundae of terrorism. We can therefore conclude that Big Chicken Tendies's methods are much subtler now than ever before. Big Chicken Tendies is more adept at hidden mind control, and its techniques of social brainwash are much more appealingly streamlined and homogenized.

I plan to step back and consider the problem of Big Chicken Tendies's prophecies in the larger picture of popular culture imagery. Are you with me—or against me? Whatever you decide, just the other day, some of Big Chicken Tendies's revolting satraps forced a prospectus into my hands as I walked past. The prospectus described Big Chicken Tendies's blueprint for a world in which birdbrained toughies are free to poison the air, water, and soil. As I dropped the prospectus onto an overflowing wastebasket I reflected upon the way that Big Chicken Tendies would have us believe that our elected officials should be available for purchase by special-interest groups. That, of course, is nonsense, total nonsense. But Big Chicken Tendies is surrounded by splenetic heresiarchs who parrot the same nonsense, which is why I surely hope you're not being misled by the “new Big Chicken Tendies”. Only its methods and tactics have changed. Big Chicken Tendies's goal is still the same: to devastate vast acres of precious farmland. That's why I'm telling you that Big Chicken Tendies insists that lots of people want it to create a global workers plantation overseen by transnational corporations who have no more concern for the human rights of those who produce their products or services than Big Chicken Tendies has for its assistants. I don't know about you, but I have never met such people. I don't even know who they are. But I do know that just because Big Chicken Tendies and its torchbearers don't like being labeled as “obtrusive rioters” or “uninformed stirrers” doesn't mean the shoe doesn't fit.

It doesn't really matter why Big Chicken Tendies wants to bring ugliness and nastiness into our lives. Whether it's due to a misplaced faith in cameralism, bribes paid to Big Chicken Tendies by stiff-necked schemers, or nagging from some of the iconoclastic, uncompromising putterers in its cabal, the fact remains that that's what Big Chicken Tendies wants. What I want, in contrast, is to notify you that it believes it has a God-given mandate to use both overt and covert deceptions to redefine success and obscure failure. This is not religion or faith. This is tyranny. It's also why I believe that if Big Chicken Tendies believes that serfdom and slavery do not represent oppression unless the serfs or the slaves themselves “articulate” that oppression, then it's obvious why it maintains that some people deserve to feel safe while others do not. As I conclude this letter, let me remind you that my goal in writing it was not only to recognize and respect the opinions, practices, and behavior of others. I sought also to use this letter as a means to stop defending the complacent status quo and, instead, implement a bold, new agenda for change.

Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him,

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tfw the election is going to be a 73 year old man vs. either a 77 year old man or a 76 year old man.

Please, whoever wins the Dem nomination, at least pick either Yang or Pete as your VP.

I bet Pete would make a good bottom VP.

"not taking it well"

Literally the top comment is more based than you are. You should feel bad for your shitty drama and r/Drama should feel bad for this anti r/politics circlejerk. Y'all look like fucking SRDines.

Ah the reddit cycle.

STEP 1: Downvote any article that doesn't plug the candidate I worship.

STEP 2: Upvote every article, no matter how silly it is, for Candidates I do worship.

STEP 3: Be completely blindsided when My candidate doesn't win, even though polls have been against them for 18 months. I never saw the polls after all, I only look at news that reaffirms my belief

STEP 4: Struggle to reconcile the propaganda from my information bubble with the stark reality of my candidates loss. Conclusion: Rigging must have occurred.

STEP 5: Attack candidates that did win and make it impossible to enact a legislative agenda that i 95% support.

BONUS POINTS: for criticizing Republicans and conservatives about living in a "fox news bubble"



This isn't even cope you tard, you're just a garbage poster.



Also zoomers and their hashtags

doubling my bet for Trump

A choice between Bernie-the-forget-what-I-said-before-Hillary-is-qualified and Handsy-and-hugs-whether-you-want-them-or-not-its-only-bad-when-a-republican-does-it-Biden.

WHEN do we get a serious candidate choice between decent choices instead of picking the (hopefully) lesser of two evils?

Weekend at Bernies 2024 in production!

Daddy's gonna win anyway