Dude Gussy LMAO

29  2019-06-19 by WarSanchez


Wow, you just proved what an absolute retard you are.


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Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. Dude Gussy LMAO - archive.org, archive.today

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Gussy? More like I don't have a joke

Dude "Gussy" lmao

Lewd Bussy lmao

No shit next

That appears to be a dude bussy lmao

Does she have bobs and vagine or peen?


Has vagina and internal tested.

The documents released by sport's highest court show that Semenya responded by telling the judges that being described as biologically male "hurts more than I can put in words." The 28-year-old South African runner said she was unable to express how insulted she felt at the IAAF "telling me that I am not a woman."

Current year indeed

 the IAAF stated: "There are some contexts where biology has to trump identity."

BIG OL YIKES, my sweet summer child IAAF, who hurt you? Let's unpack this.

a 163-page decision

TLDR: Turns out right, it was a geezer the whole time!



Semen, ya

Roasted by the 'rents, ow

Yeah, the TERFs called this ages ago.

Just tell us if she has a dick or not smh.

No dick but balls inside her.

she reluctantly agreed to take testosterone-suppressing oral contraceptives recommended by the IAAF so she could continue running.

They caused significant weight gain, made her constantly feel sick, led to regular fevers and internal abdominal pain

So normal foid things?

Man, men always find loopholes to fuck foids over don't they, even to the point of getting foids to support this.