/r/houston celebrates Juneteenth

21  2019-06-19 by cfbWORKING


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  1. /r/houston celebrates Juneteenth - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Please contain your contempt, thanks.

When my family was locked in ICE detention a decade ago, I didn't turn a blind eye.

based and redpilled

Geaux I cant believe you of all people are in there arguing that a poem affixed to a statue in the early 1900s should somehow be our guiding principle when it comes to immigration. Also your defense of Adolf Hitler in there is disgusting. Jews are humans, buddy.

jews are humans, but they're mayos. even worse, fake mayos

blink twice if the lizards are threatening you

you’re just too greedy to imagine a world where billions of people are saved from suffering.

Peak mayo saviour syndrome fantasy wet dream.

Autism is just a result of salt surplus as he weeps himself to sleep every night.

A tower so ivory you can't look at it in direct sunlight.

commie cracker smugly denying brown people their lived experiences

Like clockwork

Chapos calling black people who don't agree with them uncle toms is fucking hilarious.

Damn /r/houston is based as fuck.