[FAGGOTRY] White man hates himself so much he refuses to visit restaurants where white people work

56  2019-06-19 by TheGreatThinker214


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I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


  1. [FAGGOTRY] White man hates himself ... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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They very much exist.

Wear a MAGA hat for a few days and if you don’t start fearing for your life because you don’t support THEIR views and cannot see how fucked that is then you’re part of the psychos but just can’t see it.

That’s a bot

Which one tho?

Wow I feel stupid af lmao

how does this happen

You are arguing with a robot.

Aren't we all?

Galaxy-brain reply to a bot.

So basically, “I don’t want my service to be too fast”

This is why Yakub will one day wipe the filthy mayo from the Earth.

Fair question.

It has to do with diversity and empirical evidence. I should clarify that by "white kids" I mean born and raised American caucasians (like myself).

More often than not, you will find hard working, brilliant immigrant folks in the kitchen (they are grossly underrepresented in front of the house, I might add). They bring a lot to the table and stick around. (I will leave the fact that they are also underpaid for another day)

When I see a kitchen without them, I wonder why. Is the staff too homogeneous? Are they not willing to accept others? Is the place a bad spot to work in? Is it creative? Is the food any good?

It's a quick way for me to judge the chef and the owner.

You know, some of my more cultured friends have found it weird that I haven’t “caught the foodie bug”.

I’m gonna just show them this.

Someone should explain to this guy that Juan pulling dish duty is not bringing his Abuela’s secret “muh ethnic foods” recipes to the shitty little local color joint in rural Pennsylvania. In fact, he probably doesn’t really give a shit about the “culture of food and food presentation” at all.

You know, some of my more cultured friends have found it weird that I haven’t “caught the foodie bug”.

Foodies are horrifying people, not only because they tend to be nauseatingly left wing in the bougie metropolitan sense (and not in the cool armed socialist in the woods sense), but also they either subconsciously or fraudulently start to recoil from normal food. They will claim that things you ate with them no more than 5 years ago like chili from Wendy's or Johnsonville brats make them physically ill now.


Too much of their personality becomes devoted to food. Bourgeoisie decadence and base hedonism. Both sides must rise up and crush the foodies.

Both sides must rise up and crush the foodies.

I'll be with you on the front lines. I'll bring my bluetooth speaker so we can listen to metal during


Too much of their personality becomes devoted to food.

Foodies are so devoid of personality that their "passion" is one of the few activities required of literally every single person on Earth.


You called?

Fair question.

It has to do with diversity and empirical evidence. I should clarify that by "white kids" I mean born and raised American caucasians (like myself).

More often than not, you will find hard working, brilliant immigrant folks in the kitchen (they are grossly underrepresented in front of the house, I might add). They bring a lot to the table and stick around. (I will leave the fact that they are also underpaid for another day)

When I see a kitchen without them, I wonder why. Is the staff too homogeneous? Are they not willing to accept others? Is the place a bad spot to work in? Is it creative? Is the food any good?

It's a quick way for me to judge the chef and the owner.

P E A K R E D D I T.

People say this too much, but this would be a decent Snappy quote.

He’s a folksposter

Not surprised in the slightest.

We really need the white equivalent of an Uncle Tom

I'm having trouble conceptualizing this. Wouldn't that just be a normal white person?

More often than not, you will find hard working, brilliant immigrant folks in the kitchen

Lmao this fucking idiot thinks all PoC are immigrants.

In a way, they are, except the natives, who barely exist anymore and nobody really seems to care about. More so than white people, since we built this nation from the ground up. And I guess black people, since it's not like they came here by choice. Hispanics, Arabs, and Asians, yeah, they're immigrants, even if their families have been here for a while. They saw the fruits of the American's hard work and said "yeah I'm gonna take some of that for myself", and now they're here.

I, on the other hand, REFUSE to contribute to gentrification by inserting myself into POC communities, and ONLY eat food prepared by all-white employees.

/s because someone's gonna take me seriously

I bought two dresses from a store run by a based dude from Ghana the other day because they're nice and light (people from hot countries are good at handling hot weather, who knew?) and I'm just waiting for may office's resident bitch tumblr mouthpiece to go off, cuz I know she will. Can't wait to be told how supporting small businessmen from Africa is bad for Africans.

Well, whoever sold it to you is a traitor. He should have killed you.

Why are immigrants from Ghana so based? We let the little guy who sells balloons and teddy bears and flowers into the club a little before last call every Friday and Saturday. And without fail he brings all of security candy.


r slash drama in 2019


get out

Immigrants good because muh food

He tries so fucking hard thinking he'll be spared from the mayocide

The mayos wish the hot sauces would

Mayos are horrible cooks. They don't know what spices are. Smart mayo.

It also makes me very happy to see ethnic minorities make unlivable wages