Supremely Intelligent

77  2019-06-19 by Momruepari


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


  1. Supremely Intelligent -,

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first non-snappy comment on a certified Momruepari moment!

this is epic!!!!

I award you the Momruepari Official Seal of Honor©

I award you the Momruepari Official Seal of Honor©


You somehow made him look less like a product on incest.

Congrats mom

I should start charging people to airbrush their photos

Who's this?

The one and only Pizzashill

I've given very few shits about pizzagate from inception to deflation, so I got no idea who that is.

he's an r/drama legend

I don’t know why you people give a shit about the mods on this sub. It’s so tired.

He's not a mod you fucking idiot. He's the closest thing we've had to a homegrown lolcow in years, at least since the days of Jewdank.

he's not a mod. he's a legend

newfags out

The Earl of Lemongrab

Who the fuck are you?

Many people don’t realize this, but this is what most buzzfeeds and huffington posts male (female) journalists look like.