Ugly foids rally against those who can sell their holes

22  2019-06-19 by tallcelvolcel


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  1. Ugly foids rally against those who ... -,,

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There's <10 comments, this isn't very high quality drama

This is the siren song of the landwhale. More are to come.

Marking your words.

we are at 49 currently so he was right.

True that.

I do like how sex work is being compared to working at McDonald’s, that’s pretty funny.

Flipping burgers is the new euphemism for sex workers.

I don’t touch fast food but I’d still respect a burger flipper over someone I can pay chump change to drink my cum any day.

Respect doesn’t pay a flippers rent. Eat more fast food and tip generously when you get a McFlurry.

What I like to do is unwrap a frozen tube of ground beef and then fuck a guy's hole with it. Once it begins to thaw and disintegrate I like to get my face down there to suck all the mushy raw meat and blood out while I give him a reacharound.

I prefer black pudding.

In what situation could you not physically ring up a customer and flip burgers but still be able to fuck for work lmao

You can fuck a quadriplegic, but she can't run a register.

Disappointing quantity but:

For me it's that and that if "sex work is work" then what's to stop your boss from adding blowjobs to the list of duties for your position?

Being able to add this as a job requirement would improve the job prospects of untold numbers of otherwise useless and unemployable categories of foid. Consider your average instagram thott, no marketable job skills, riding the social media betabux train until it leaves her high and dry in her 30s, likely with a kid or two, and no prospects at all. Suddenly, she's more qualified than a college educated woman.

By the time this is legalized though, the only dicks in management will be girldicks.

Break out the popsicles and get practicing r/gendercritical

Yeah but that only benefits hot or at least average looking foids not the denizens of that sub.

Walmart has managers too.

For me it's that and that if "sex work is work" then what's to stop your boss from adding blowjobs to the list of duties for your position? It's just another piece of work to be completed.

They really think this is a possibility. Let that sink in.