Nationalist monarchist ancap debates keynesian nazi socialist or something

21  2019-06-20 by Slump_o


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I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


  1. Nationalist monarchist ancap debate... -,,

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"You're a nigger!"

"Yeah well you're a jew!"

"You're a kike nigger aren't you?"

"Exactly what a nigger kike would say"

Far right infighting 101

nazism is a nigger ideology DAB

Wtf is that sub lmao, such a rightoid niche

It is god tier

Why would ancaps give a shit about eugenics?

Ideology is 100% feelings and aesthetics.

Ancaps understand really the only way their autistic belief system would work in any sort of fashion that’s just not a complete warzone or rape filled famine world is that if you had a very intelligent, genetically similar high trust society.

Why are we allowing these pedophiles freedom of speech?