Brain dead degens at dank memes showing us how sad their life is

33  2019-06-20 by g30rg3harr150n


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Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. Brain dead degens at dank memes sho... -,,

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reddit memes



Think I'd rather do time in solitary then rely on autists in r/dankmemes for emotional support but you do you my wigga

Did Lawlz post that?

That is a hatesub


I think I'd kill myself if I ever got downvoted by my good friends at r/drama.

actual dank memes banned on there too

Unlike us Dramachads, this man is sad and miserable and worse still, the average redditor. It is unfortunate for all parties involved that he did not die in that car crash.

at first I thought that post was mocking the sadness of their existences but turns out they're proud of the despair that brought them there. If you're not sure the feeling that you're supposed to feel is pity.

That fucking sub sucks. They just slap together bullshit and everyone upvotes it. It's always photo-shop too, and the images are never fitting. The chans are able to make good memes because they don't have bullshit upvoting systems, so the shit gets lost...forever. If a meme is good they replicate is all the time.