“Who is the most overrated person in history?”

36  2019-06-20 by Ghdust2


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Your personal opinion? worth as much as a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk to me. That is the absolute extent to which I care about what you think. This is where I stopped reading. I do not entertain the economic illiteracy of far leftists or far right-wing tards.

Both are equally misinformed on average, both are failures.


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Thanks Obama

Thanks Obummer

Why are so many people saying Obama? Is he really “overrated”?

Rightoids hate him, and even Democrats just view him as “pretty good president” rather than some iconic figure.

Why are so many people saying Obama? Is he really “overrated”?

Rightoids hate him, and even Democrats just view him as “pretty good president” rather than some iconic figure.

Your basic mom type who gets all their political news from The View, Anderson Cooper, and Occupy Democrats think he's the greatest thing ever.

Yeah but I feel like Hillary has a bigger cult of personality among those people, and she wasn’t even president.

Obama was the most efficient African warlord ever. General Butt Naked and Idi Amin only wish they commanded the type of goatherd-killing firepower that B. Hussein Obama had at his disposal.

Imma let you finish but my nigga Joseph Kony is #1.

lmao I forgot about him. Still didn't have drones tho

he lost to obama in 2012 stupid

Most Irish President to finish a full term o7

He's mulatto Jimmy Carter, and Jimmy Carter only loses to Gerald Ford in forgetability

Obama's successor anihilated his political Legacy in less than a year

Gerald Ford in

Ford was the president who was exactly like homer Simpson on the Simpsons plus he is one of the earliest famous examples of brain dead football players

I mean to blue checkmarks with their huge media megaphone, he’s literally Jesus squared

Living rent-free in their heads, with a lifetime salary courtesy of them. They should really be thanking him for inspiring Daddy to run for office.

Who is the most overrated person in history?”

Foids tbh.



No it's Tesla.


Stunning and brave Reddit. You simultaneously believe he doesn’t exist but if he did he wasn’t good. It’s like holocaust denial for guys in fedoras.

simultaneously believe he doesn’t exist but if he did he wasn’t good.

That is the correct position and any other position is unironically retarded.

but what about obamaaaaa

That's a really polarized thread. one cunt will get +400 for saying obama and the next will get the same number of downvotes

Nelson Mandela

Most overrated person in history is Tzar-Romulus tbh

Who is the most overrated person in history?

People from Canada

People are in Canada? I thought we needed a Wall...


Rent free

Who is the most overrated person in history?

gotta be princess diana, right?

what in the world was with the big obsession with her? she wasn't that hot, she didn't do anything interesting besides fuck an unbelievably ugly bong (even by their standards).

Boomers. They are not able to form their own opinion (this is actually a good thing because otherwise they would just be more retarded, btw), so they look at famous people like "Lady Di" on what clothes to buy and how to act and what haircut to get.

Yeah, she was not that hot. She is in fact not hot at all. So boomer foids picked her as a fashion icon because they can manage to almost look like her.

wow, this is insightful tyty

She was a moderately attractive white woman being elevated from normal society to British aristocracy, which is basically the fantasy of every burger foid who obsesses over bong royalty.

t. my mom made me watch the entire funeral procession with her on TV and that's 100% why she loved Diana.

No one said Mohammed.☹️

the real answer to that question is Michael Jordan without a doubt, considering that outside of being able to play a game pretty well over a decade ago, he's a well-documented asshole.