Apple Foid admits to being terrified of uppity blacks who wouldn't use headphones and can't ask a man to turn off his alarm.

2  2019-06-20 by DramasBussy


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I’ve lived with my ex for over a year i’m already resigned to being the hermit crab equivalent of a man. I have nothing to lose cept this bitch i already hate which makes me incredibly dangerous 🦇


  1. Apple Foid admits to being terrifie... -,

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Look, I don’t expect you to understand. This is a very uncomfortable bus ride. When I first sat down, the guy two seats back across the aisle was picking up his smoked roach, and hid it in his hair. There’s was a chick yelling and cussing into the phone. This is a late night cheap as hell bus ride where everyone looks down and keeps to themselves. My daughter and I already stick out like sore thumbs, and got some looks and attitude while finding seats. If no one else on this packed bus is going to wake the guy with the blaring alarm, I’m gonna take that as a sign that I shouldn’t either. You know those memes about “Karen”? That’s who I’m gonna look like if I “take initiative”, so I’m going to mind my business like everyone else is doing.

Asking to turn off a black man’s alarm is racist.

Btw she got cucked, it seems

Pinging is basically back with the amount of angry posters coming from that thread. 😂😂

This reads like a dumb joke

That is basically how 25% of world star hip hop videos are started.