User dares to suggest in /r/bestof that PoppinKREAM might not be the most valuable of sources on reddit

75  2019-06-20 by JOHN_OLIVER_


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People with PCOS who are too fat to defend themselves or run away are fun to abuse. I like to take a spoon, heat it up until it's glowing hot, then place it on the skin while they're asleep. The reaction when they wake up after the 25th time of being burned by a redhot piece of metal is amazing. You can literally piecemeal their mental stability down to complete insanity, then leave them in their own homes helpless and alone. :DDDDDDDDDD


  1. User dares to suggest in /r/bestof ... -,,

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Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation. Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.


What's the sauce of this pasta?


its like feeding kids foods they think they dont like lmao

>when u put peas and broccoli in the mac n cheese

Sorry, this is wrong. It should go:

Source? I need a source?

Oh, that source is biased.

I linked to 4 separate studies from hospital systems in different states in the US that showed pitbulls are ICKY. Was told that the sources were biased. Literally links to medical journals. The issue is a couple of those same studies had been linked in a anti-pitbull website, so of course they can't be trusted.

There was the study from a sociologist at Brown university about autism and transgenders that was peer reviewed by a research journal and reddit lost its collective shit about "bad sampling"

Like okay you spergs (literally) know better

Oh, you linked to a peer reviewed study done by post docs at Harvard? Well the sample size is too small and correlation does not equal causation and they probably forgot to account for something that I just thought of in the 15 seconds I spent reading the abstract

If the source says something that reddit doesn’t agree with then it gets scrutinized to hell and back. If it is something they do agree with then it is considered an unassailable matter of fact.

I remember one time someone got mad on worldnews or something that a rightard posted like 10 primary source polls about Western Muslim attitudes. The person who argued against direct pdf links from Gallup and so forth didn't counter the sources, but said that his interlocutor PROBABLY got them from a bigoted site like

thats because 90% of the time DDF do actually manage to link a source its yournewswire

What do you mean the sky is blue? I'm gonna need a source for that sweaty. Look out my window? Fuck you lmao the onus of proof is on the one making wild claims, how about you give me a source instead of telling me to look out my window.


The onus of proof is on the one making the claims.


That's why I called it a strawman argument

... are probably the most retarded counter arguments on Reddit and anyone using those should be banned or jailed.

I'm only surprised the other guy had patience to indulge a psycho.

can you imagine if we let pizzashill loose on the rest of reddit. master debaters wouldnt know what hit them!!

please find him and make him do this


Are you a debatelet? Of course the onus is on the person making the claims. Otherwise you're getting into "not my job to educate you" territory.

Of course the onus is on the person making the claims

You have some cite for that?

Otherwise you're getting into "not my job to educate you" territory.

You couldn't find tiniest straw to build that man?

You’re retarded. Prove me wrong faggot

Circular logic there, bud...

a debatelet

hol up playa watch the way you talk about my boy bean shapiro

I pray every day that someone does that to me in person so I can open hand smack them in the mouth and enjoy the terrified “oh no this is real life” look on their face.

Everyone likes to pretend they’re some fucking scientist who only get their opinions from FACTS and LOGIC. “Bias? Ha, not me m’lady. I don’t even believe in God cause I worship the almighty FACTS and LOGIC.” Back in my retarded days, I used to make an effort to source shit, but it becomes a laughably retarded effort because no matter who it was, they always dismiss shit that is inconvenient with some made up logical fallacy they read about on Wikipedia.

If you want to be master of these retards, get a STEM degree and pretend like you’re a researcher. You could tell them obviously retarded shit like men aren’t stronger than women or communist Russia was actually a good place to live and they’d probably quote you to their friends and preface every sentence with “well my friend who is a scientist says....”

People are obsessed with logical fallacies, but they should really look up the term “thought-stopping cliche”

I gave up good faith argumentation a long while ago and replaced it with Ram Ranch lyrics and Billy Herrington quotes


with some made up logical fallacy they read about on Wikipedia.

And here you go again with the tarted-up strumpet fallacy again! Ugh, I cannot stand you rightoids.

Wow can you even see right through that boogie woogie toot n fruity argument?

Why would you need a stem degree to say you're a scientist?


leaf obsessed with burger politics

Pretty pathetic, on par with rightoids who obsess over European immigration policy.

TBF European immigration has a worldwide impact. Europe and the USA/Canada are the pillars of the world. The worse they get, the worse the world gets. Immigrants usually don't improve things (just ask the Native Americans), so it's right to be concerned.

lol Europe's a continent full of irrelevant dying countries clinging to their glory days, we should only care about their politics for drama and so we can smugly say "I told you so" when they inevitably start fighting each other again over the narcissism of small differences.

Europe isn't really a pillar of the world any longer. Germany matters but China is by far the 2nd most important country to the US now. Their GDP is the only one close to the US and obviously they have 1.4 billion people.

GDP isn't everything, though. Europe is civilized. Only North America, Europe, Australia and the islands around it, and a couple countries in Asia are also civilized. Ergo I think it's important we preserve Europe.

Everyone on that continent with two braincells to rub together and a functioning spine moved out over the course of the last 200 years, why exactly should we be invested in making sure the preening, self-important morons still there don't sudoku their countries via mass migration?

Because then that's a whole continent of civilization that gets wiped out. There aren't a lot of civilized countries in the world, preserving the few there are is important, just for civilization's sake.

better fill it with raping africans then its the only solution

Raping muslims. They're not all African.

oh yeah cant forget those guys they really contribute their fair share

It's been my experience backpacking Europe twice like a good Millennial that Canadians like to talk to you about American politics. They always have helpful policy suggestions.

I member when karma whores like I-RAPE-CATS got their karma from jokes about hatefucking your mom

How boring this site has become

The popular page is just:



Made up story


Black guy doing something

Picture of my mom I want you to jerk off to


Gamer shit

Commie shit


Tweet about a “wholesome” story with the word “y’all” used somewhere

Capeshit news

Even more Blumpf

I made the mistake of looking at some of the sources claims by that idiot on some gun control thread I think it was. None of the shit she sourced actually even claimed what she said it did, or KIND of claimed what she said, but then the overall message of the source actually refuted the argument she was making.

Poppincream pretty much googles the argument they are making, takes the first few news sources that pop up, and posts and cites them. No one bothers to actually fact check and look into the sources she links to.

thing with poppinkream is that he just lists a series of events and spams a bunch of links, and lets people fill in the blanks to think they're somehow connected. morons eat it up

I think that's pretty awful on all fronts. If you have properly sourced info that goes counter to what is being argued, you have a civic duty to educate people about the facts surrounding the opposing view.

Imagine taking reddit seriously enough where you throw around sentences like “civic duty to educate.” Reddit is serious fucking business and definitely not a shitposting forum for shitty memes, mentally ill chapos, Qultists, boomers and cat gifs.


They are shot on sight, I believe.

lol that PoppinKREAM dude literally does nothing but post his own posts to a subreddit dedicated to the things he has already said

i think that's the more entertaining part of this.