Ultimate Oblivious Cuck LARP

30  2019-06-20 by _caleidoscope


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Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. Ultimate Oblivious Cuck LARP - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Honestly suprised he didn't just bite the bullet and call the imaginary guy Tyrone instead of Tyler

10 bucks he changed it from Tyrone before posting it

I need to find the foid version of a cuck that will financially support me if I want to fuck Tanisha.

After close to a year of this she started talking about the idea of bringing in another man. I was strongly against this at first. But the more I thought about it the more I realized that it’s not my place to limit her sexuality and what she wants to do with her body. So in the end I agreed to it, at first she would always go and visit them whether in at a hotel or at their home. Then she finally brought back a guy to our house. I was kinda surprised but let it happen. They stayed out of the bedroom the first few times but they later moved into there.

Jesus Christ if this isn't a larp this guy is the biggest pussy.

But the more I thought about it the more I realized that it’s not my place to limit her sexuality and what she wants to do with her body

It’s a larp

sleep on a blowup mattress outside the door and sometimes move it inside


Everyone in r_a who responded to that without saying "fake and gay" is autistic.

All it was missing was "Dear Penthouse letters, I never thought this would happen to me! There I was, washing down my tofu sandwich with a glass of soy milk when..."

I know this is fake, but to have the bull already moved in and type

Now this is where the problems start to come in.

Made my lol pretty hard

If OP was hiding under a bridge spouting riddles for passage he would still be less obvious than this.