WatchRedditDie cries in agony as frenworld is bopped, gets brigadedas well

80  2019-06-20 by IsraeliArmyWaifu


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It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


  1. WatchRedditDie cries in agony as fr... -,,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

How can one bot be so based?

We taught him well.

I commented on the bot that foxdie should come hang out lmao

I'm here at least. Whatcha wanna talk about?

How to handle multi-use tools (a phone can be a music player, book, etc) vs the specialness of single use tools (an iPod with no internet connection for example.)

Does the multi-use tool reduce the uniqueness and ultimately the value and utility of the thing it's intended to do? Does a Kindle reduce the specialness of reading because instead of having one book in front of you, you have 5,000 and are always wondering if you're reading the right thing?

Aww, I'm sorry buddy

If it makes you feel better, Hamburgers and I were the ones that unbanned you originally but we were overridden. Sorry

I don't understand legitimately. He's a lol cow. Why ban him?

Well there's two competing schools of thought on this. One is that if we don't ban the frenworlders, they overrun the sub with unfunny retardation. The other is that they may assimilate over time.

I'm generally of the mind to let a lot of them assimilate (that's what brought me back from being a powermod and had worked on others too) but I'm the low mod in the totem pole and others know how to run drama better than I.

The mdefugees def assimilated, the CAcels were too unfunny to fit in, I don't see the issue. Lol at chapos not being banned tho, if they ever do it'll be hilarious

The mdefugees def assimilated


the CAcels were too unfunny to fit in, I don't see the issue.

That was mostly because they're were so many of them, that they threatened to overwhelm the sub.

Lol at chapos not being banned tho, if they ever do it'll be hilarious

Fingers crossed

That's because the true MDE fans were closer to Dramanauts than most subs, but it all went to shit after everybody went crazy in 2016 though. MDE was great before the edgelords found it. Lack of moderation is mostly what killed it.

Speaking of moderation, it's such a delicate balancing act here. And I have to deal with my own liberal bias when trying to feel if the sub is still in the center. Trying to remember that it's probably not as right leaning as I think it is.

That being said, I don't think frenworld is much of a threat to the balance, now that I've thought about it. Most of them seem to be trolls with maybe 25% being actual unironic Nazis.

Most of them seem to be trolls with maybe 25% being actual unironic Nazis.

I keep getting downvoted for saying this but its goddamn true. If you actually think all those retards were unironic fascists you need to get your head checked. They just wanted to take the piss out of the heckin doggo crowd in the beginning and realized how much it triggered people when TMOR started writing in-depth essays on them like there was some deep meaning behind the shitposts.

Btw your modding has been fine so far. Ngl, I used to hate your guts, mostly from your powermodding shitty subs lmao but it seems your time on drama mellowed you out so you realize not everyone who happens to lean right is a monster. Keep it up ya cunt ๐Ÿ‘

Btw your modding has been fine so far.

Thanks I appreciate that.

Ngl, I used to hate your guts, mostly from your powermodding shitty subs lmao

Lol it's cool. I get it. I was deep into that pro-censorship bubble not realizing that I was just making things worse and more fractured.

but it seems your time on drama mellowed you out so you realize not everyone who happens to lean right is a monster. Keep it up ya cunt ๐Ÿ‘

Will do, Nazi ๐Ÿ˜˜

The mdefugees def assimilated

Believing this

The ones that are still here did. Do you see much mdegeneracy here?

I guess depends if spamming agendaposts any drive-by downvoting counts as "assimilated"

Everybody agendaposts. Everybody complains about agendaposts. I stopped caring a while ago.

Well at the risk of sounding whiny, a good like 90% of non-shitposts that end up on the front page for the last several months are "trans this" "chapo that" "twitter seethes at this". It's one-sided and boring with a very thin veneer of radcent.

Perhaps you're right. It would be interesting if someone tracked the political lean of the drama front page for a couple weeks.

We have more than enough 'tism here to accomplish that

But I'm too lazy to do it myself ๐Ÿ˜ž

I believe in u bby

I just clicked front page and anti Reddit left / anti daddy right is about even post wise (not that more drama from either side would suck)

You don't need to, most of them are jumping the border back into r/drama trying to get into the embassy

Why we can't ping them anyway?



I like how half the comments in that thread are literally from one dude who appears to be really angry about his micropenis.

I told someone who was using echo quotes in an anti-semetic way that he had a micropenis...

Are you talking about me?

That was awfully nice of them. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened!

Oh its mister micropenis! How very kind of you to join us!

Lmao, at this rate half the comments in this thread are going to be from that same person as well.

The rightoid cries out in babytalk as he strikes the non-friends.


excuse me fren u mean bop lol


BROILING guy here, what's up?

Still mad?

Uhm, like ZOINKS am I right?

Hey fren how does it feel when bopped?

The average jew has an IQ 15 points higher than the average white, and triple digits over the average fren

I'm back from lunch, got anything to say?

Yes, why aren't you banting/joking back the brigadiers, instead of writing cringeworthy posts and edits like a bitch?

It's just a joke after all, fren.

Yes, why aren't you banting/joking back the brigadiers, instead of writing cringeworthy posts and edits like a bitch?

Look at my post history ya dumb dumb.

Which is pretty much this in words.

i did and it's just full of you bein a lil bitch

What the fuck did you just fucking say to me you little bitch?



/r/apuworld is a non political alternative retaining all the frenlyness

Watch that shit get bopped for ban evasion lmao

You all just look like pathetic children that can't handle banter and jokes.


my fucking sides.

I've never stopped replying to people though. You're a liar.

then re-banned me

lol good. we don't need frentards and MDEcels around here.

Lmao, keep on seething you retarded faggot.

Lmao, keep on seething you retarded faggot.

You rightards ruined CringeAnarchy, better not let you ruin more great subreddits.

oh frenworld got banned? wonder where they'll go now

I think /r/clownworldwar is the last bastion of the rightoids.

You think the fatpeoplehate users just disappeared? You think that the cringeanarchy dudes just left? You think the frens are just gonna bop themselves?

The Internet has no borders or bastions. They've gone nowhere.

FPH split up into less aggressive subs. CA is currently busy trying to swarm into other subreddits like the illegal immigrants they are.

Yep. You're never going to get rid of shitlords and trolls.

Better just grow a thicker skin and laugh 'em off. Instead you all seem desperate to clutch your pearls.

What are you talking about? We let them stay if they're funny, and deport them if they're constantly seriousposting like the subhumans they are.

Hmm, pretty sure dehumanization is against reddit's rules. What a non-frenly thing to say.

American citizens have free speech, that we may bring you the word of God.

FPH was mostly catty women bagging on uglier chicks, and if you want to know where some of them went, let me introduce you to /r/illnessfakers

Hey all its me! The author of the (former) top post of the thread.

Ask me anything!


What "hate" Lmao you chapos are so fucking delusional, all I ever posted on frenworld were positive funny memes. Even comedy now is considered "hate"

These guys have the wettest brains imaginable. A fucking toad could crack their "code".

towards the end they were spamming about burning the longnoses idk what that could possibly refer to lmao

Muh nazis using retard baby speak is clearly a threat but le dog whistles

Edit: You're pussy mods unbanned me for all of 30 minutes, then re-banned me because they couldn't handle my fucking awesomeness.

you were probably banned for participating in a group that has shared premium trappysaruh pics.

monster ๐Ÿ˜ก

I tried to find the premium trappysaruh content and it is a lie

I love that this happened, and nothing pleases me more than the obvious anguish the creator is going through. I could cum to it.

one of the frenworld intellectuals said that people celebrating the ban were acting โ€œlike childrenโ€

Someone's totally not seething.

That's a weird thread, a bunch of people are posting to each other but it's like they're barely engaging with the posts they're replying to

I feel like that's the majority of discourse.


And nothing of value was lost.

Why would I be triggered when Iโ€™m too busy celebrating the sub getting banned? Also the extent of advocating violence on CTH is the 2 things I said retard.

lolcow vs lolcow - FIGHT

We won, nazi. Again.

Getting a gaymer-word hating incel subreddit banned is JUST like when granpappy btfo the German Nazis in WWII! Look pappy, you called me "Sharon's limp-wristed fag of a son" until the day you died but now I'm a hero too!

Literally, all I want is to be able to say the word Nigger on Reddit.

The ideal hill to die on

S-s-top oppressing me, I wanna be able to say nigger. Why is anti white racism so accepted???